Chapter 245 Transfer Qi

With a swinging arc, it landed squarely on the closest tentacle, doubled back in a quick retreat- and lunged right again at the same spot- hacking and hacking- sending out clanging echoes, desperately cutting. . .slashing, and slashing in violent waves, lighting up the heavens with bright orange sparks!

"STACY!!" he yelled above the balde's frenzied attacks; "YOU CAN DO THIS!! FIGHT THIS SON OF A BI*CH!!"

He swerved his arms- flapping his sleeves against the sweeping breeze;

"I'll distract him! Keep struggling!! Keep fighting!!!" 

Stacy- too weak to scream, and too exhausted from running- could do nothing but squirm weakly. Her dropping eyelids suggested she might pass out anytime soon. Nexus' gaze darted southwards- beneath her smooth-cleanly-shaved pubis.