New Friend

Jaejoon's casual demeanor and the way he took control of the situation clearly intimidated them. Their bravado faltered as they looked at one another, uncertainty replacing their earlier aggression.

One of the bullies, trying to salvage their pride, stepped forward, attempting to sound defiant. "Who do you think you are? This is none of your business!"

"Hey shut up!" The other bully exclaimed. Looking at Jaejoon nervously.

Jaejoon's smile remained, but there was a dangerous edge to his eyes now. "Oh, I think it is my business. I don't like seeing anyone get picked on, especially not when I'm around."

The bullies shuffled uncomfortably, clearly out of their depth. The leader, a tall boy with a scar on his cheek, glanced at Jaejoon, his confidence waning. "We don't want any trouble. Just leave us alone."

Jaejoon tilted his head, feigning contemplation. "Trouble? I think you've already made plenty of that for yourself." He took a step closer, his tone shifting to one of authority. "How about you let the kid go and walk away before this gets any worse?"

The bullies' eyes flickered to the small kid, who had been silently observing. The sight of him, battered but resolute, seemed to give Jaejoon's words additional weight. Reluctantly, they began to back away, their earlier bravado completely deflated.

The leader glared at Woojin, his face flushed with anger. "This isn't over," he spat before turning on his heel and leading his group out of the alley.

Jaejoon waited until the bullies had disappeared around the corner before turning to Woojin, his playful grin now replaced with a more serious expression. "You alright?"

Woojin nodded, though he was still shaken by the encounter. "Yeah, thanks for stepping in."

Jaejoon's grin returned, though it was softer now. "No problem. I was passing by and couldn't resist. Looks like you've had a rough time."

Woojin blinked, surprised by Jaejoon's insight. "You've been watching?"

"Just keeping an eye out," Jaejoon said with a shrug. "Can't let guys like those run around unchecked."

The smaller student, still trembling, took a hesitant step forward. "T-thank you," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jaejoon waved it off with a casual flick of his hand. "No need to mention it. Just stay safe and avoid places like this alone."

With that, Jaejoon turned to Woojin. "I'd stick around, but I've got places to be. You should head home too, yeah? Take care of yourself."

Woojin watched as Jaejoon walked away with a nonchalant stride. The alley, once filled with tension, now felt oddly calm.

He looked down at the smaller student, who was slowly standing up and brushing himself off.

"Are you alright?"

The student nodded, still shaken but more composed. "I think so. Thanks to you and... him."

Woojin smiled at him. "Do you have class on Saturday?" He noticed the bag slung over the boy's shoulder.

The boy nodded shyly. "Actually, we have a group study session today. I was on my way to the meeting place, but then..." He grimaced, and Woojin understood, so he didn't ask further.

"I'm Park Woojin, by the way. You?"

"Beom Junghwa," the boy introduced himself.

"Which way are you going?" Woojin suggested.

Beom Junghwa pointed the way.

"Let's go together. I'm headed that way too," Woojin said cheerfully. Junghwa nodded quickly, and they walked out of the alley together.

Woojin told him that he rarely took this route on his way home. Actually, this shortcut was faster than his usual route along the highway. He usually avoided this alley because it scared him a bit.

He wanted to avoid running into bullies like earlier. Luckily, someone kind had helped them out. Speaking of which...

"Do you know the guy who helped us earlier?" Woojin asked Junghwa curiously.

He didn't know why he felt at ease talking to him. He wasn't used to approaching others, but maybe because of his last experiences, he was becoming more open to interacting with others. Thanks to Renji.

Junghwa thought for a moment and then looked at him. "I don't know his name, but he's a schoolmate of mine. I often see him in the hallway."

Junghwa paused and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry... I forgot to mention, I'm from Dongyang High School."

Woojin nodded thoughtfully. "Dongyang High School, huh? I've heard of that place. I go to Shinra High School."

They continued walking, the conversation flowing easily between them. Woojin found himself enjoying Junghwa's company, feeling a sense of camaraderie he hadn't felt in a while. As they neared the end of the alley, Woojin glanced at his new friend.

"Hey, if you ever need someone to walk with or just to talk, you can count on me. We could even study together sometime."

Junghwa's face lit up with gratitude. "I'd like that. Thanks, Woojin."

They exchanged numbers before parting ways. Woojin walked home wearing a smile on his face. So this what it feels like to have another friend besides Renji.

Feels strange.

Woojin's Saturday shift at the convenience store started as usual. The bell above the door jingled every few minutes as customers came and went, a mix of familiar faces and occasional strangers. The store was modest but well-stocked, with shelves lined with snacks, drinks, and everyday essentials. The hum of the fluorescent lights and the soft background music created a soothing rhythm to the day.

He was behind the counter, stacking items and keeping an eye on the register, when the bell above the door jingled again. Woojin looked up to see Kim Daeho entering the store.

It seemed like he was also surprised to see him. Woojin couldn't understand why this person suddenly looked nervous and pale as he glanced at him.

Eh, What's going on?

"Hi… It's been a while. We haven't really talked much at school. How have you been?" Woojin greeted awkwardly. It was true that they hadn't spoken since that one time in the canteen.

He wasn't sure if it was just him or this person was really avoiding him. He often saw him staring at him, but he would be the first to look away.

Kim Daeho shifted uncomfortably as he approached the counter, clutching a few items tightly in his hands. He offered a strained smile, clearly struggling to maintain his composure.

"Hey, Woojin," Daeho replied, his voice betraying a hint of unease. "Yeah, it's been a while. I've been... alright. Just busy with school."

Woojin studied Daeho's expression, trying to gauge what was causing his odd behavior. He noticed how Daeho's gaze flickered nervously between him and the door behind him.

Woojin couldn't help but glance back. Then, as if realizing something, he asked, "Oh, is someone waiting for you?" He quickly punched in Daeho's order.

He was taken aback when he saw several packs of cigarettes among the items. "Oh, yeah, they're waiting for me outside..." Daeho said, but Woojin's gaze remained on the cigarettes.

"You smoke?" Woojin asked seriously. Daeho noticed where Woojin was looking and seemed flustered. He glanced at the cigarettes and nodded rapidly.

"Yeah, sometimes. Is it ready yet? My friends have been waiting for me." Daeho said in a hurry. Woojin had no choice but to quickly pack up the order. Before he could ask more questions, Daeho paid swiftly and left.

All that was left was the sound of the chime as Daeho exited the store.


Kim Daeho glanced back at the convenience store and sighed. He wished he could have talked to Woojin, but he was certain Taejoon and his group would be angry.

He quietly walked through the dark alley, looking up at the moon and the flickering streetlight.

At this point, he would rather encounter a ghost than face Taejoon's group. Though he was afraid of the dark, he was more scared of what would happen if Taejoon got impatient.

Kim Daeho continued down the dark alley, the silence only broken by the distant hum of the city and the occasional rustling of leaves. The alley was narrow, with walls of graffiti-covered brick looming high on either side. The flickering streetlights created eerie shadows that seemed to dance along the walls.

Turning a corner, Daeho approached a small, rundown building where Taejoon and his group often gathered. He took a deep breath. The sound of muffled voices and laughter drifted from inside, making him even more anxious.

He pushed open the door, which creaked on its hinges. The room was dimly lit and filled with the smell of smoke and cheap cologne. Taejoon and his group were gathered around a table, their eyes turning toward Daeho as he entered. Their expressions ranged from curious to annoyed.

Taejoon, sitting at the head of the table, looked up with a smirk. "There you are, Daeho. We were starting to wonder if you'd show up."

Daeho forced a nervous smile and tried to appear as relaxed as possible. "Yeah, sorry I'm late. Here's your order."

He handed Taejoon the bag of plastic. Taejoon immediately reached in and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, inspecting it with a satisfied nod.

"Thanks," Taejoon said, though his tone was anything but grateful. "You're lucky we're in a good mood tonight."

Daeho nodded, feeling a wave of relief mixed with unease. He knew better than to test his luck. "I'll just leave you to it, then."

As he turned to go, Taejoon's voice called out, "Hold on a second. We need to talk."