Chapter 475

Perched at the small window, watching the midnight drama, she heard her grandfather's voice, and her skin pricked. 

She heard the tone of finality in his voice, and immediately, the scales fell from her eyes!

'No. . .' she gasped- shaking her little head; 'It can't be. . .'

Like a turbulent storm, understanding suddenly lashed down on her, realization dawned on her, rocking her boat and shaking her out of her ignorant state!

In bits and pieces, the parts all began to come together! In brief flashes, memories began to resurface again- at lightning speed! She now understood! In her tender heart, she felt her innocence shatter into a thousand pieces.

Her vision blurred slightly.

Her breaths seized.

'I've been a fool. . .' her inner voice scolded her; 'I've been such a fool. . .grandfather's the killer?'

Shock sliced through her; 

'Sweet old Drac? Why???'