All to die

Seven Lord-level Snow Beasts!

The combined strength of their entire alliance might struggle to deal with a single Lord-level Snow Beast.

Yet, here was Waldo, facing the siege of seven of them!

Can he really pull this off?

Worries crept into everyone's minds. If Waldo were to be killed, they would inevitably be buried with him!

"Don't worry too much, we must believe in Waldo! With his power, anything is possible! The world's strongest, how could he not handle a mere seven Lord-level Snow Beasts? They might be formidable, but clearly, Waldo is even more powerful!"

"Exactly! Look at him, even though he's surrounded and on the run, he seems completely composed! Have you noticed that they've been fighting for a while now, and Waldo hasn't sustained a single injury? On the other hand, those exceptionally fierce Snow Beasts have taken quite a beating!"