
Renji stood at the entrance of the alley, his expression a mix of anger and worry. The sight of him was a beacon of hope in Woojin's blurry vision. Donghyun and his gang momentarily paused, their attention now diverted to Renji.

"Now, now, we've been waiting for you!" Gunwoo's sinister laughter echoed in the back alley.

Renji's jaw tightened as he took a step forward, his gaze locked onto Gunwoo with an intensity that spoke volumes. "Enough of your games. Let him go," Renji's voice was low and dangerous.

Gunwoo's grin widened, his eyes glinting with malice. "Oh, but we're just getting started. You see, this is the part where the fun really begins."

"I thought your friend didn't tell you to come here, and look what happened—we ended up giving him a lesson before dealing with you." Donghyun uttered, grinning at him.

Renji looked at Woojin with worry. His face contoured in pain.

Donghyun took a step closer to Woojin, who was struggling to stay conscious. "We didn't just want to teach him a lesson," Donghyun said, his voice dripping with menace. "We want to make sure you understand the consequences of crossing us."

He had no idea what was happening. He didn't even know that Donghyun's group had called him here. Woojin hadn't told him about this either.

He avoided going into the room earlier so that Woojin wouldn't be caught up in this if Donghyun's group came looking for him.

And now this is what happens. He never imagined that they would target Woojin, instead of him.

He also couldn't understand why, instead of informing him about the situation, he had chosen to come to the alley alone, even though he knew he couldn't fight back.

He wouldn't have known what was happening if one of the students who overheard their conversation in the hallway hadn't told him that they were here.

Fortunately, he hadn't left Shinra High School yet, so he found out that they were here.

He became alert when Donghyun and his gang started to attack him all at once. The tension in the alley reached a boiling point as Renji prepared himself for the confrontation, every muscle in his body coiled and ready to strike.

With a swift motion, Renji launched himself at Donghyun's gang, using every ounce of training and strength he had. He managed to take down one of the attackers with a precise strike, but the remaining members were quick to retaliate.

The clash was brutal. Renji fought with fierce determination, feeling an adrenaline rush and excitement he hadn't experienced in a long time.

The sounds of the struggle echoed off the alley walls.

Woojin, barely conscious, watched with a mix of hope and helplessness. Each of Renji's moves seemed to slow down time, his every action smooth and precise.

Without warning, Gunwoo lunged forward, his fists swinging with brute force. Renji ducked and weaved, his movements precise and fluid. He countered with a swift kick to Gunwoo's side, causing him to stagger. The gang moved in, but Renji was ready. He deftly sidestepped a punch from one of them, grabbing the attacker's arm and flipping him onto the ground.

He moved with practiced efficiency, blocking and dodging their attacks while delivering blows that sent them reeling. His focus was relentless, each strike a testament to his skill and determination.

The narrow back alley was drenched in the amber light of the late afternoon sun. Shadows stretched long across the graffiti-stained walls as Renji squared off against Donghyun and his gang.

Despite the odds, Renji fought with a mix of grace and ferocity, each movement calculated. Donghyun roared in frustration, his rage fueling his attacks, but Renji's skill kept him one step ahead.

As the sun dipped lower, casting long shadows across the alley, Donghyun and his gang lay writhing in pain on the cold ground as Renji loomed over them menacingly.

That was the last thing Woojin saw before he lost consciousness.


Tucked away in a quiet corner of a bustling neighborhood was a small convenience store, its neon sign flickering to life as dusk settled in.

The automatic doors slid open with a soft whoosh, releasing a brief gust of cool, air-conditioned air into the warm evening.

Behind the counter, Park Woojin's body still ached from previous day, and his bruises throbbed with every step he took. Park Woojin winced as he shifted his weight.

The bell above the door jingled, signaling a customer. Woojin straightened up, putting on a brave face as a young woman entered, her eyes scanning the shelves for a quick purchase.

Her forehead furrowed as she approached the counter.

"Wait, I know you! You're Renji's seatmate, right?" She asked excitedly. Park Woojin stepped back a bit in surprise as the person spoke to him. Embarrassed, he nodded and took the order before ringing it up and packing it.

"You didn't come to school yesterday? So many things happened. I don't even know why not a single member of Donghyun's group showed up," she chattered. "Hyun Woo from 1-B went to your classroom yesterday to pick a fight with Renji," she laughed. "That stupid guy. He's asking for a beating."

Park Woojin's who were absent yesterday because he couldn't get up from his bed, were clueless about these.

Woojin's face flushed as he processed the information. The events of the previous day were still a blur, and he felt a surge of anxiety thinking about what had happened in his absence.

"Hyun Woo from 1-B?" he repeated, trying to piece together the new information. "Why would he want to pick a fight with Renji?"

The young woman shrugged, still smiling. "Who knows? Hyun Woo is always looking for trouble. But he sure picked the wrong day. Renji wasn't in the best mood."

The young woman's casual tone did little to ease Woojin's unease. He set her items on the counter, his thoughts racing as he tried to recall any hints or clues that might explain why Hyun Woo would target Renji. The throbbing in his bruises seemed to echo the growing tension in his mind.

The young woman noticed his expression and chuckled.

"Oh, sorry for being so talkative. I'm Kim Sohee from 1-B, by the way."

"A-Ah, hello. I'm Park Woojin," Woojin said shyly, clearly unaccustomed to someone speaking to him directly.

As Kim Sohee took her change and headed towards the door, Woojin's mind was still racing.

Outside, the evening air was cooler, and the street was beginning to quiet down as more people headed indoors. Woojin watched Sohee leave, her presence and the information she shared only adding to his unease.

He turned back to the counter, his eyes falling on the various snacks and drinks arranged neatly on the shelves.

He tried to focus on the tasks at hand, but his thoughts kept drifting back to Sohee's words. Why was Hyun Woo targeting Renji? Woojin sighed and rubbed his aching shoulder, trying to push the worries aside. As he continued working, the bell above the door jingled again, signaling the arrival of another customer.

When Woojin got home, his mother was already asleep. The lamp beside her was still on, a sign that she had waited for him to return but had eventually drifted off.

He took a quick shower before heading to bed.

Park Woojin's small bedroom is neatly arranged, with a single bed pushed against one wall and a small desk on the opposite side. The room features a simple dresser and a few personal items, like books and a small lamp, on top. The walls are decorated with minimal posters from his favorite band, and a single window lets in the soft, ambient light of the evening.

Habitually, he picked up his phone to check for any messages. There were only three contacts: his homeroom teacher, his mother, and the newly added number from Renji.

His thoughts got the best of him and so he decided to send a message.

Hi, this is Woojin. I heard you had a fight with Hyunwoo. Are you alright?

— Park Woojin

Is he still awake? It just occurred to him that Renji might be asleep. He bit his lip and lifted his phone again to check. He was about to delete the message when he saw a brief reply.

I'm okay. Don't worry.

— Kang Renji

He was surprised to see a reply from Renji. Eventually, he sighed in relief upon learning that everything was okay. After that, he fell into a deep sleep, still holding his phone in his right hand.