Hang out

Park Woojin stood in front of the mirror, scrutinizing his reflection. Was it just his imagination, or had his body really gained some muscle? He seemed taller too, though that might have just been wishful thinking. He flexed, hoping to see the faint outline of abs, but sighed in disappointment when the stubborn layer of fat still clung to his midsection.

He really needed to work harder.

Woojin had been diligently following the routine Renji had given him. He could now do 30 push-ups and sit-ups without feeling like collapsing. His morning runs at the park before class had become a regular part of his routine. And the best part? The dark circles that once sagged under his eyes were now almost gone, replaced by a healthier glow thanks to his improved diet.

After a quick shower, he dressed hurriedly. It was Saturday, and his shift at the convenience store wouldn't start until 7 PM. His phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and saw a message from Beom Junghwa.

Hey... I'm here at the park. Where are you?

– Beom Junghwa

I'm on my way.

– Park Woojin

Woojin quickly laced up his shoes and called out to his mother, who was also getting ready for work. "I'm heading out, Mom!"

"Okay! Stay safe!" she replied.

"Yes, Mom!" Woojin said as he stepped out of the house.

He dialed Kim Daeho's number while walking. Daeho picked up almost immediately. "Hey, are you there?"

"Oh, Woojin... I'm with Renji already! Where should we wait for you?"

"I'm on my way. Junghwa's there too, so wait for me."


Woojin had suggested they all hang out at the nearby mall—a prospect that excited him more than he wanted to admit. He had never really hung out with friends like this before, not with how things had been for him in the past. Getting Renji to agree had been the hardest part, given how the guy was a bit of a homebody and didn't really enjoy going out.

When Woojin arrived at the park, he spotted Renji and Daeho near the fountain. He waved, calling out to them as he approached. Daeho visibly relaxed, letting out a sigh of relief; he had been awkwardly waiting alone with Renji, who seemed more interested in scanning their surroundings than engaging in conversation.

"Sorry for being late! Let's find Junghwa—he's already here," Woojin said, glancing around. Renji and Daeho followed behind him.

"Oh, there he is! Junghwa!" Woojin called out, his voice filled with excitement. A bespectacled boy turned at the sound of his name, smiling as he saw Woojin approaching.

"Hello..." Beom Junghwa greeted them with an awkward smile, his gaze shifting to Daeho and Renji.

"Hi," Daeho replied, waving. "I'm Kim Daeho, nice to meet you!"

"Hello! I'm Beom Junghwa. Nice to see you too!"

Woojin nudged Renji's shoulder, urging him to join in the introductions. Renji, who had been quietly observing the park, finally acknowledged Junghwa.

"Hello..." Junghwa greeted, but he could sense something different about Renji. Unlike the others, Renji had an aura that seemed completely out of their league. He was built differently, and it showed.

Renji nodded. "I'm Kang Renji. You guys look like triplets," he remarked, his eyes flicking between Woojin, Daeho, and Junghwa.

"Ah...?" Junghwa turned to Woojin, who just smiled in response.

"Triplets, huh?" Woojin chuckled, glancing at Daeho and Junghwa. "I guess we do kind of match."

Junghwa adjusted his glasses, still a bit taken aback by Renji's blunt observation. "Well, I suppose we do share a certain... vibe," he said with a nervous laugh.

Woojin grinned. "I'll take that as a compliment. But don't get too comfortable, Renji—you're the odd one out here."

Renji smirked, shrugging. "I'm fine with that."

As the four of them started walking towards the mall, the initial awkwardness began to fade. Woojin could feel a warmth in his chest, a sense of belonging he hadn't experienced in a long time. This was what he had been missing—a simple day out with friends, free from the weight of his past.

"So, what's the plan?" Junghwa asked as they reached the mall entrance.

Woojin had been thinking about that. "How about we hit the arcade first? I've been wanting to try that new racing game they have."

Daeho nodded eagerly. "Sounds good to me!"

Renji, hands in his pockets, looked indifferent but nodded in agreement. "Sure, why not?"

As they entered the mall, Woojin couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. The energy of the place, with its bright lights and lively crowd, was infectious.

"Hey, there it is!" Woojin pointed out as they spotted the arcade ahead.

They walked through the entrance, immediately greeted by the familiar sounds of clinking coins, flashing screens, and the excited chatter of other people. The arcade was bustling, with people of all ages engrossed in various games.

"Let's try that one!" Kim Daeho suddenly exclaimed, his earlier awkwardness completely gone. He pointed to a game featuring a pair of toy guns mounted on a platform, the screen displaying a fast-paced shooting scenario.

Woojin grinned. "Great choice! Let's see who has the better skills!"

Daeho smirked, grabbing one of the guns. "You're on!"

Renji and Junghwa watched from behind as Woojin took the other gun. Renji leaned against a nearby machine, arms crossed, while Junghwa observed with interest.

The game started, and Woojin and Daeho quickly got into it, their competitive spirits flaring. They ducked, aimed, and fired at the on-screen targets, laughing and shouting as they tried to outdo each other.

"Not bad, Woojin, but I'm still ahead!" Daeho teased, his focus on the game.

Woojin narrowed his eyes, determined to catch up. "We'll see about that!"

Renji couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. "They're really into it, huh?"

Junghwa smiled, adjusting his glasses. "Yeah, it's nice to see. Woojin looks like he's having a lot of fun."

The game's timer ticked down, and in the final moments, Woojin managed to land a series of perfect shots, pulling ahead just before the buzzer sounded.

"Yes!" Woojin pumped his fist in victory, while Daeho shook his head in mock disbelief.

"Okay, okay, you win this round," Daeho conceded with a grin. "But next time, I'm taking you down."

Woojin laughed, feeling a rush of exhilaration. "Looking forward to it!"

Junghwa clapped, offering a thumbs-up. "That was awesome, guys!

Renji, still leaning casually, nodded in approval. "Not bad."

Woojin turned to them with a grin. "You two should join in too! Come on, play this one with us."

Renji and Junghwa exchanged glances, and despite their initial hesitation, they couldn't resist Woojin's enthusiasm. They both nodded, stepping up to the game.

"Alright, let's see what you've got," Renji said, grabbing one of the guns with a slight smirk. Junghwa hesitated for a moment before picking up the other gun, adjusting his glasses with a determined look.

The game began, and it quickly became clear that Renji had a natural talent for it. His movements were precise and controlled, every shot landing with pinpoint accuracy. Junghwa, on the other hand, fumbled a bit at first, but his analytical approach helped him improve rapidly as the game progressed.

"Daeho, you might have some competition here," Woojin teased as he watched Renji rack up points.

Daeho crossed his arms, smiling. "I'm not worried—there's more to the arcade than just shooting games."

After a few rounds, they moved on to different games around the arcade. Woojin suggested they try a classic racing game next, where each player sat behind the wheel of a virtual car. The group quickly took their seats, and the race began with the roar of engines.

Woojin and Daeho were neck-and-neck from the start, each trying to outmaneuver the other on the virtual track. Renji, who rarely showed much excitement, actually cracked a smile as he sped past Junghwa, who was struggling to stay on the road.

"Watch out, Renji!" Woojin called out as he tried to overtake him on a sharp turn.

Renji smirked, effortlessly blocking Woojin's car. "Not so fast, Woojin."

Junghwa, trailing behind but laughing at the chaos on the screen, finally found his rhythm and managed to avoid crashing for the rest of the race.

After the race ended, with Renji taking the win, they moved on to other games—everything from rhythm-based dancing games to basketball shootouts. Each game brought out a different side of their personalities: Woojin's unbridled enthusiasm, Daeho's competitive streak, Renji's surprising skill, and Junghwa's quiet determination.

By the time they finished playing, the four of them were laughing and joking as if they had known each other for years. Park Woojin couldn't stop smiling—this had been an excellent idea.

As they stepped out of the arcade, a collective growl from their stomachs reminded them of how hungry they were.

Beom Junghwa laughed. "We should eat! I bet we're all starving by now."

They agreed and headed to the food court. The delicious aromas from various stalls made their mouths water as they scanned the options.

Once they had their food and found a table, Junghwa looked around at his new friends, curiosity evident on his face. "So, are you all classmates?"

Kim Daeho shook his head as he took a bite of his food. "Nah, I'm in a different section."

Junghwa nodded, seeming a bit disappointed. "I wish I was in the same school as you guys. My school's full of brainiacs—it's hard to keep up with them," he said with a sigh, shaking his head.

Woojin and Daeho exchanged knowing smiles. They both knew Shinra High had its own challenges, ones that were far more daunting than academic pressure.

Honestly, it's much nicer than our school... if only you knew, Daeho thought, his smile fading slightly.

They continued chatting about trivial things, their conversation light and easy. Renji, however, remained mostly silent, listening intently to the banter around him. He couldn't help but think that the three of them really did look like triplets.