Chapter 23

I slowly approached the woman. Pitter Patter. The sound grew louder and clearer. I didn't need to see her face to know that I'm in grave danger. The sound of water dripping turns out to be blood, and it might even be human's. The clothes she was wearing were dyed in red with human blood, and the head accessories were made from human bones. I covered my mouth to make sure I didn't make a peep as I slowly fell back. As I backed away, the woman lifted her head and turned towards me. She smiled with blood dripping down her mouth and her hands holding a burnt human body. I stared at the remains of the human body and then shifted my gaze onto her beautiful smile. I smiled back, "Since you are busy, I'll come back later. Ciao." I turned back and began running as fast as I could. I didn't know where I was running to, but I knew definitely not towards that human-eating woman.

The woman dropped the human body and transformed into an ugly looking creature. It chased after me with its sharp teeth and dislocated jaw.


Darts came flying towards me one after another. I looked behind and saw the darts were coming out of the monster's mouth. "Eww... Really?" I tried to avoid the darts, but it was too fast. Before I could dodge, the darts had already hit me.


Blood was dripping down from my arm and legs. Although the darts just grazed my arm, it felt as if my whole arm exploded.

[Warning! You have been inflicted with burn. The burn effect will decrease your HP slowly.]

"Dammit..." I gritted my teeth despite the pain and kept running. Even though I used 'Dash', it almost caught up to me, but luckily, I found an opened door right in front of me. I quickly went into the unknown area and closed the door behind me.

"Oui... What kind of place is this? My heart is overworked, beating so fast all the time, I'm telling ya!"

I sat on the ground to catch my breath.

[ Congratulations! You have survived the boss of World of Dream, Lady Lashka. Due to your enemy's level difference, you are given extra EXP.]

[You and your teammates have level up to level 37!]

[ Congratulations, skills went up! Dodge LV 7 -> 8 and Dash LV 5 -> 6]

"Level up 2 times from surviving? What level was that monster?" I shook my head. "Glad I made it back alive."

I stood up and checked my surroundings. "Everything looks fine. Where should I go now?" There was no direction to point where I should be going. I turned right. "I'll go straight here." I took a few steps, and the blue screen appeared.

[ Congratulations! You have gained a permanent debuff. 'Incurable Terrible Sense of Direction Disease'.]

"Stop screwing with me and tell me the direction!"

[Unfortunately, no doctor can cure such a disease.]

"Just point where!"

The blue screen pointed to the left.

"You could have done that sooner." I turned left and proceeded carefully.

After a long boring walk, I reached the resting area.

[HP and MP are fully recovered]

[ Congratulations, you have FINALLY reached the resting area.]

I ignored the blue screen and went towards Isaac and Rona.

Isaac and Rona saw me and got up. Rona rushed towards me.

"Lil! You're not dead!" She jumped on me and wouldn't let go.

I tried pushing Rona off me. "Rona, off now! You're breaking my back!"

"Nuuuuuuu," Rona hugged me tighter.

I carried Rona's heavy body towards the campsite.

"You got here just in time." Isaac was roasting the boar's meat.

I felt my fatigue swept away as I sat down and ate my revenge. "This boar meat is so good. Juicy and tender."

"Told you so. You guys were lucky we were able to get it. I thought we wouldn't be able to taste it anymore since it's going to be extinct soon."

"Found it, killed it and ate it. With all my blood, sweat, and tears."

Rona's face was filled with the meat's juice. "Thanks, Lil!"

Isaac looked towards me and asked. "By the way, what was that huge tremor? Do you know, Llyne?"

"It's a long story..."

"We have lots of time."

"Story? Tell!"

I sighed and told them about the battle between the boar and the monsters in the wall as well as the 999 treasure chests, which mostly turned into mimics. Lastly, the monster lady in World of Dreams.

Isaac listened carefully and said, "Wow, you got really bad luck. You met so many monsters and got almost nothing out of those 999 treasure chests. You have the worst luck among all the people I've met in my whole life."

"You don't need to say it twice, shorty." I looked at Rona, who was confused. "What's wrong, Rona?"

Rona drooled and asked, "Is that bone edible?"

"Rona, that's a human bone."

"I know. So is it?"

I took out the human bone from the inventory and gave it to Rona. "You can try it yourself."

Rona took the bone and chewed on it. "No taste..."

Isaac took the bone away from Rona. "Anyways, this team function is quite useful. I don't need to do anything, and I'm already at level 37."

"That's because I did everything and nearly died several times. What was it like being carried?"

Isaac smirked. "Awesome. So you guys want to chill first or continue to the third stage?"

"I'm fine with either."

"Rona, too!"

We got up and proceeded further on.

[Congratulation you have passed the 2nd stage. Welcome to the 3rd and final stage.]

"Oui... We finally made it. I wonder how long we took."

"You mean you took."

"You want me to choke you." I glared at Isaac.

[For the third stage, only one of you may enter. If the person failed this stage, the team will receive the death punishment.]

"Ouish! That's crazy!"

"Before we pick, do we get a hint?"


"Not even one? Cheapskate bunch."

"Since it didn't give us any, I guess we'll just choose you, Llyne."

"... Seriously? What if I die, you chipmunk?"

"It's fine. You got plot armour."

"What the heck does that supposedly mean, shortstop?"

Isaac looked at the blue screen and said, "Llyne, it is."

"I haven't agreed yet! Rona, help me!"

Rona looked at me and waved. Rona casted 'Merry Go Lucky!' on me.

"..." I was speechless by Rona's betrayal. I cried thinking that this might really be my last moment.

A door appeared in front of me.

[Stage 3 has been constructed. Please enter through this door, player Llyne.]

"Another door? They sure love doors, don't they?"

"It'll be fine. We'll be waiting for you here." Isaac assured me.

A screen appeared in front of Isaac and Rona.

[The screen allows you to view your teammate]

"We can watch you through this screen! Good luck!" Rona cheered.

I smiled. I pushed the door, and a bright light blinded me. I covered my eyes and walked into the door. "Woah! Tone down on the lighting, seriously!" I walked through the door and was welcomed by a trail of torches on the wall. Unlike the passages in the dungeon so far, there were torches lighted with flames along the deep, endless passage. I touched the wall. There was no pulse, only stone cold bricks. 'It's like I'm in an entirely different place.' I took a lighted torch and continued forward. 'This place reminds me of an underground castle in those stories.' As I walked, I cautiously studied the surrounding to make sure I don't trigger any traps. 'They should add some mosses to make it more realistic.' I giggled.


I felt a slight breeze in front. I hurried forward and saw a stair leading to an unknown place. I placed the torch on the wall. 'Why do they have make things so complicated. It's not like they're trying to win some kind of award.' I grumbled as I climbed up the stairs.

Clack. Clack. Clack.

I've reached the end of the stairs and saw a huge man in front of me. "Oui...I've been caught." I raised my hand to surrender, but the man never moved. I moved closer only to realize it was just a painting. "Whoever did this painting certainly did a marvellous job." The painting was so vivid I thought I saw an actual human. "Who is that, though?" The man in the painting did not seem like an average joe. He had a dignified look that screams, 'All Hail The King!'. I glanced to my side and found more paintings hanging on the wall. "Are those the royal families or something? Am I in a castle?" There were so many questions popping in my mind but one thing for certain is that I need to beat the boss here or else we all die. 'The boss ain't the King, right? If so, I'll be against the whole kingdom.' I laughed in despair. "Who knows, it might not be the King. Even so, the boss might be in the throne room, but where is it?" I scratched my head as I didn't know where the throne room was. "I'll go ask someone here then." I walked down the hall, hoping I'll meet someone who won't put me in jail or try to kill me at first sight.