Chapter 19

Isaac stopped in front of the dungeon.

"What's wrong? I-kun got tummy ache?" Rona gave a concerned look.

"No. It's just that I've been thinking about what that old man of yours said. If we need to be silent while exploring the dungeon, we need to find another way to communicate."

"Ah! Right? Maybe there's a chat function in the blue screen?"

We browse through the blue screen.

"Got it. Now let's team up." Isaac sent the team invitation.

Rona and I accepted the team invitation and joined the team chat.

Llyne: Hey! We can message through our heads. Kinda like telepathy. Cool!

Isaac: It works perfectly.

Rona: Rona here!

Isaac: Remember what I said before? Don't speak inside the dungeon. We never know what might attack us. Only use the chat room to communicate, okay?

Llyne: Be vigilant. They might launch surprise attacks at us.

Rona sent an 'OK' sticker in the team chat.

Isaac: Llyne, you go in first.

Llyne: Why not go in together?

Isaac: The main character always takes the lead.

Llyne: What main character? Have you seen a main character with shitty luck before? Maybe the main character is Rona since she's a cheat.

Isaac: Who would make a stupid person as the main character?

Rona: Rona is hungry again.

Llyne: Ok, Rona. Let's just go in together, Isaac.

Isaac: Fine. But cover me.

Llyne: Seriously?! Your defence is twice of mine, you wuss.


Llyne: You guys heard that? Is there a monster outside the dungeon?

Rona: No. That's Rona's tummy.

We stared at Rona, and her stomach growled again.

Isaac: Let's finish this game fast before she eats both of us.

Llyne: Right.

We quickly checked our equipment and walked into the dungeon.

As we stepped into the dungeon, we were surprised by the awful stench. It smelled like rotten dead bodies, blood and garbage, all mixed together. The stench could burnt someone's eyes out. I looked around the dungeon, but I couldn't find anything. There was no trace of dead bodies or anything. It was completely clean. However, the wall of the dungeon emitted an evil aura that made my skin crawled. I touched the wall and felt pulses in the wall.

Llyne: Guys, there's pulses in the wall. You don't think we are inside a living breathing monster, right?

Isaac: Are you trying to jinx all of us, you witch?

A notification screen appeared.

[Welcome to 'The Dungeon of Doom'. Participants: 6, Current Survivors: 3]

Llyne: Those 3 are already dead?

Isaac: Not shocking. They looked like they were at each other's throat.

Rona: There's holes in the wall.

Isaac examined the wall and holes.

Isaac: They're monsters.

Llyne: Will it come out and kill us?

Isaac: Let me try something.

Isaac picked up a stone and threw it to the ground. The stone hit the ground and made a sound.


The monsters on the wall extended out and ripped the stone to shred. They ate till there was nothing left and returned to their original position in the wall.

Llyne: Now I know why there's no dead bodies around.

Rona: That stone must be tasty.

Isaac: No. This is what happens if you make a sound.

Rona sent a 'shivering crying puppy' sticker.

We were sweating cold sweat as we turned around to exit the dungeon. We hoped the entrance of the dungeon was still there waving at us, but it wasn't. There was only a weird looking wall blocking our path. Feeling crushed, we could only head in one direction. To DOOM. We got ready our weapons just in case of any sneak attacks.

We proceed with caution, trying not to make a sound while we travel deeper into the dungeon. The dungeon was completely silent. There were no breeze, everything was completely still that we could hear our hearts beating out of our chest. After walking for some time, we noticed the holes on the walls were gone. We sighed in silence only to be hit by something more terrifying.

Bzzt. Bzzt.

Isaac: Those sounds like bugs?

Llyne: Not just bugs. It's FLYING bugs!

Rona: Is it edible?

Rona licked her lips with drools splashing down like waterfall.

Isaac: Go for it.

Llyne: There might be poison!

Isaac: I know. Rona, you got my full support. Go fill your belly.

Rona rushed deeper into the dungeon, but I caught her just in time.

I smacked Isaac's head.

Isaac: Stop bullying Rona.

Llyne: No eating bugs, Rona.

Rona: Boooooo!

The buzzing got louder.

Llyne: Get ready, guys!

A huge flying bug emerged. We see a health bar on top of its head.

Bzzt. Bzzt.

Rona: Bug so huge! We are like non-existence to it.

Llyne: I think we exist to it, alright.

Isaac: Let's go, guys. Llyne! Rona!

I hurled the knife at the bug and inflicted poison on it. The bug's health decreased very little and slowly.

[Damage dealt: 0]

Llyne: 0? Why? I saw a hit.

The bug was struck by confusion.

Llyne: That bug is confused? What about me? I'm more confused than that bug.

Isaac used information gathering skills. His eye's colour became lighter.

Name: Iron Wall King Beetle

LV: 10

HP: 50

MP: 18

Attack: 20

Defence: 87

Stamina: 22

Agility: 35 (-5)

Luck: 15


Passive Skill:

Hard Shell


Active Skill:


Never Give Up!




Isaac: We have to break the 'Hard Shell'. Rona, buff me with 'Merry Go Lucky!' Then use 'Taunt' and 'Iron Wall'. Llyne strike it after I've broken its defence.

Rona nodded and buffed Isaac. A light shone onto Isaac.

Isaac: It worked. Thanks, Rona.

The beetle lost the confusion state and glanced at us.

Rona used taunted skill on the beetle.

The beetle got agitated and screamed. It opened its mouth and bared its teeth at Rona. It dived towards Rona and attacked her. Isaac used his passive skill, 'Hunter's Game,' to identify the beetle's weak points. Underbelly and eyes.


Isaac shot the beetle's underbelly and broke its defence. It was stunned and floating in mid-air. We could see the health bar beginning to decrease exponentially. It was the perfect opportunity to strike, I leapt and thrust my twin blade dagger where the bullet shot through. I used my full strength and ripped the beetle into half. Some green mucus spilt out of the beetle. Rona and Isaac dodged. I landed on the ground safely with mucus all over me.

Isaac: Now it's just you.

Llyne: Whatever. By the way, I thought beetle's underbelly are tough? Why was it so mushy?

Isaac: I think it's a modified beetle. There were certain parts that seemed strange.

Llyne: Oh...? Including the fact that the beetle can fly and have teeth?

Isaac: It has levitation skill and it wasn't really a teeth, it's mandible. An insect's lower jaw.

[Condition Met. The beetle activated 'Never Give Up!']

Rustle. Rustle.

The beetle stood up with its half body.

Rona: Beetle still alive?

Llyne: What the heck. It's torn in half, and it still can move?

Isaac: Probably because of his active skill, 'Never Give Up!'.

I looked at its health bar, 10%. I equipped my scythe and swung my scythe at it.

[Instant Kill!]

[Iron Wall King Beetle has been defeated. Congratulations on your first kill. Here are the rewards.]

[EXP +1000; King Beetle armour X3; Mana Potion X3; Health Potion X3; Poison Removal Potion X1]

[Skill Level Up! Taunt Level 1 -> 2]

We wore the King Beetle armour.

[King Beetle Armour]

Def + 10

Llyne: Nice loots. Every time we level up, our HP and MP are restored.

Isaac: Let's store the rest in the inventory.

We checked our stats.

Name: Llyne

LV: 7

HP: 35

MP: 15

Attack: 60

Defence: 15 (+10)

Stamina: 98

Agility: 60

Luck: 3

Name: Isaac

LV: 7

HP: 35

MP: 90

Attack: 50

Defence: 45 (+10)

Stamina: 45

Agility: 48

Luck: 32


LV: 7

HP: 80

MP: 38

Attack: 30

Defence: 58 (+10)

Stamina: 52

Agility: 22

Luck: 70

Llyne: My stats just increased a tiny bit compared to you all.

Isaac: It might have something to do with your luck.

Llyne: My luck is still at 3...

Llyne sent an angry sticker.

Munch. Munch. Munch.

Llyne: Another monster?

We looked at Rona, and she was eating the beetle's body.

Rona: It's juicy.

[Player Rona sustains damage from poison.]

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Rona's health bar was reducing from poison inside the beetle's body.

Isaac and I: Stop eating it!

We used the Poison Removal Potion on Rona. She took a sip, and her HP stopped reducing.

[Poison removed]

Llyne: We will feed you something else but not this. This has poison in it.

Isaac: Your poison.

Llyne: Shut up!

We got Rona up, and we heard some loud noises.

Bzzt! Bzzt! Bzzt! Bzzt! Bzzt!

A swarm of angry beetles were flying our way.

Rona pointed at the swarm of beetles.

Rona: Food?

Llyne: Ehhh...Ya, sure. Why not.

After that, we continued our fight for some time.

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Skills Level Up! Dash Level 1 -> 3; Heal! Heal! Heal! Level 1 -> 2; Iron Wall Level 1 -> 2]

Llyne: We've killed so many, but we only levelled up 3 times?

Isaac: It's getting harder to level up because our enemies are lower levels than us.

Munch! Munch! Munch!

Rona enjoyed her food.

Isaac: Let's wait until Rona is done with her meal, then we proceed further.