Chapter 188 The treatment's already working

"My methods were trademarked Selina. As a businesswoman, I'm sure you can respect that. But sure, let me indulge you–"

He retracted his arms from her abdomen and faced her squarely;

"–I am officially telling you this now, this massage is only going to get a whole lot more physical."

On her rosy round cheeks, a red dash of color bloomed. Fighting to keep her embarrassment at bay, she asked;

"Just how physical are we talking about Ni Yang?"

Shrugging, he said;

"Physical enough to be deemed intimate- and intimate enough to give me access to all your unmentionables. Yes, even down there."

His words snatched the air out of the room.

Nexus could almost hear her jaws slacken as her eyes flared wide- in surprise.

Still on the bed- seated upright, and with her back against the headboard, Selina's heart skipped several beats- drumming wildly against her chest as her mouth went dry.