A Curious Creature

 After some more contemplation, Flux realized he was too hasty in his conclusion.

'No. That's not necessarily true...This could still be Earth, just different from what I know?'

'Perhaps this Earth is that of the future, long after the Holy War? Hmmm- No, I doubt it. There's no way humans would survive after what that Bastard said.' Flux tried to cope with this new reality as violent thoughts of tearing the False God apart flashed through his mind

As he sat there, taking in the alien beauty of the forest, he inwardly contemplated the origins of this world. He couldn't determine if it was truly Earth or not, as he held no memories or knowledge of this world's current state.


After realizing that he could not be sure about anything until further investigation of this world, Flux completely focused his attention on sensing his surroundings when he suddenly noticed something strange.

After focusing his Sense, hundreds of thousands of small odd specks of light began to emerge from thin air, as they quickly covered the entirety of Flux's sense radius. The small particles of light were everywhere: In the ground, air, trees, plants, bushes, and even on himself.

New particles began to appear, as existing particles gravitated towards him like a magnet. The particles gave off a mystical feeling and made Flux want to touch them. However, whenever he broke his extreme concentration on his sense in an attempt to touch the particles, they would vanish.

'What are these? They remind me of holy energy, but they feel different in a way...familiar yet unfamiliar?'

'I can sense holy energy amidst this crowd of particles. Though faint, it is present within these energies...'

Flux didn't know what to make of the situation. He continued to observe the flowing particles when he remembered something the False God had said.

'I remember that bastard saying something about the other energy sources. At that time I didn't know what he was talking about, but could this be what he had been saying? Is this perhaps what he was talking about? So-called energies, different from Holy Energy, but able to do similar things?'

Flux Racked his brain as he concluded: 'Without sufficient knowledge, I won't understand anything.'

To determine what these myriad of particles were, he needed knowledge, knowledge that wouldn't be found by idling in this forest.

'If I use the same understanding of the golden light particles, which represent Holy Energy, then these other light particles should also be some sort of energy. Whether I can use it or not, has yet to be determined.' Flux thought inwardly as his current situation was quite precarious, he needed power, and he needed it fast.

'If I want answers to all my questions, I need to leave this forest. But as of right now—I'm immobile...' His thoughts were in chaos. 

Now that he'd realized his goal: Knowledge, he needed to find out how to escape this forest and reach a civilization that could provide him with answers. But before he could even do anything, he already ran into a problem with his plan: 'I'm a baby who has very little motor control over their body, and am also stuck in a dark forest likely filled with monstrous beasts. I'm like a ripe fruit waiting to be eaten.' Flux Angrily thought, being reduced to this state had truly troubled him. 

Just as he began to contemplate ways on how he could prolong his life for the next year until he could somewhat move, he heard subtle shuffling in the bushes behind him.

'What?! How could something get past my sense, I didn't even detect a trace of them until now?!' Flux inwardly exclaimed as he examined the surroundings for creatures.

Two humanoid figures slowly walked out of the foliage as a voice in a language that he could not understand broke the silence of the night.

The voice belonged to a woman. She had Dark skin, long pointy ears and grey cloudy eyes, and by just looking at this tall woman's features, Flux could determine that she was not human. Next to her was a small figure, with similar features and a childish face. She stood at half the height of the mature creature and gazed curiosuly in Flux's direction. 

"Elvie, I've told you time and time again to always watch your footing, to never become complacent and careless with your movements, yet you continue to clumsily step throughout the forest. If there was a beast around, it would have known our exact location due to your carelessness." (Flux cannot understand this)

"I understand, mother; I'm sorry." The little girl, Elvie, feebly responded. She was truly disappointed in her results. 

"Listen, Elvie, I do not wish for you to be sorry; I wish for you to be better." 

Angela lightly scolded her daughter. They had been nearby when the mass of light, along with a disruptive pulse, descended from the sky and hit the forest. Thinking that it could be something serious, Angela slowly made her way toward the suspected crash site as her 3-year-old daughter, Elvie, followed closely behind.

'Though Elvie messed up, it's fine this time as there doesn't seem to be any threat here. Though there does seem to be something odd?' Angela inwardly contemplated as she noticed the deceased body of a human woman and a baby who still seemed to be alive in the small clearing ahead.

"Elvie, stay here while I check this out, climb up that tree, and keep watch for me okay?" Angela said to Elvie as she excitedly nodded. Elvie began to climb up a 10-meter-tall tree as Angela cautiously approached the baby.

'It seems like the mother has been dead for at least an hour, but the baby is alive, though it's making no noise. Could the woman perhaps have been chased into the forest?' Angela inwardly questioned as her heart throbbed at the thought of someone trying to kill a baby.

Her sense detected no danger and no lifeform besides the three of them in a 20-meter radius, yet she still felt that something was odd as she continued to approach the child.

However, on the other hand, Flux watched as an unknown humanoid creature slowly approached him, and because he could not deduce the intentions of the creature, he became even more nervous.

'What is this creature?! It seems to possess intelligence...And I doubt it wants me for food, it was able to get past my Sense and I can't tell what it's thinking...What could this thing possibly want from me?!'

Flux began to panic as he realized that the strange humanoid creature would be upon him soon. He racked his brain trying to understand the potential thoughts that this creature of the forest might be having, but no matter how hard he tried; he couldn't figure it out. So instead—Flux concluded.

'I need to fight this thing off somehow...' Flux understood that his attempts to do so would most likely be in vain and that even if he did manage to fend the creature off, there was still the problem of the smaller creature which was perched atop the trees, but he dispersed those doubts thinking: 'I would rather die fighting then willingly become this thing's victim...'

With that thought and the very little time he had left to make a decision, Flux began to sense the surrounding energies as his focus became locked. He would do anything to survive and get his revenge on the bastard who played with his life for over a century.

The light particles once again became visible, as Flux relied on his previous life's experience of cultivating Holy Energy to feel and command the specks. Within seconds of him willing the light particles to come to him; thousands of orbs of light had already closely attached themselves to Flux, and if one looked at him using Sense, he would appear as just a big mass of colourful light.

The air began to feel dense and humid.

"Hmm, what's happening? Why is so much energy converging in on this one area?" Angela, who was an experienced warrior thought it strange and stopped for a moment as she began to observe the surroundings using her Sense.

'What the hell?!' Using her Sense, Angela inwardly panicked as she saw hundreds of elemental particles encircling the human baby.

'If this continues, the sudden rise of energy will combine and implode, this whole area will be razed to the ground!'

With a newfound interest in this human baby and the current danger of the situation, Black ancient-looking runes appeared on Angela's body, as she disappeared.

In an instant, Angela appeared next to the baby. Grabbing him, Angela flashed once more as she appeared on the tree on which her daughter was perched. Taking her, Angela zipped down from the tree as she ran into the night, her figure quickly vanishing in the darkness.

Though Flux no longer willed the particles they still uncontrollably combined as they came to an impasse and in the next moment:


Soon after Angela's retreat, an explosion that decimated everything within a 10-meter radius erupted out, shaking the forest, sending beasts scattering, insects and animals crashing, and a speedy shockwave that skimmed the bark off of tens of trees.