The Hand of God

"Sigh," Waldo sighed helplessly. He looked up in front of him. Six squares appeared before him. As for the squares farther away, he couldn't see them clearly. "Six squares, and only two are safe? The chances of survival are too slim!" Waldo's expression suddenly turned even uglier. In front of him, among these six squares...

The first square contained three loaves of bread and a bottle of mineral water. The second square was a spike trap. If he fell into it, with Waldo's current strength, he would probably be pierced through instantly! The third square had a huge tiger with hanging eyes and a white forehead, its crimson eyes staring dead at Waldo. It seemed extremely hungry, as if it wanted to devour him...

The fourth and fifth squares both contained a massive fire. Falling into them meant being roasted alive within minutes. The sixth square contained a palm-sized fragment, its purpose unknown...