Chapter 32 Father and Daughter?


Mr. James snapped his fingers, and everything disappeared in the blink of an eye. The ground we were on was also gone. We looked down and looked at each other.


"The ground is missing?!!"


We fell straight down and slammed on cold hard ground. We came back into the dungeon where we were locked up.

"Ugh! That hurts! Couldn't he just teleport us or something? Why does he need to make the ground disappear?!!" Isaac was super pissed off. He stood up and screamed from the top of his lungs.

I was laid face flat on the ground again. I tried to get up, but I was too lazy to. I sighed and turned my head. 'Oh? We're back. Finally.' I rolled to my back and stared at the ceiling. I didn't move an inch. "There's nothing on the ceiling." I sniffed myself. "No dung too." I closed my eyes and smiled in peace. Unlike Isaac, who was screaming like a madman, I was completely chill. Since I was used to being thrown to the ground and things smashing into me but not the dung part. I couldn't care less if I was smacked to the ground again. On the other hand, Rona was running around the dungeon like nothing had just happened. "Fun. Fun. Fun. I had lots of fun. Food. Food. Food. I tried so many different foods." Rona was happily singing like a little child that came back from an adventure.

I called Isaac and said. "Isaac, chill a bit, would you? Try to be like Rona." Isaac looked at Rona and said. "If I was 1 year old, maybe." I rolled my eyes and pointed my finger at Isaac. "Look, if this is the clean freak person talking, I'm gonna give you a good whack because I need my peace and quiet, so don't piss me off." Isaac immediately kept quiet as I laid on the ground to rest.

After a few hours, a few children appeared. They were covered in dirt and blood all over their clothes and body. We could see some were crying for their family. Some were staring blankly like they had no soul in their body. Some were panicking while there were a few standing in a corner analyzing the situation.

I glanced over and asked Isaac. "I don't remember seeing them." Isaac looked at them and said. "They might be from the other dungeons."

"Other dungeons?"

"Yup. Do you think there are only us?"

I nodded. Isaac sighed and said. "There are many other dungeons here as well. It's something like those famous television competitions that people like to watch."

"I don't watch television, so I don't know a thing."

Suddenly, a scream was heard from behind.

"Kyahh!!" A girl screamed.

I turned behind and saw a boy who had bloodshot eyes, franticly attacking people. He screamed, "Is that all you got? Huh? Give me more blood. More!" He began hitting the dungeon walls while screaming.

I took a few steps back. "We better stay far away from him." Isaac took a few steps back as well. "You don't need to tell me twice." However, we forgot about Rona. I titled my head and said. "I think we forgot something." Isaac agreed. "Me too, but what?"



Rona approached the bloodshot eye boy from behind and smiled. "Will you be my friend?" I saw Rona and nearly fainted while Isaac screamed in shock. "Rona!"

The bloodshot eye boy turned around and faced Rona. "Friend? I don't need any." He shoved Rona to the ground. Isaac and I ran toward Rona. "Rona, are you alright?" I franticly checked Rona's body for any injury. Isaac sneered at that bloodshot eye boy. Rona jumped up and said. "I'll make him my friend too!" Rona chased after the bloodshot eye boy. We were left behind and stunned.

"Oui... She didn't fall for him, right?"

"I won't give my consent!"

"She's a teenager. She can make her own decision."

"That's right! She's a teenager, not an adult. She still needs her parents' approval before she can DATE!" Isaac quickly got up and chased after Rona. "Rona!" I sat there dumbfounded. "Since when we were her parents?"

After Isaac dragged Rona back, Rona was feeling downcast. I glared at Isaac. "What did you do, shorty?" Isaac, who was still holding Rona by the collar, said. "Nothing." I smacked Isaac's hand. "Then let go of your hand already." Isaac's eyebrow twitched and said angrily. "No, I will not. Later, Rona will sneakily go meet that barbaric guy." Rona made a sad puppy face at Isaac. Isaac screamed, "I will not yield." I smacked my forehead. "Will you listen to yourself? You're acting like a stubborn old man who thinks some guy is going to steal your daughter away. She's not your daughter!" Isaac crossed his arms. "Rona is my daughter and I will not let him steal her away! That's why I'll never let those two meet!" Rona got the shock of her life and began quarrelling with Isaac. I shook my head and raised both my hands. "I give up. I'm too old for this."

After a week, Isaac and Rona were still fighting each other. They would not look or sit next to each other. "Wow... And who said people live in North and South Pole at the same time." I said sarcastically. I looked at both of them and sighed. "Will you guys quit it? It's been a few days. Look at the children over there. They're so frightened by you two. Always glaring and fighting. Stop it already. It's exhausting." They pouted and took a sneak glance at each other. "Really? Not going to reconcile? Or are you guys going to wait for one another? By then, we are all dead." Both of them grumbled. I screamed. "PATCH IT UP!" Isaac and Rona jumped and apologized to each other, then stared at me. I smiled. "Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?" They nodded. "Next time this happens, I won't be so kind anymore, understand?" Their face went pale. I chuckled and patted their head. They flinched. "Good boy. Good girl." They sighed in relief. After that, we went back to normal and were having a conversation.

I was lying down on the ground with my eyes closed, resting while Rona was writing something on the ground. Isaac approached us. "Hey, got a minute?" I opened my eyes and immediately said. "No." Isaac sat beside in between us and said. "I asked a few people how they got here." I sat up and said. "Sure you did, Mr. IMindEveryone'sBusiness." Isaac went silent for a while. I stared at Isaac and asked. "Did his battery run out or something?" Rona poked Isaac.

Isaac suddenly moved, and Rona and I jumped back. "Ah... Sorry, I was thinking. Did you guys say something?" Rona and I looked at each other and then at Isaac. Isaac looked at us puzzled. "I remember now." Isaac had a serious look. "Those children were all kidnapped. They were kidnapped by some black suit guys who claimed to be from the government."

"So?" I yawned.

"What about you guys?" Isaac asked. "For me, some black suit guys came to my class and charged me for illegally hacking into several accounts. At first, I couldn't believe it since I hid all my tracks, but they showed me their ID, and it was genuine. They were secret services from the government. I panicked and reluctantly followed them into their car. The moment I got into the car, I smelled a faint sweet smell. After that, I blacked out, and the next thing I knew, I was already here."

"That sounds cliché. What about Rona?" I turned toward Rona, who was like a child, waiting for her turn to tell her story.

"Oh! Oh! My turn! For me, I was walking back home with alcohol in my hand."

"Alcohol? Why do you have alcohol?" I asked.

"More importantly, her parents told her to buy alcohol and the seller sold it to a minor?!!" Isaac gritted his teeth.

"My parents were home and they gave me some money and asked me to buy some alcohol and groceries for them. Normally, I would explore around since it was my first time out of the house, but I came back home immediately since it's been a while since they are home together."

I glanced at Isaac and saw him on the verge of bursting out in flames. "Oui..." I patted Isaac's back to chill him down.

Rona continued. "So when I got back home, I saw a few men in suits in my living room. They were painting our house red. Though, they were doing a bad job since the paint splatted everywhere."

Isaac interrupted Rona. "Those weren't pa-"

I covered Isaac's mouth and shook my head. Isaac stared at me and let out a small sigh. "Sorry, continue, Rona."

"They said my parents planned a surprise for me and asked them to pick me up, so I followed them."

I sweated and kept silent the whole way through. "..."

Isaac tilted his head up and took a deep breath. "So, have you met your parents yet?"

"Nope, but this must be the surprise they're talking about."

"The surprised, huh..." Isaac and I smiled awkwardly.

"Ya! I was able to meet Lil and Isaac." Rona had a big smile on her face. I teared up and hugged Rona tightly. Isaac looked stunned. He looked away and covered his eyes.