Heavy losses

Without a doubt, this day was the darkest in Justin's life. It was also an unprecedented blow to the League of Gods since its establishment, all because of one person - Waldo!

The once unforgettable super-villain who had disappeared for so long had now returned and dealt a massive blow to the League of Gods. Justin couldn't believe it. In his eyes, Waldo was a thing of the past, powerless and obsolete in this era.

Surprisingly, Waldo managed to convince the Victory League and the Sun League to stand by him and protect his Dawn Noah's Ark.

Then, with audacity beyond measure, he invaded their headquarters, detonating dozens of warships, shooting down four fighter jets, causing unimaginable casualties and enormous losses.

Honestly, things had escalated beyond Justin's expectations. He even had some regrets about going after Waldo. But once the bow is drawn, the arrow must be released.