Chapter 250 Poisoned

The sun soaked landscape screamed in bright green, and twinkling crystals. Hot streaks of golden light flooded the open field.

Unable to shake off the image of the octopus, he spun around- letting the tail of his coat sweep against the dew soaked grass. And peered in the distance- searching the skyline for the cap of the creature's ugly bald head.

"Damn, that was close," he exhaled again; "A few wrong moves, and I would–"

he corrected himself;

"–we would have been that monster's breakfast. By the way, I think maybe we should–"


The pain filled groan came from behind- from Stacy.

Peeling his eyes away from the landscape, Nexus spun around on his heels- darting in the direction of the girl.

Immediately, pangs of awkwardness rippled through his mind- echoing loudly on the heels of the blood rushing in his head. He had completely forgot! The girl had been naked this whole time!


She cried again.