Sheriff's threat

Waldo's water purifiers placed on the trading platform were very expensive, and only a few large teams with purchasing power could afford them. It was expected by Waldo that even the police station would reluctantly make a purchase.

After all, as the largest team in the city, the police station had a tremendous daily water demand. For them, large water purifiers were undoubtedly cost-effective products. Otherwise, the Sheriff wouldn't have bought two of them in one go.

Faced with the Sheriff's threatening private message, Waldo couldn't help but feel frustrated for him. After going through countless hardships and setbacks, the Platinum-level supplies he had struggled to acquire encountered numerous obstacles.

First, they were robbed by the Saturn and Drug Lord teams. Just when they finally reached an agreement, Waldo played a deceptive move. Putting himself in the Sheriff's shoes, if he had been treated that way, Waldo would have definitely pursued that person relentlessly.

Therefore, he could somewhat empathize with the Sheriff's feelings.

Oh, it was himself who took away the Platinum-level supplies. Well, then there was no problem. Waldo sent the Sheriff a smiling emoji and typed a response. The Platinum-level supplies were indeed useful, yielding plenty of valuable items. This "water purifier blueprint" was just average.

The Sheriff was furious, throwing his cup away, and the grinding sound could be heard from a distance. He truly despised Waldo. If before, he only feared Waldo, now he wished nothing more than to dismember him.

"10086, don't get too smug. I won't let you enjoy peace for too long. Get ready to face the wrath of the police station! I'll make sure you understand that offending the police station is the biggest mistake of your life!"

The Sheriff's threat was straightforward. His determination to retaliate against Waldo couldn't be stronger. However, what made him even angrier was Waldo's response.

Waldo sent another grinning emoji, as if he didn't care at all. It was as if he didn't even consider the Sheriff a threat. Waldo closed the chat channel.

The water purifiers were also casually listed on the trading platform without much attention. If any team needed them, they would naturally make a move.

As for the other supplies from the Platinum-level loot, they needed to be carefully explored for their uses. Some fresh fruit and vegetable seeds were among those things, and Waldo had them too.

However, the seeds this time were some relatively rare fruits and vegetables, which enriched the variety. Coincidentally, Waldo had just transferred the previous fruits and vegetables to the underground bunker's cultivation area, leaving plenty of open space to plant these new seeds. Inside the underground bunker, several daylight lamps illuminated the fruits and vegetables, allowing them to grow normally.

This ensured a timely supply of fresh vegetables for Waldo, Alanna, and Helen. Since obtaining the fresh seeds, they hadn't needed to rely on canned vegetables for a long time. This was also thanks to the unique nature of the fruit and vegetable seeds in the post-apocalyptic world.

Most of them could mature in just a few days. If they were to rely solely on natural growth like in the old world, it would be meaningless.

Waldo dug up some fertile and nutrient-rich soil from the ground and packed it into foam boxes to plant the new varieties. Then, he took out the golden-level item, "Fruit and Vegetable Cultivation Liquid," from the Platinum-level supplies.

"Fruit and Vegetable Cultivation Liquid:

Dropping it on the seeds, pollution-free and uncontaminated. It's the key to developing agriculture! With this cultivation liquid, you can yield 8,800 pounds per acre!"

Waldo was skeptical but decided to take a droplet of the cultivation liquid with a pipette and let it fall onto the newly planted seeds. He wanted to see if it was truly as miraculous as claimed. Drip. The liquid fell on the seeds without any reaction.

Waldo stared expressionlessly, feeling doubtful.

Could this bottle of golden-level cultivation liquid be fake? But then he wondered if perhaps he hadn't poured enough of the liquid. Subsequently, he dropped another droplet of the liquid onto the same seeds. Still, there was no reaction! Waldo felt a bit speechless.

He had been squatting in front of the foam box for so long that his legs had gone numb, eagerly anticipating a change in the seeds. But what was the result? Waldo turned and walked away.

However, he didn't know that the seeds buried in the soil were actually emitting a faint glow. Exiting the underground bunker, Alanna and Helen saw Waldo with a gloomy expression, thinking that maybe the sale of the water purifiers hadn't been going well.

"Waldo, what's wrong? You look so downcast. Weren't you selling the water purifiers on the trading platform just now? Did they not sell?"

Waldo sat down beside Alanna, sighed, and didn't say a word.

"Waldo, it's okay. Water purifiers are a necessity, and maybe in the beginning, people find the prices relatively high. But once the resources aren't as scarce, the demand will increase."

Helen also nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we're not in urgent need of supplies at the moment. Let's take it slow."

Waldo sighed again and chuckled, "I'm not feeling down because of the water purifiers. I actually sold two today, earning sixty units of S Alloy."

The two women were shocked. They didn't expect the water purifiers to sell out so quickly. They then asked in confusion, "So why are you still feeling down? Isn't that something to be happy about?"

Waldo silently criticized them in his mind. "I never said I was feeling down because of the water purifiers. It's the 'Fruit and Vegetable Cultivation Liquid.' I just used a bit of it, dropped it on the seeds, but there was no reaction. It feels like it didn't have any effect, so it was a waste."

Alanna and Helen suddenly realized the situation. However, they didn't believe that the cultivation liquid could have a significant impact.

Helen smiled and said, "Waldo, compared to the ordinary seeds from the old world, these fresh seeds in the post-apocalyptic world already belong to the fast-growing types. I assume that the 'Fruit and Vegetable Cultivation Liquid' should make the fruits and vegetables taste better."

Alanna agreed with her and added, "That's right. Many of the fruits and vegetables we're planting now can mature in just a few days and have a second round of growth. If the 'Fruit and Vegetable Cultivation Liquid' is meant to promote growth, how much more growth do we need? It can't get any faster! If they mature in a few hours, it would be too terrifying."

Helen was reminded of a memory by this conversation. "By the way, Alanna, do you remember the farm we used to play with? The fertilizer worked the same way. We would use it in the morning, and by the time we came home from school in the afternoon, we could harvest the crops."

Alanna nodded. "How could I forget? I even used to steal other people's vegetables. One time, I stole from my elementary school homeroom teacher, and the next day she jokingly asked me to write a self-reflection."