Chapter 39

[Rona's side]

[3rd Level Maze]

Rona was skipping while humming happily. The bloodshot eye boy was silently following Rona from behind. He stared at Rona and sighed. "Hmm?"

Rona turned around and asked. "What's wrong? Is something bothering you? Tell Rona. Rona is friend!" Rona jumped in delight.

The bloodshot boy blushed and said. "Wh-Who's your friend? I'm not your friend."

Rona tilted her head sideways. "Hmm? You're not Rona's friend? Then what are you?"

The bloodshot eye boy thought for a while, then shook his head. "Ugh... Never mind that. Look, ermm... There's something I wanted to tell you since before, but I was too nervous to."

Rona nodded. "Well, that is..."

The bloodshot eye boy scratched his head in embarrassment. "I'm sorry about before. I-I... Ermm... I was too caught up in the moment and was a bit...aggressive. No. Too aggressive. I didn't mean to push you. I hope you will forgive me."

Rona jumped up in joy and said. "It's okay. It happens to everyone."

The bloodshot eye boy said. "I don't think so. But thanks for cheering me up. I'm also sorry for making you and your friend fight because of me."

Rona tilted her head. "What fight?"

"You and the other boy fought, remember?"

Rona stared at him. "Nope!"

He looked confused and said. "Really? But I heard you guys argued and didn't talk to each other for days."

Rona shook her head. "Isaac and I only talked. That's all."

After that, the atmosphere became awkwardly silent. Rona pouted and said. "I'm Rona. What's your name?"

The bloodshot eye boy said. "Ronald."

"That's a nice name."

"Well... You have a pretty name too." Ronald blushed.

"Ehehehehehe." Rona smiled silly.

Ronald looked away and asked. "By the way... Are you sure you want to be with me? It's better if you leave me because I'm all bad luck. You might get hurt if you're with me."

Rona shook her head furiously. "I'll stay with you till the end and more. Besides, Lil also has super bad luck."

[Llyne's side]

I made a loud sneeze. "Achoo!" I scratched my ear. "Is someone talking about me?"

The little girl jumped in surprise. "You don't think those monsters are secretly planning to ambush us so that they can rip our guts out and chew on it slowly while savouring our blood, right?"

I made a disgusted look and said. "W-what? Eww....No! What happened to your egoistic personality?"

The little girl teared up. "What are you talking about? I'm always like this... Ah! you hate me, don't you? I knew it. Everyone hates me!" She started wailing like a baby.

I frantically denied it. "What? No! I don't hate you. How could I? You are a very beautiful and lovable girl."

The little girl wiped her tears off. "Really?"

I patted her head. "Really." I thought to myself. 'Oui... What mess did I get myself into now?'

[Isaac's side]

[3rd Level Maze]

The brown hair guy stuck closer to Isaac. "There are monsters crawling everywhere. Ugh... I hate it." Isaac looked unbothered and said. "Who doesn't? Quit yapping and focus. We wouldn't want those monsters to ambush us." Brown hair guy nodded.

"Kisahh!" A monster jumped out of the mirror. The brown hair guy reacted quickly and swung his sword at the monster. The monster was sliced in half.

"Woah... This sword is really deadly. Good thing we found it in the treasure chest just now."

Isaac nodded. "Ya... And thanks."

The brown hair guy smiled. "No worries. Leave those monsters to me. I'll leave the navigation to you."

Isaac nodded and moved forward. The brown hair guy obediently followed Isaac. Isaac looked at him. 'He reminds me of a golden retriever.'

Suddenly, the brown hair guy introduced himself. "I'm Dan." He stared at Isaac, waiting for him to introduce himself. Isaac ignored him, but Dan just kept staring until Isaac gave up.

"Isaac." Isaac sighed.

Dan smiled. "Hello, Isaac! What's your age? I'm 15."

Isaac grumbled. 'If it wasn't for the punishment, I would have dumped him a long time ago.' "13."

Dan brightened up. "I see... Puberty hasn't hit yet, huh? No wonder you are still short."

Isaac grabbed Dan's collar. "Keep talking, and someone is going to lose a limb." Dan shuts his mouth and cowered in fear. Isaac stomped off. 'I should have done this earlier. Finally, some peace and quiet.'

[Llyne's side]

We continued forward. "We are almost reaching the centre." The little girl muttered. "Really? Thanks!" I smiled. The little girl smiled back. A few minutes later, we reached the centre of the second-level maze.

"Wow! Have we reached it already? That was quick. I never would have thought I would be able to reach here if it wasn't for you."

The little girl blushed and giggled. "Let's climb the ladders."


I heard a sound from somewhere. 'Click? A gun!'


I pulled the little girl back, and a bullet flew in front of us. The little girl screamed. "Kyahh!!" I pulled the girl behind me and looked around. "A monster?" The little girl covered her ears and was shaking in fear. I hugged the little girl and said. "It's okay. Everything will be fine." I patted her back. I stood up and screamed. "Come out and stop hiding, you ugly monster."

"Hah! Monster? Is that the only thing you think about?"

'A girl's voice?' I turned toward the direction of the voice.

A girl and a boy emerged from the side. The girl was holding the gun and had a nasty smile on her face, whereas the boy stood behind her and had wounds all over his body.

"Pfft... Looks like there are idiots who don't have any weapons." The girl twirled her gun around.

I stared at her gun. 'Where did she get those? Could there be treasure chests containing weapons lying around?'

The girl smirked. "Scared? Well, it's too late for that." She aimed her gun at us.

I tapped the little girl. "Can I borrow your needle?" The little girl nodded and gave me her needle.

I looked back at the girl. I shrugged. "Who would be scared of an ugly monster like you?"

The girl felt insulted and shouted. "Ugly? Monster? Are you blind? I'm the prettiest contestant. All the boys worship me." She got her gun ready and was about to shoot.

I scoffed. "You may look pretty on the outside, but you're rotten on the inside. You're not a monster, and neither are you a human. 'Cause no one will use their own kind as bait. Not even a monster. It makes you wonder, what breed are you, no?"

"Y-You... How dare you insult me!" The girl pulled the trigger and shot at us.

I quickly grabbed the little girl and ran toward the girl. I swiftly dodged all her bullets.

The girl was taken back and said. "W-What? How?"

I smiled. "I know someone who has way better aim than you."

The girl tried to pull the boy in front of her to act as her shield but was too slow. I already shoved the needle close to her neck. "Let the boy go, or I'll pierce that neck of yours."

The girl looked scared as she saw the huge needle next to her neck. She let go of the boy, and I put down the little girl. I took her gun away and retracted the needle. She fell to the ground and cried. The boy who was with her stared at her blankly.

I sighed and gave the needle back to the little girl. "Let's go." I pulled the little girl away from them.

The little girl looked at them with a sad expression. "What about the boy? What's going to happen to him?"

I pushed the little girl up the ladder. "He can think about that himself. We shouldn't get involved. Besides, we can't take care of ourselves, how do we take care of them?"

The little girl silently nodded and climbed up the ladder.

I looked back at the pair and thought. 'They're still kids, and I think the girl must have realized what she had done, right?' I scratched my head. 'It's undeniable that she used the boy as a shield but...'

I sighed and walked toward the pair. I squatted down and said. "Hey, it's dangerous here. You should move up and continue forward. Who knows, it may be better, so come on. Don't give up."

The pair looked at me as if they were lost puppies. I pulled them up and dragged them to the ladder.

"Come on. We don't have all day."

They looked at each other and nodded weakly. When we reached the third level, I pushed them forward. "Go on." They looked at me and bowed. They turned and hesitantly walked away.

The little girl looked up at me and giggled. I rubbed her head and said. "Alright, I know. Let's get going now." We happily walked into the maze.