
Desert's heart raced with panic. "Is Waldo's target me?" he wondered. "Thank goodness Alfred is here. Waldo wouldn't dare to make a move and will likely flee immediately!"

After a moment of panic, Desert calmed down. With Alfred around, Waldo wouldn't dare to show up. This thought slightly eased his vigilance. But just as this idea crossed his mind...


A formidable and mysterious aura suddenly descended upon the safe house. Desert felt engulfed by a terrifying presence. His mind roared as if bombarded by a million thunderbolts, his consciousness wavering and tumultuous.

"What's happening?!" Desert was both shocked and angry, his face showing fear.

He tried to move, to react, but to his horror, he found his movements exceedingly difficult. Every joint in his body felt as heavy as a thousand pounds. Not only was his consciousness dulled, but his actions were also significantly slowed.