Divide and Conquer

Ivor naturally noticed the shadowy figures moving in the distance. His face turned slightly cold.

"Who's there? What are you sneaking around for? Show yourselves!"

As he spoke, there were faint laughter coming from the darkness.

"You ask us to come out, and we should just obey? Who do you think you are? Just because you're Waldo's most loyal lackey? Hahaha!"

"Heh, if you're a man, come out and talk. What's hiding in the dark?"

Ivor said coldly, "A first-level ticket isn't something you clowns can touch! Leave now, even if you get the ticket, you won't live to see the next day. Don't bring trouble upon yourselves!"

"Heh heh, how do you know we can't handle it if you don't give it a try?"

In the darkness, figures moved, and more and more people seemed to be lurking in the shadows. At least twenty to thirty individuals were hiding in the dark, observing the situation.