Nightfall, Wolf Pack Attack

Night fell quickly, plunging the world into darkness.

Suddenly, a flapping sound came from afar, as if birds were flying by.

The outside world was pitch black, with no moon, and nothing was visible.

A dangerous feeling emanated from the jungle opposite.

The jungle in this place had tall trees and dense vegetation, casting an ominous shadow.

"Everyone, stay quiet, and don't make any rash moves. Listen to my commands. We don't yet know what danger we're facing. Be cautious, and once we have a clear understanding of the situation, then we'll act. Understood?"

Waldo's voice was calm and collected, refraining from any rash actions.

Even though he had the capability, that wasn't his style.


"Yes, Master!"


His strong warriors nodded hurriedly.

They were completely obedient to Waldo's orders.
