
"Helen, look over there! There's actually a jewelry store!"

"Seen it, seen it! Alanna, there's a cosmetics store over there."

No matter the time, women always get excited when they see something beautiful, just like men when they see a favorite car, they can't help but get excited and stall.

Waldo smiled.

These past few days had really been stifling for them.

Relaxing now was quite necessary.However, what Waldo didn't know was that someone had their eyes on them at the moment.

Target locked!

Are you sure?

Absolutely not wrong. Matches the intelligence description. He's accompanied by two beautiful women and a mutant tiger, plus a robot.


Waldo trailed behind Alanna and Helen as they strolled.

Yet, he didn't notice someone coming toward him from the shadows.

"Waldo, you're finally here."