Something's Not Right

Bald Perry couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Had he known earlier that Waldo was the weakest among the Level Two Testers, merely strong on the outside but weak inside, he would have set out earlier and hurried to kill him. Then, the super Source stones would have been his.

But now it's too late, the others are about to arrive!

Perry felt some regret and even a bit of remorse for not setting out sooner.

As he pondered, seemingly sensing something, he raised his eyebrows and looked in a certain direction.

He saw four figures running across the wasteland, like four streaks of lightning and thunder racing.

Soon, they appeared not far away.

Seeing this, Perry narrowed his eyes.

"Four Level One Testers? No, these four had auras that merged into one, like a single entity. Although individually they were Level One Testers, their combined strength was comparable to a Level Two Tester."