Conquering Tianmen City

"The caravan has just passed through the most dangerous terrain. Their guard will inevitably be lowered at this point. This is the perfect time to catch them off guard and completely annihilate them!"

"Send the order down, everyone must be patient, we cannot ruin my grand plan!"

Hearing this, the staff officer nodded.

A look of admiration on his face.

"Lord City Defender is truly skilled in both literature and military strategy, far more thoughtful than me!"


The lord of Tianmen City smiled slightly.

To be honest, the people under his command were not very capable.

The only thing they excelled at was flattering, which was quite comforting.

At this moment, a scout who was monitoring the front ran over.

"Lord City Master, the Xiao family's caravan has already passed through Tianmen Gorge and is heading in our direction! They will arrive here in no more than the time it takes to burn three incense sticks!"