1 History

The sun was shining brightly in the sky as it clocked noon, the rays shone on the window of a peculiar rundown apartment in the suburbs.

Junfang rose up from the bed grudgingly as the alarm rang repeatedly, he groaned as he took his phone and checked the time

He jumped up in fright and shouted "Shit! am late for work!!"

Junfang immediately ran out of his room which had no door, he took a bath quickly and rushed to wear one of the only clothing he had in his box, a plain worn out blue shirt and black faded jean shorts which had torn at the edges, he also wore a black jacket cause of the cold weather

As he stepped out of his little apartment on the second floor and locked the door, he noticed a little kitten with a deformed front paw at the entrance of the main door on the first floor on his way out, he felt pity for it and suddenly realized that this kitten had been here for about a week now and it looked like it's about to give up, surely, no one has bothered to care for it cause in this world, weakness was death but this little kitten was so cute and pitiful, although he didn't like being sympathetic or caring for strangers, he decided to do it this one time.

As Junfang approached the little feline, it raised it's head up to look at him with great effort, Junfang carried the little one into his arms with great care and said while patting it's head gently

"Little feline, am late for work now so we'll be going together, I'll care for you when I can after the boss scolds me or when am done with work but for now, you're going to have to stay in my jacket"

The little kitten meowed softly as Junfang kept it under his jacket and ran quickly to the nearest bus station

When he finally got his butt on a seat in the bus, Junfang calmed down and stroked the head of the kitten in his jacket pocket, he look at the scenery outside the bus and felt lucky he was born in this era and not in the era before abilities and other forms of strange utopians were discovered

Yes, you read that right, abilities and stellar utopians, originally, this world called Yuve was like a backward town when compared to the other worlds in the Utopia universal dimension containing main dimensions also known as worlds, there are sub dimensions which are like parallel worlds and are pretty unstable and many times numerous than the main dimensions but they were also very much smaller in comparison and were also called space cracks

As for how Yuve world found out about this, it was when an old ruins was found underground, the people who found the place discovered a lot of strange uncommon things and also accidentally activated a weird set of mechanisms which changed Yuve world greatly and all the living beings in it

A strange energy permeated into the air, after a month, the animals started reacting and changing into different forms, this change caused a huge uproar around the whole world plus the world increased by a large margin and different plants and other weird things started surfacing after two months

As for the humans, it was only after three months that some started reacting and gained strange abilities and that was when the chaos began

Well, because of the strange fluctuations Yuve world created by it's expansion, most other worlds noticed it but that was all, they couldn't go there

Some of those who gained strange powers started using it for their own good, they started attacking, robbing and committing other crimes for their selfish interests cause of greed and the power surging into their minds

Although the authorities tried to capture them, disregarding the fact they only took up forty percent of the world's population, even the weakest of them were at least two times stronger than ordinary people regardless of their specific ability

Then these people with abilities were finally given a name, ability users then was later on changed to Ceruleans as the strongest of them had heaven-shaking abilities and most ordinary people worshipped them like deities but that would be after the factual war

After three years, the ability users were still roaming about destroying, severing lives and properties even though the authorities tried to curb up the casualties, some deaths were inevitable

And during all these chaos, suddenly, a space crack appeared in the suburbs of a province in China and many people went there but then they later found out that only those with abilities could enter also due to the arrival of the space cracks, the strange energy intensified and some of those without abilities started gaining abilities but some also still didn't, these late bloomers were obviously stronger than the first arrivals by a notch

Later on, the strange energy was finally called silvaen energy which aided the ability users to grow stronger and also evolve if possible

Then the ability users which were now called Ceruleans had their strength proportion ranked according to the level of power they displayed as shown from lowest to highest:

F-rank strength higher than ordinary people by three times and are signified by one ring of light when channeling their silvaen energy into their arms to show their rank

E-rank by four signified by two rings

D-rank by six signified by three rings

C-rank by eight signified by four rings

B-rank by ten signified by five rings

A-rank by fourteen signified by six rings

AA-rank by sixteen signified by seven rings

AAA-rank by twenty signified by eight rings

Pseudo S-rank by thirty signified by nine rings

S-rank by forty signified by one crown

SS-rank by seventy signified by two crowns

SSS-rank by hundred signified by three crowns

Legendary rank and above unknown

They are also each further divided into four sub levels, early, medium, high and peak

Although the ranks are known, the highest Yuvekind has ever reached is the SS-rank, as for the ranks above, they only exist in theories and legend stories as it is believed that Yuve was once a prosperous and strong world filled with only Ceruleans through the findings of that old ancient ruins and though it has been more than a few centuries since the old ruins was found, it has not been completely explored as its depth is unfathomable, it has also been divided into seven levels, the first to fourth had been completely emptied of treasures while the fifth is still being explored, the sixth to seventh are off limits even to the SS-ranks

There were also levels for potential, your potential level determined which rank you could achieve in life and it is also known as one's life limitations, it goes as thus:

No potential - no stars - ordinary person

Low potential - one star - able to reach D-rank - takes two years to increase in sub level

Average potential - two stars - able to reach B-rank - takes one year to increase in sub level

High potential - three stars - able to reach AAA-rank - takes half a year to increase in sub level

Genius potential - four stars - able to reach SS-rank - takes three months to increase in sub level

Monster potential - five stars - unknown - takes one month to increase in sub level

But most times, even if you have a high potential, your body constitution could either increase or decrease the time needed to reach that particular level so not everyone is on the same plane

There were also ranking of beasts which were from lowest to highest universally known as:

Low levels - First to Third tier

Middle levels - Fourth to Sixth tier

High levels - Seventh to Ninth tier

Peak levels - Tenth to Twelfth tier

Ultimate level - unknown

The low to high levels were known by the number of colours their fur or scales were, for example first tier beasts had one colour, second tier beasts had two colours and so on but those in the peak levels were known by the number of horns they possessed and as for the ultimate ones, they were rarely seen and were known as ancient beasts, there were only three in the world, two known by everyone through information at the old ruins and third one mysterious

One of the two was an ocean beast called The Aquamarine Pearl Duck, the second was an air beast called The Crimson Light Dragon while the unknown third one was suspected to be a land beast

Then after that first three years of chaos, a dark day arose because one of the worlds which knew about Yuve existence tried to usurp it when they finally got access to Yuve world and cause of that, a great war broke out

The world was called Wake and although it was weaker than Yuve world, because of the disunity and greed of Yuvekind, they almost suffered a loss but after five years of war, Yuvekind finally got their senses back and joined arms to fight against the enemy

The Alliance Authority was then established and two years later, they won the war and gained access to Wake world then turned it into their sub planet while enslaving all Wakekind, it was then they found out about other worlds and the methods to activate access to each but Yuve only had complete resources to obtain Dew world but as Dew world was at a stronger tier than them, they decided to just use the resources for the development of Yuvekind

Also, each world had one race and there were only fifteen known worlds which meant fifteen races, they were also classified into four tiers from lowest to highest and as for how they are classified, it is by their strongest Cerulean:

First tier (S-rank)

Rult world - Ogre race

Gag world - Ghoul race

Qone world - Werewolf race

Sean world - Fairy race

Bru world - Minotaur race

Wake world - Centaur race

Second tier (SS-rank)

Yuve world - Human race

Oui world - Treant race

Anil world - Vampire race

Frey world - Siren race

Third tier (SSS-rank)

Curo world - Elf race

Dew world - Dragon race

Zon world - Phoenix race

Fourth tier (Legendary rank)

Ecaw world - Demon race

Jaz world - Angel race

Although each world has their own strengths and would not go to a lower world to usurp it, there are some things a lower world could have that an higher world might just need

That was when Yuve world restructured itself and was split into two as a result of the war and large oceans beasts were discovered, the ocean although surrounded by land was bigger than the land and the ocean alone encompassed sixty five percent of Yuve world which was a little too huge but that wasn't the worst

The worst was that the old ruins which used to be on land had been shifted to the center of the ocean, it was like a lone island but it was huge and took up one third of the ocean surface also the weakest ocean beast were high level beast, also cause it is common knowledge that the land beast were stronger than Cerulean by double while the ocean beasts were stronger than them by triple so only those at S-rank and above could go to the old ruins but there weren't many S-rank at that time so the AA government could only decide to give up on exploring the ruins and instead focus on the space cracks that started appearing during that time

Then, space cracks appeared at an interval of one per week then gradually decreased to one per month to one per year but majority of the space cracks were in or above the ocean

Because of the resources gotten from Wake world, space cracks and the old ruins, Yuve development in every area surged soon there were academies made to specially cater for the Ceruleans of ages between sixteen and twenty and it lasted for ten years but those who could reach C-rank in at least six years or before the ten years were over could graduate and go for any profession they were proficient in as there were tens of thousands of professional one could vie for

Also, there were only six years formal in university, the remaining four years were given as extra years to guide those who weren't able to reach C-rank and because the majority couldn't reach C-rank in six years, they decided to classify the years

The first six years were Junior First years to Sixth years while the remaining four were called Senior First years to Fourth years

There were also levels for space cracks which were

Soft class space crack where low level beast are found for F-rank to D-rank

Centre class space crack where middle level beasts are found for C-rank to A-rank

Hard class space crack where high level beast are found for AA-rank to Pseudo S-rank

Apex class space crack where peak level beasts are found for S-rank to SSS-rank

Also there were just ten major most respected professions which were alchemists, weaponsmiths, beast tamers, genetical researchers, Cerulean warrior force, traditional doctors, great teachers, ruin explorers, Space cracks defenders and assassins

Alchemists made pills and potions for numerous purposes like increase in strength, agility or healing or regeneration or poisoning and so on

Weaponsmiths obviously by their name made weapons both cold and hot weapons

Beast tamers tame beasts either for their own purposes or for others

Genetical researchers are those who research on new life forms or more information on the silvaen energy, anything strange and new goes to them to be dissected and experimented on

Cerulean warrior force are those who take in other Ceruleans and are of two types which are the Cerulean Resistance Force to capture cerulean criminals and Cerulean Explorer Force to explore a new space crack

Traditional doctors are those who use the ancient traditional methods to treat patients

Great teachers are those who possess the capability to turn a trash into a genius overtime but they don't just take in anyone because the resources to expend are not so easily gotten

Ruin explorers were those who explore newly founded ruins first before it is opened to the public

Space cracks defenders are those who after the Cerulean warrior force have explored a new space crack to the extent they could to eliminate dangers, these space cracks defenders set up defense barriers at the entrance of the space crack in the main world to block any beast trying to enter and attack the main worlds

Lastly, assassins, they are always in the shadows lurking at every corner, these guys are paid to kill anyone

Also, for those who were older than twenty six and still couldn't reach A-rank were sent to join the Cerulean force or stay back to teach new students

There are ten academies and seven of them don't take in low potential students while three out of those seven also don't take in average potential students

There are ways to increase one's potential through pills, treasures, natural medicines but everyone of those are very expensive for low to average but as for average to high, only those with real power could get the things needed for potential raising and there has been no way to raise high to genius for now

The academies are listed from weakest to strongest:

Sun Blade Academy

Thorn Wall Academy

Juxing Academy

Green Meadow Academy

Soaring Eagle Academy

Peerless Spear Academy

Crimson Tiger Academy

Flying Sword Academy

Flowing Arts Academy

Yuve Light Academy

Naturally, everyone wanted to join Yuve Light Academy as it was the strongest but if you weren't able to reach the passing marks, you won't get in no matter what power or influence you held as it was specially funded by the AA government

Academies number seven to ten take in low potential students that is why they are at the bottom

Academies number two, three and five don't take in average potential students

The reason why the number one academy takes in average potential students is cause they have the best of the best of everything as they are funded and controlled by the AA government, most of their students join the Cerulean warrior Force or Space crack defenders

The reason why number four academy takes in average potential students is cause they have only great teachers and the owner of the academy is an S-rank super powerhouse

But even though all these is present, those who can't get past the examinat noonions can't go to that academy

And also, the time for the examinations are set according to the position of the academy on the board, the exam period is set at two months for the number one academy, one and a half months for the number two to five academies and one month for the number six to ten academies by the AA government

Each academy can only start the examination when the academy above them in position has finished theirs for regularity and also for those who couldn't get into the university of their choice to be able to get into at least one of the academies