If not friends, then enemies

"Do you need something? Want to buy something?" Sheriff sent a voice message.

Waldo burst into laughter after listening to the message. He thought to himself that Sheriff must be a politician.

Waldo believed that he could survive in the post-apocalyptic world with Alanna. Besides, he had an unlimited supply of resources, which was an absolute advantage.

Why would he join Sheriff's team?

So, without any hesitation, Waldo responded firmly, "You make a compelling argument, but I refuse."

Sheriff, who was interested in expanding his influence, was intrigued by Waldo. After all, it was evident that Waldo had abundant resources. If he could recruit Waldo, it would be a significant boost for the entire team. They wouldn't have to worry about supplies for a long time.

However, Sheriff didn't expect Waldo to reject his invitation so decisively. He couldn't comprehend why Waldo would refuse such an offer.

Sheriff believed that Waldo rejected him because he didn't see the need for it. So, he decided to appeal to Waldo's logic and emotions.

"10086, you need to understand that the zombie waves will intensify, and higher-level zombies will emerge soon. While your resources are indeed plentiful, can you guarantee that they will remain abundant? Can you sustain them throughout the resistance against the upcoming zombie waves? Remember, it's likely to be a long process."

Although Waldo wouldn't be honest with Sheriff, he still needed to stall for time. So, he replied, "Sheriff, thank you for your concern. However, you're overthinking it. I'm not boasting, but I have absolute confidence in surviving in the post-apocalyptic world. So, don't waste your time on me."

Sheriff continued, "10086, I hope you reconsider. I'll be upfront with you. If we can't be friends, then eventually, we will become enemies. I don't want that day to come."

Sheriff attempted to coax and threaten Waldo, hoping to make him submit. But he didn't have high hopes. He felt that Waldo wouldn't be easily swayed.

As Waldo read Sheriff's message, he replied directly, "Sheriff, your attempts to coerce me are commendable, using both soft and hard approaches. Unfortunately, I'm not interested. Let's stay out of each other's way. But if you provoke me, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Sheriff frowned upon seeing Waldo's response. He realized that dealing with "10086" would be challenging. He decided to blacklist Waldo since he couldn't be persuaded.

If he couldn't have him, then Waldo would be eliminated. What use were abundant resources if Sheriff could obtain them by killing Waldo?

Scorpion, who observed Sheriff's reaction, asked, "Sheriff, is there anything I can assist you with?"

Scorpion was the leader of Sheriff's special operations team, which used code names for each member. They were a loyal and trusted group even before the apocalypse.

Sheriff sighed and rubbed his temples, deep in thought. He felt that dealing with "10086" was like dealing with a stone in a cesspool. He didn't want to become enemies with Waldo.

Scorpion nodded in agreement and cautiously said, "Indeed, 10086 already had significant resources during the auction for the barrier wall. It's likely that he has even more now, surpassing our expectations. But Sheriff, you need not worry. Our team is powerful, and we have a steady influx of survivors wanting to join us. Given time, 10086's limited strength won't pose a threat."

Sheriff cracked his knuckles. It was a subconscious gesture he made while contemplating. After a while, he spoke slowly, "Let's set aside 10086 for now. Our priority is to expand our team by any means necessary. You can focus on external recruitment, assuring food supply for anyone who joins."

Scorpion became hesitant. Their team's resources couldn't sustain the needs of so many survivors.

Scorpion carefully and tactfully expressed his concerns, "Sheriff, while recruiting more survivors to join our team will enhance our strength in the short term, it may become burdensome for us to provide for a large number of survivors."

Sheriff smiled and gestured for Scorpion to sit on the nearby couch. After taking a sip of tea and clearing his throat, he explained, "Scorpion, I understand your concerns. Our food supply might not be plentiful, but it's not a problem. Recently, our team has become increasingly powerful and has plundered the resources of Buck and Don, who have passed away. Food shortage is not an issue. The challenge lies in rapidly expanding our team."

Scorpion, still puzzled, asked, "Sheriff, I don't quite understand."

Sheriff chuckled and replied, "Scorpion, do you know how Germany conquered Europe during World War II?"

Scorpion paused for a moment, recalling the military lectures he received in college, and then it dawned on him. "You mean 'war sustains war.'"

Sheriff nodded with a smile. His plan was just as Scorpion realized.