Chapter 209 Fantasy Shape

His eyes crinkled as the angles of his face hardened.

'You've really done it this time man. . .fuck!'

Meanwhile, Crystal- who was still on her knees before him, and tugging on his rod, began to worry when she noticed his inactivity.

Lines of worry creased across her face. Her lips was still moist from the frantic suck, and her jaw was still kind of sore from the unnatural circumference of his massiveness. She had given him the best suck she had ever given anyone.

It hadn't been about feeding this time.

It hadn't been about her needs.

It had been all about him.

One hundred percent.

'He–' her inner voice cracked in her own head; '–doesn't. . .want me??'

The question echoed and rechoed- vibrating through the deepest reaches of her heart- attacking her self-esteem, and pulling at her confidence.

'But I did everything right. . .' her eyes dimmed in self doubt; '. . .I did everything- right. . .or did I?'