What's Going On, The Lucky One is Him Again

Seeing the leaderboard, Waldo felt it was only natural.

He had rolled the dice twice for two consecutive days, so being first on the progress leaderboard was normal.

As for being first on the combat power leaderboard, that was also within Waldo's expectations.

After all, he had acquired quite a few weapons and equipment, which rapidly increased his combat power.

"Maintaining this position until the end of the week, the rewards will be distributed. There should be a lot to gain."

Waldo was in high spirits.

Then, he started rolling the dice again.

He rolled twice in a row.

Once again, he set himself as the lucky one...


"Wow, this guy Waldo, being the lucky one twice, and now top of both leaderboards! If only the wealth leaderboard was open, he might have been first there too."

"That's outrageous, this week, I guess he'll stay at the top and get huge rewards!"
