Calf Kick

"I see. You've been following the routine in the book diligently. It's paying off," Renji said, nodding approvingly as he watched Woojin complete his task.

Woojin smiled, his spirits lifted by Renji's praise. It seemed his efforts were finally showing.

The food he had eaten that morning seemed to have completely melted away as he sweated through his push-ups. After finishing, he quickly grabbed his towel and took a swig of water to quench his thirst.

"Hey, have you ever fought back?" Renji asked suddenly.

Woojin was startled by the question. He turned to Renji and shook his head.

Renji nodded, understandingly.

"Did you know that when I was in middle school, I also couldn't fight back?" Renji's revelation took Woojin by surprise. Renji chuckled, recognizing the shock on Woojin's face.

"When I started my first year in middle school, I was just like you. I couldn't stand up for myself. But then someone told me not to let others bully me. I remember it clearly. I began to break out of my shell and fought back. I didn't let anyone push me around anymore. I'm sharing this not just to show that we have something in common, but because I want you to learn to fight for yourself too. Just as I did back then. Only you can truly help yourself."

Woojin listened intently, absorbing Renji's words. The intensity in Renji's eyes spoke volumes about the struggle he had endured and overcome.

Renji continued, "It's not easy, and it won't happen overnight. There will be times when you feel overwhelmed, when it seems like nothing is going right. But that's when you have to dig deep and find the strength within yourself."

Woojin nodded, feeling a sense of determination stirring inside him. Renji's story was more than just inspiration—it was a call to action.

"I'm not saying you have to fight everyone who bothers you," Renji added. "Sometimes, fighting back means standing up for yourself in other ways—finding your voice, setting boundaries, and making sure others know you won't be walked over."

Woojin's expression hardened with resolve. "Thanks, Renji. I appreciate you sharing that with me. I'll keep it in mind."

Renji smiled, satisfied with Woojin's response. "Good. Remember, it's about more than just physical strength. It's about inner strength and resilience. You've got this."

Renji stood before Woojin with a confident smile. "Now that you've been training hard, it's time to learn some self-defense techniques."

Woojin nodded eagerly, his excitement palpable.

Renji's grin widened. "Do you believe me if I told you that I once defeated an opponent much bigger than me with just one move?"

Woojin's eyes widened in disbelief. "One move? Is that really possible, especially against someone bigger?"

Renji chuckled. "Absolutely. Let me show you."

Renji demonstrated the move with precision. He started by explaining, "This technique is called a 'calf kick.' It's a powerful strike aimed at the lower part of your opponent's leg, specifically the calf muscle."

Renji took a step back and performed the kick, landing it with controlled force against a heavy bag. The bag swung violently, illustrating the impact of the strike.

"The calf kick is designed to cause intense pain and disrupt the opponent's balance," Renji continued. "It targets the calf muscle, making it difficult for them to stay on their feet. When executed correctly, it can incapacitate an opponent with a single strike, regardless of their size."

Woojin watched intently as Renji demonstrated the technique. "That's impressive! So, this move can really make a difference in a fight?"

Renji nodded. "Exactly. However, there are some disadvantages. The calf kick requires precise timing and accuracy. If you miss or the opponent anticipates it, it can leave you open to counterattacks. Additionally, it's less effective if the opponent is wearing protective gear or if they're able to move their leg out of the way."

Woojin absorbed the information. "I see. So, it's not just about power but also about technique and timing."

Renji smiled. "Exactly. Mastering the technique and knowing when to use it is crucial. Let's start practicing so you can get it right."

"I'm ready to learn!"

Renji nodded approvingly. "Great! Let's get started."

Renji guided Woojin through the basic movements of the calf kick. "First, you need to get the stance right. Position yourself so that your dominant leg is slightly back. Your weight should be evenly distributed to allow for a powerful and accurate kick."

Woojin mimicked the stance, focusing on his balance. Renji continued, "The kick itself should come from your hip, not just your knee. Aim to strike with the lower part of your shin, not your foot. The impact should be directed at the opponent's calf muscle."

Renji demonstrated the technique again, this time in slow motion, emphasizing the importance of form and precision. "Watch how my foot makes contact just below the knee. This area is crucial for maximizing the impact while minimizing the risk of injury to yourself."

Woojin practiced the kick repeatedly, adjusting his form with Renji's guidance. After several attempts, Renji provided feedback. "Remember, it's not just about speed. The key is to ensure that your kick is clean and your balance is maintained. A well-timed calf kick can turn the tide of a fight, but only if executed properly."

Woojin nodded, sweat beading on his forehead as he focused on perfecting the move. "Got it. I'll keep practicing."

Renji clapped Woojin on the back. "You're doing great. Keep honing this technique, and it will become a powerful part of your self-defense toolkit. And remember, practice with discipline and mindfulness."

As Woojin continued to practice, Renji observed with a mixture of satisfaction and encouragement. "Soon, you'll be able to integrate this move seamlessly into your defense strategy. Just stay patient and persistent."

Woojin smiled, feeling more confident with each attempt. "Thank you, Renji. I appreciate your guidance."

Renji smiled back. "You're welcome. I'm glad to see you applying yourself. Keep up the hard work."

With a final nod of encouragement, Renji left Woojin to continue practicing as he returned to his usual routine.

Hours passed quickly without Woojin realizing it.

"Thank you again for today, Renji!" Woojin called out as he wrapped up his practice.

"No problem," Renji replied with a wave.

Woojin smiled, despite his fatigue. The exhilaration of learning something new outweighed his exhaustion.

By the way..." Woojin hesitated, glancing around. "Why didn't we practice at your gym? I was curious about that."

Renji paused, as if considering his answer, before smiling. "Oh, our gym was packed. There's a match going on, and the athletes are busy using the space for their practice."

Woojin nodded in understanding. "Ah, that makes sense. Well, I'll head home now. Thanks again for everything today!"

He bid farewell and started walking home, feeling a mix of satisfaction and tiredness.

As Woojin approached his home, the exhaustion from his training began to settle in, and he looked forward to a quiet evening. However, as he neared the entrance, he noticed a group of men loitering by the front door. Their presence was intimidating, and Woojin's heart sank as he recognized them as loan sharks.

His mother, visibly distressed, stood at the door with a look of anxiety. One of the men, a burly figure with a scowl etched on his face, spoke in a harsh tone. "We've been waiting for a while. It's about time we get the money."

Woojin's mother tried to maintain her composure, though her hands trembled slightly. "I-I'm doing my best to gather the money. It's just been difficult."

The man's gaze hardened. "Difficult doesn't cut it. You've had plenty of time. The interest keeps piling up. We need the payment now."

Woojin's heart raced as he took a few steps closer, unable to ignore the situation any longer. He could see his mother's fear and the pressure she was under. Stepping forward, he addressed the men with a determined but shaky voice. "What's going on here?"

The loan sharks turned their attention to Woojin, sizing him up with a mix of curiosity and disdain. The burly man sneered. "And who might you be?"

Woojin swallowed hard. "I'm her son. I want to know what's happening."

The man's eyes narrowed, but he maintained his stern demeanor. "We've been waiting for the repayment of a debt. Your mother's been falling behind, and now we need the full amount. If we don't get it soon, there will be consequences."

Woojin felt a surge of frustration and anger. He knew the debt had been a burden on his family for months, but seeing it come to this was overwhelming. "How much do we still owe?"

The man's expression remained unmoved. "You still owe us 10 million won."

(About 7,450 USD)

His mother stepped forward, her voice trembling. "Please, just give us a little more time. We're doing everything we can."

The man turned to Woojin, his gaze cold and unyielding. "You have until the end of the month to come up with the money. If not, we'll have to take more drastic measures."

With that, the loan sharks turned and walked away, leaving Woojin and his mother standing in the doorway, their anxiety palpable.

Woojin clenched his fists, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on him. He knew he had to find a way to come up with the money quickly, but the options seemed limited. Turning to his mother, he said, "We'll figure something out. I promise."

His mother nodded, tears in her eyes. "Thank you, Woojin. I'm sorry for all of this."

Park Woojin hugged his crying mother while also thinking ways how they will pay back the remaining balance of their debt.