Chapter 199 I'm With You

Willingly, Selina parted her small thin lips- letting him take her upper lip in between his.

She moaned into his mouth as he took her in slow, passionate, tender kisses. Nexus suddenly withdrew- chuckling to himself.

"What?" she asked innocently; "Did I do something wrong?"

"Not at all babe, it's just-" he paused; "You were perfect. It's just- if we had continued, we would have probably gone on to make love three times over."

Selina's face turned bright red;

"Well I don't know about you, but I was actually going to settle for just kissing that time."

"Sure babe, sure." Nexus rolled his eyes mischievously; "If you say so. . ."

"I mean it!" she protested.

Nexus pulled her to him- feeling the heaviness of her full breasts heaving against his chest- welcoming her warmth.

"So, what now Ni Yang? What comes next?"

Nexus let a couple of seconds pass before saying;