Level 99

Waldo calmly dressed himself. Following the two women, he stepped outside. Immediately, he was slightly shocked by the scene before him.

The sky was snowing heavily, and the whole world was covered in a vast expanse of white. What was astonishing was a massive rainbow in the sky, spanning the endless canvas, shining brightly.

On the deck of the Dawn, a thick layer of snow had already accumulated. Some survivors with playful spirits were running around, building snowmen, and they did a good job of it.

Since entering this world, they had never seen such heavy snow. For Waldo, who had never seen snow before, this scene was indeed quite beautiful.

However, Waldo couldn't help but think about other things. With such heavy snowfall, did it mean that the ice age was about to come? As the controller of the Dawn, Waldo felt a mixture of worry and anxiety.