The night was calm, the gentle sway of the ship accompanied by the rhythmic crash of the waves against the hull. A dim lantern flickered in the captain's quarters, casting soft shadows on the wooden walls. Zuko sat near the window, arms crossed, eyes glued to a map of the Earth Kingdom on a table in front of him.
Iroh sat across, calmly sipping from a cup of jasmine tea. Silence hung between them, but it was a comfortable one. That was, until Zuko finally spoke.
"Uncle..." He began, voice low. "What do you think about Ren?"
Iroh raised an eyebrow, setting his cup down. "Ah, so you've been thinking about our new traveling companion. What about him?"
Zuko exhaled through his nose, eyebrows crunching into a frown. "I know he's a mercenary. And not just any mercenary—I've heard his name before. 'Rock Devil', they call him. But I don't know the details."
Iroh chuckled softly, swirling the tea in his cup. "The Rock Devil... It's quite the ominous title, isn't it? He has carved a reputation for himself. His success isn't just luck—he's cunning, skilled, and most importantly, powerful."
"How powerful?"
Iroh set down his cup, taking a breath. "It is said that he once took down the biggest raider settlement in the Earth Kingdom. Within a day, hundreds of the world's best raiders were killed. No, butchered would be a much fitting term. Not a single body lay in one piece that night. By the time Fire Nation even sent scouts to confirm what had happened, the fortress had already fallen. The river at the heart of the settlement flowed with blood for several days."
"The Butcher of Zhanhu, as it later became known." He continued.
Zuko frowned. "So he's dangerous."
"Very." Iroh admitted. "But dangerous does not always mean untrustworthy."
Zuko's fingers tapped against his armrest, his mind weighting the situation. It was an impulsive decision that he ordered his men to bring the unconscious man into the ship. He was neither sure of Ren's character, nor his motives. And uncertainly often leads to peril.
It was a gamble on his part, as uncharacteristic of him as it was. He was, however, getting desperate. He was aware that soon, the Avatar's existence would become public knowledge. And with the Fire Nation's bounty in place, he would face competition in capturing the only prize that could restore his lost dignity.
In fact, it may have already begun. He's not sure if Ren is on Kyoshi Island for the Avatar's head or not, but he's certain that it's related to the Avatar at the very least. He had taken a gamble, bringing in one of his potential rival along with the journey. He only hopes that Ren would be assisting him and not betray him along the way.
"You don't need to overthink it, Prince Zuko." Iroh interrupted his thoughts.
"Sometimes, the path we walk isn't as clear as we'd like it to be. But trust me—you don't need to worry about Ren." Iroh continued, his voice calm and reassuring.
"Why are you so sure, Uncle?" Zuko's gaze snapped to Iroh, the question slipping before he could stop it. "He's a mercenary; he dies by the coin. Loyalty is but a word to him."
Iroh took a sip of his tea, his gaze distant. "People are more than just their reputations, Prince Zuko. You've learned that much, haven't you? Those who are seen as dangerous are the very ones who can be relied upon."
Zuko frowned, still unconvinced. He opened his mouth to respond, but Iroh's smile, gentle and warm, silenced him.
"Trust comes with time, my nephew. But you must allow it to grow. You don't need answers tonight. All your doubts will be answered one day. Patience is a virtue worth following." Iroh followed.
Silenced followed as Iroh sipped his tea. Zuko sat in contemplation, eyes on the map in front of him, but his mind wandered elsewhere. He tried to understand his uncle's words and calm the waves in his mind, but it was a task far too hard for the psyche of the banished prince. Zuko's eyes landed on the Fire Nation banner on the wall, and fire surged in his eyes once more.
"It's different, Uncle. We're headed into dangerous territory—any uncertainties could be the end of it all. This is about the Avatar. Everything is at stake."
Iroh's smile softened, leaning back in his chair, sipping from his tea once more. "And it will still be there tomorrow, Prince Zuko. This journey is long, and you have much to learn. But for tonight, you need rest. Tomorrow, we have work to do."
Zuko sat in silence for a long moment, his inner conflict still evident in his eyes. He longed for clarity, but Iroh's words kept him from pressing further. Despite himself, he knew his uncle was right. They had a job to do.
With a reluctant sigh, Zuko stood up, rolling the map on the table up with a firm hand. "Fine", he muttered, though his mind was far from settled. "Tomorrow, then."
Iroh nodded, his tone reassuring. "Sleep, Prince Zuko. Tomorrow, the answers may come. But for now, you need your strength."
Zuko hesitated for a moment longer, then nodded stiffly. "Goodnight, Uncle."
"Goodnight, Prince Zuko."
Shen Guan was a huge fortress town located just southwest of Omashu. It used to be a merchant spot for trading until its eventual capture by the Fire Nation. Currently, it's being run by a Fire Nation Captain named Masaru. The Earth Kingdom symbols on the walls were covered with the Fire Nation's flags.
Just looking at it would give a former resident depression. What used to be a bustling town turned into a strategic fortress used for war. The Fire Nation really is adept at creating bleak atmospheres.
Anyway, we stopped here. Omashu is in the mountains, so we need to travel on land for quite a while. The ship was parked on the coast near Shen Guan. Zuko planned on taking all of his men, but Iroh suggested otherwise. Barging into one of the Earth Kingdom's biggest cities with a platoon of Fire Nation men would be akin to suicide. After some deliberation, Zuko ended up leaving all of his men on the ship to guard it, while the three of us infiltrate the city to find the Avatar.
Before that, however, we stopped by Shen Guan. Reason? To get some supplies for the ship and ostrich horses. The former to make sure that the men doesn't resort to cannibalism out of starvation, and the latter to make our travel to Omashu much faster.
Currently, Zuko and Iroh are having a conversation with Masaru, the Fire Nation Captain stationed in the fortress town. They're in the entrance gate of the town, with Fire Nation soldiers surrounding them for security. Probably exchanging intel and whatnot, so I didn't bother joining in. Not like Zuko will allow me anyway, he's still wary of me.
And I applaud him for that. It was stupid enough of him to take me into his ship, but being all friendly with me all the while knowing I'm a mercenary would be another level of idiocy. Mercenaries live by the coin; even if I'm really just following along for the adventure, it's not like they knew that. For all they know, I could pull a 180 faster than they could blink and betray them.
They aren't done yet, so I figured I would just sit down on a chair (made with Earthbending by yours truly) under the shade of a nearby tree. The sun just rose a few hours ago, so it's still a couple hours before noon. The morning breeze was quite relaxing, I'll give it that. The lack of pollution in this world is certainly impressive.
That aside, I began thinking about my abilities. I'm quite a powerhouse now. Well, that should be obvious given that I can bend fucking gravity. Eh, to a certain extent anyway. I have a feeling this ability goes deeper.
I thought about making a black hole attack. It sounds powerful, and most importantly, cool.
But comes the negatives: it would be a nightmare.
The idea wasn't impossible in theory. If I could compress enough mass into an infinitesimally small point, the gravitational pull would become so intense that not even light could escape, forming a singularity.
It would be a catastrophe and a half though.
Even a micro black hole would generate immense tidal forces, shredding everything within its reach. The sheer gravitational gradient would distort space-time, and if left unchecked, it could consume the very planet itself.
While I do want to be stronger, it would be rather inconvenient if the entire world disappeared in the process.
Shaking the thoughts away, I stood up from my chair and bended it back into the ground. They look like they're just about to finish so I decided to come over. The soldiers flinched, probably thinking if they should stop me or not. I just waved my hand at them, trying to signal that I mean no harm.
"I must warn you, Prince Zuko. Captain Boqin is a tactician. He may have lost Shen Guan, but he knows this region better than anyone. There is a strong possibility he has set up ambush points along the roads leading to Omashu. I advise caution."
Coming closer, I overheard Captain Masaru. The middle-aged man stood tall, dressed in the signature red and black armor of the Fire Nation. His demeanor contrasted sharply with the brutish stereotype of his fellow countrymen, radiating the aura of a calm scholar rather than a warrior.
"We'll handle it. We have no choice but to move quickly." Zuko responded, a touch of impatience in his tone.
Iroh, ever the diplomat, smiled warmly. "Your insight is invaluable, Captain Masaru. We appreciate the warning. And I must say, your interest in preserving knowledge is admirable. It is rare to see a soldier who values wisdom over conquest."
Captain Masaru allowed a small smile. "I believe the Fire Nation has much to learn from the world, not just to take from it. If we are to bring peace, we must understand those we conquer. I only hope the rest of my people come to see it the same way."
Peace through conquest. It was an oxymoron if I ever heard one. Still, Captain Masaru was a far better man than most Fire nation officers I've encountered. At the very least, I can respect that.
Noticing me coming near, Zuko glanced back. "We're heading out soon. Get ready."
"Sure, sure." I smiled, flashing a casual thumbs up. Zuko stared for a moment longer, before turning back to Captain Masaru.
Huh. Rude.
Anyway, with the supplies being delivered to the ship by Captain Masaru's men and our mounts prepared, we set off toward Omashu. The terrain was rugged, by the ostrich horses were swift yet stable.
Along the way, Zuko engaged in a heated discussion about our approach to capturing the Avatar. I mostly tuned him out, but I did listen to some of his important bits.
"We need to be precise, move quickly, and avoid unnecessary attention." is what his past 5 minutes of rambling simply meant.
We were a kilometer away from Shen Guan at this point, and the vegetation along the road had gotten too lush for comfort. I recalled Captain Masaru's words. That Boqin guy or whoever could possibly set up ambushes on the way to Omashu. We weren't directly involved with whatever disagreement he has with Captain Masaru, but being Fire Nation was enough for most people to resort to violence.
The wind carried an unnatural sound—a faint whistling, too sharp and too deliberate to be a mere breeze through the trees. My instincts flared, and my bending acted before my mind could fully register the threat. My fingers twitched and, with Metalbending, the projectile fell into my control. An arrow struck the earth with a dull thud, inches from my mount's legs.
"We're being ambushed." I said, flat. It wasn't time to be a smart-ass or a clown.
Zuko snapped his head towards me in alarm. "What?"
Before I could answer, the underbrush exploded with movement. Earth Kingdom soldiers bursts from the foliage on both sides of the road, their green and brown armor blending with the terrain. Some raised their hands, the earth beneath them shifting violently as jagged stone projectiles launched towards our general direction. From the very back, several men pulled back their bow and launched arrows at us.
Of course, it was an easy fix. Atop my ostrich horse, I used metalbending to once again shift the direction of the arrows. The projectiles did a sharp curve, penetrating the ground instead. As for the stone projectiles, it was even easier. A simple wave of a hand, and the barrage of earth changed direction and peppered them instead.
Screams echoed throughout the area, both from pain and shock of the soldiers. With my actions, Zuko and Iroh were given a chance to breathe. Zuko immediately pulled his mount to a stop, fire igniting in his palms as he prepared to counter. The ostrich horse beneath him screeched in alarm, desperate to escape the battlefield. Iroh, on the other hand, sighed and shook his head as he smoothly dismounted.
"It appears diplomacy will not be an option," he mused, his eyes turning sharp as he eyed the incoming assailants. "What a shame."
I also dismounted, planting my feet on the ground. As the vibrations climbed from the ground into my body, I was given a clear view of the locations of our enemies. I moved my hands, attempting to end this skirmish quickly.
"No need to make a move. Let us handle this, Ren." Iroh interrupted, which surprised me. "It's an opportunity for Prince Zuko to gain combat experience..."
Well... It's not like I don't want to, but—
"...and a chance for me to stretch my body a little." Iroh continued, chuckling.
"Good luck, then." I smiled.