The Orcs


Wood splintered and broke as Meical disappeared without a word. The wooden table he was previously at cracked in half as a figure flashed passed the door and outside. Flux focused his sense as he felt deep disturbances in the energy particles around him. 

"You!" Angela called out to the Dark Elf who barged through the door, "Where are they, the Orcs? Explain. Tell me!" She commanded, dark runes flashing across her body as the Dark Elf hurriedly sputtered, "The Orcs attacked the hunting party, many died and are being separated. The warriors guarding the east side of the town are trying as best as they can to hold them off. They need every helping hand! I have to go!" The Dark Elf said no more as he quickly ran off, dark runes flashing across his body as he disappeared from the cabin.

"Elvie listen to me. Get in the cellar now, and don't come out unless I call you by your full name, understand?!" Angela ushered Flux and Elvie near the fireplace. She overturned a hide rug covering the floor as a trapped door was revealed. 

"Mommy I'm scared…" Elvie teared up, welts of liquid streaking down her face as she looked to Angela for comfort, her usually brave bravado dissipating instantly. Shock and confusion were evident in her eyes as she looked around the now messy home. 

"I-I know honey…Please, just listen to me, I promise I'll be back. You have to be strong, for my sake, and your brother's sake." Angela ruffled Flux's hair as she gave Elvie a curt hug. Flux's face was blank and his eyes were, as usual, closed. Angela couldn't see through his thoughts as she moved quickly. Tears fell from her face as she hastily guided Elvie down the short ladder leading into the small cellar, with Flux in her arms.

"There's no time to explain," Angela said, "I know it's dark, but bear with it. I swear to you both I will be back, just stay quiet and don't move." Seeing that the cellar was good and discrete, Angela gave both of them a tight hug and kiss as she turned and slammed the trapdoor shut, covering it back up. A surge of dread and fear ran through her mind as black runes on her body glowed with an intense light. 


In a flash she was gone, making her way to Nyzen and the nearby battle.

"Don't worry Elvie, I won't let anything happen to you." Flux and Elvie were cradled in a corner together, in the small cellar. He consoled her as he felt her body shake. She sniffled quietly, attempting to mask her fear from him. She had to stay strong for him after all. 

Anger surged through Flux's mind, as did despair. His inability to do anything to help was a crushing weight on his soul, it was just like the past. 

'Orcs…' He would remember the race. He embraced Elvie as tightly and fully as he could, merely hoping for the best, hoping that his parents wouldn't die again.


Metal clashed and rang as swords and warriors struggled. Splurt! An Orc collapsed with a thud, blood spewing from its throat. The Orcs were a warrior race of immense strength and large stature. Their green figures even towering over the already lanky Dark Elves. Their bodies were muscular and powerful tools meant for war and battle. Large tusks jutted from their mouths as they slewed words and roars alike, fighting and clashing against their Dark Eleven counterparts. 

'There they are!' Angela burst forward with even more speed as she closed the distance between her and the battle. In the chaos, she could not make out Nyzen's figure, but she knew that she had to help no matter what. Angela's eyes focused as the black runes on her body shimmered. Motes of anti-light particles coalesced around her hand as it formed and materialized into an energy sword of void-like darkness.

All around her, individual battles were taking place; Dark Elves and Orcs desperately fought, flesh and bones breaking under swords and axes. Angela tensed, about to dash forward to help a Dark Elf when she noticed the glint of a weapon from her peripheral. 


The ground cracked and broke as an Orc appeared in front of her. The Orc was shocked at her dodge as it roared and slammed down once again with a huge war-axe. Angela deftly dodged the strike, her body pivoting towards the Orc's flank as she viciously slashed out. The Orc roared as blood spewed from its side, a deep gash running along its hip as fell to its knees. Swoosh! In one quick motion Angela took off his head, her eyes scanning the battlefield, 'That's one down, looks like there's about 30 more. But there's only ten of us and I don't see Nyzen.' Angela had seen many familiar faces in the battle, even the village chief Meical, yet she still didn't see Nyzen. Worry began to pour from her as another Orc caught her off guard.


Angela narrowly dodged, the axe scarring the ground as her mind re-focused. The Orc sneered, dislodging his axe as he said in rough Dark Eleven tongue, "You only dodge?!" He jeered and laughed as he lunged toward Angela. The two weapons collided as the sword of darkness shimmered and faded ever so slightly. Angela was pushed back as she gave a wry smile. Confused, the Orc looked to his chest in shock. A small dagger of darkness was dissipating from the Orc's chest, where it had pierced his lung. In a desperate move, the Orc caught Angela off guard as he threw his axe towards her. "Damn!" Angela bellowed at the unexpected attack. Dark Runes shone with a bright iridescence as her face visibly paled; in her hands, a shield of darkness materialized instantly as she weakly raised her guard. 


The shield shattered as the axe dropped, its momentum thwarted. Angela was sent flying across the field, her body only stopping after being thoroughly entrenched into the ground. "Ahh…" Angela felt a light groan of pain escape her lips. Yet she didn't provide the satisfaction of wails to the Orc warrior.

Heavy footsteps bolted towards her. 'I guess that's why they say to never underestimate your opponents…' Tears welted in her eyes, thoughts of Elvie, Flux and Nyzen washing over her. In an instant she saw the Orc warrior smashing down at her head, its huge foot threatening to pulverize her skull.


The Orc immediately stopped. Its body collapsed to the ground as Angela looked at the Orc in surprise; a quickly dissipating wind arrow had pierced through its skull, 'Nyzen!' Tears welted in Angela's eyes as she realized who it was. 

A figure soon entered her vision as his face became clear. 

"Angela, are you ok?!" Nyzen hurriedly asked as he tended to Angela's injured body. He ripped a piece of cloth from his tunic and tied it tightly around a bleeding wound on her arm as he gently lifted her. "I'm fine, just a little cut…" Angela smiled softly, her mind slipping in and out of consciousness; she had a gash that cut across her abdomen and several broken ribs.

Nyzen felt a twinge of guilt and sadness as he saw his wife so injured. He had been in the tree line, shooting arrows and picking off as many Orcs as possible when he saw Angela.

"You'll be ok, I'll make sure you're ok." Nyzen left the battle, green runes radiating on his body as a sudden gale of wind arose.


Nyzen darted through the village in a flash, making his way past houses and other Dark Elves. He quickly reached the house, its door had a small depression on it and as Nyzen entered the house, he saw the splintered table and manic situation. 'Where is Elvie and Flux?!' Nyzen frantically looked about the house, dashing to and fro.

"The cellar…" Angela quietly muttered as Nyzen quickly uncovered the trapdoor, 'They're in there?' Opening the trapdoor, Nyzen looked in as he saw Flux and Elvie embracing tightly in a corner. Flux's head was aimed toward the trapdoor, his eyes still closed as he said, "Dad, bring Mom in here; I'll make sure she's safe." His voice was calm and eerily void of emotion, and though Nyzen thought it strange, he had no time to talk or think. 

"Alright," With a nod, Nyzen went to Angela, grabbing her and slowly leveraging her down the ladder as he asked, "Can you stand?" Angela looked at him, her voice and legs shaky as drops of blood spilt to the ground, escaping the cloth, "Ye-Yes. I should be fine. Now go, go and help our people." Nyzen kissed Angela's hand dearly before closing the trapdoor. In mere moments, he was gone, out of Flux's Sense range. 

"Mom, what's happening out there?" Flux asked, "Elvie, help me get mom to sit." He muttered to Elvie. She stood shakily, helping Angela sit down alongside Flux. "The Orcs, they've attacked. You would not know them my child, but they are enemies of our race, a long feud in history still has us fighting to this day." Angela leaned against the cellar's cold stone walls, "We war for control over this great forest." Angela said no more as she closed her eyes---, she could only leave it up to Nyzen now, hoping he would live. 

The blazzing inferno that had nesstled itself into Flux's heart had now morphed into a sharp malice for the Orcs, the ones responsible for this pandemonium.