Lees's Challenge

"Wow, Dawn City is truly formidable! These were two city lords, with formidable strength, ranking in the top hundred globally. And yet, they were killed just like that?Unbelievable!

" I bet the people of Chiba City and Giant Mountain City must be devastated. They lost their city lords, haha!"

Alas, perhaps in this world, only Dawn City can achieve such a feat? Even the city lords are not spared—truly impartial! But then again, who can blame them for having Waldo to oversee things?

On the chat channel, many people were discussing this matter. But Waldo didn't seem to care much about these remarks. Or rather, he didn't care about these things at all. For a long time now, Waldo had ceased to care about how the outside world viewed him. All he cared about was making himself as strong as possible, as quickly as possible.