The next step

As for building his own power?

Waldo hesitated for a moment and then shook his head. 

Right now, he didn't have that idea. With his own strength, he could comfortably survive in this world without worrying about survival. Moreover, his strength was evident, and he doubted anyone would dare to provoke him unless they were asking for trouble. 

Of course, Waldo had thought about having a private armed force. After all, having a force could handle many things on his behalf. However, what Waldo had in mind was combat robots! 

The strength of West was not to be underestimated; it was extremely powerful. Having a fully armed force composed entirely of combat robots was what Waldo wanted most. One West was already formidable, but a complete army would be invincible. They would be an extremely sharp sword, reigning in the post-apocalyptic world. Dealing with zombies would be child's play, a one-sided massacre!