Chapter 432 The dust clouds

Meanwhile, her rubber bines helped her, twisting her arms and legs to avoid the blades cutting her skin. However, there were hundreds of the blades and some did cut her from several other places. Thanks to her power, she could easily manage to avoid the damage to the body.

She kept twisting her arms and legs to avoid as much as blades. This made her body tangled badly, but she knew how to untangle herself. Even she could do it forever, as long as it meant to protect her master and others.

The kind of strength she held was unimaginable. That's why Crystal fought with the enemy. If there would be a human or a lower ranked warrior fighting against this new enemy, they would probably be dead long ago. In fact, the enemy was surprised by Crystal's strength and skills on the battlefield.

He had enough of the fight, so again he absorbed the mana around him and sent sharp blades at Crystal.