News of death

[Guard Camp Communication Group]

Abby: Dear brothers, just a moment ago, the camp leader successfully recruited Mr. Waldo, who can eliminate mutant plants. From now on, we will be partners.

Because Mr. Waldo needs a material called Star Grass to clear mutant plants, the camp leader asked me to convey his intention. All members of the guard camp, starting today, put all your efforts into collecting Star Grass.

Message conveyed, awaiting replies.

Sapphire: Second Platoon received!

Just less than a minute after Abby's message was sent, the Second Platoon leader immediately responded.Inside the first platoon of the guard camp, a burly man grumbled and complained.

"Sapphire, damn , can't do anything right, yet he's the first to respond!"

Soon, he replied in the group as well.

Clifford: First Platoon received!

Jerom: Received!

Jerom is the deputy leader of the guard camp, deeply trusted by Camp Leader Delgado.