**Chapter 7** A New Normal

 Many weeks had passed since Exalibar and Chloe arrived at James Maxford's doorstep. If not for his kindness, the two would have undoubtedly been recaptured—or worse. Their new life, however, was not without complications. The most significant of these was the injuries Exalibar had unintentionally inflicted on Valery, one of the world's greatest heroes. During his uncontrollable episode, he had broken seven of her ribs, fractured her spine in three places, punctured her right lung, and caused a severe concussion. Valery had been left comatose for a month, and though she eventually recovered, her injuries had lasting effects. Her coordination and balance were ruined, and she was now confined to a wheelchair for most of the day. Her days as a hero were over.

Valery accepted her fate with grace, but the world did not. The news of her retirement sent shockwaves through society. Crime rates skyrocketed, and lawlessness seemed to reign supreme. To make matters worse, Ronin, her husband and fellow hero, retired to care for her, leaving a power vacuum that villains were quick to fill. The world was in chaos, and Exalibar couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt every time he saw the news.

Despite the turmoil in the outside world, Exalibar and Chloe had settled into their new lives at school. The initial awkwardness of being the "new kids" had faded, and they had begun to form friendships. Chloe, with her vibrant personality and natural charm, quickly became one of the most popular students. She joined the debate team, excelled in her classes, and even started a study group that met every Thursday after school.

Exalibar, on the other hand, was more reserved. He preferred to keep to himself, though he couldn't deny the growing bond between him and Aisha. The two had become inseparable, often spending hours together in the lab or sneaking out for late-night adventures. Their chemistry was undeniable, though neither of them had acknowledged it openly. One afternoon, as they sat together in the school courtyard, Aisha turned to Exalibar with a mischievous grin. "You know, you're not as scary as you pretend to be."

Exalibar raised an eyebrow, his blue eyes glinting with amusement. "And you're not as subtle as you think you are."

Aisha laughed, her green eyes sparkling. "Touché. But seriously, you've been different lately. More… relaxed. It's nice."

Exalibar shrugged, leaning back against the tree. "Maybe I'm just getting used to this whole 'normal life' thing."

Aisha nudged him playfully. "Normal? With you around? Never." 

One evening, Exalibar's phone buzzed urgently. It was Aisha. Her voice was tense, and she insisted he come to her room immediately. Exalibar, used to her dramatic tendencies, sighed but complied. When he flung open her door, he found her lounging on her bed, laptop in hand.

"For the last time," Exalibar said, crossing his arms, "don't make it sound like an emergency whenever you call me."

Aisha grinned, unbothered. "I know, I know. But it makes you get here quicker. And this is an actual emergency. Well, for you at least."

Exalibar sighed, sitting on the edge of her bed. "What's up?"

Aisha's expression turned serious as she explained her findings. After running tests on his blood samples, she discovered what the second energy was. Unclassifiable she called it M2 the energy of resurrection. It was why he was able to come back from the dead. She also found out that M2 can be destroyed unlike regular energy. The moment it comes into contact with Chloe's energy blasts, it rapidly decreases leaving his supply almost dwindling if they fight.

Exalibar took the news in stride, though Aisha could see the flicker of concern in his eyes. "I'll be fine," he said, standing to leave.

Aisha reached out, her voice softening. "Exalibar, it's okay to be afraid, you know."

He paused at the door, his back to her. "I know."

Later that night, Exalibar woke to the sound of his window creaking open. He sat up, instantly alert, and noticed a figure slipping into his room. Before they could react, he grabbed them, pinning them to the floor.

"Dude, let go!" the figure hissed.

Exalibar blinked, recognizing the voice. "Aisha?"

"Yes, now let me go!" she whispered, struggling against his grip.

Exalibar released her, helping her to her feet. "What are you doing here? It's 11 p.m."

Aisha brushed herself off, her expression urgent. "I need your help. There's a bank robbery happening tonight, and I can't stop it alone."

Exalibar groaned, running a hand through his grey hair. "Right now? Can't it wait?"

Aisha shook her head. "Exalibar, I wouldn't ask if it wasn't serious. They're planning to hit the bank tonight, and we don't have the luxury of time." 

Reluctantly, Exalibar agreed. Aisha used her alchemy to create black outfits for both of them, ensuring they wouldn't be recognized. They snuck out of the house and drove to the bank in James's black Lexus, the only inconspicuous car in the garage.

On the way, Aisha laid out her rules: no lethal force and only attack if attacked. Exalibar argued that the robbers were armed and dangerous and waiting for them to strike first was a death sentence. Aisha countered that killing was wrong and that everyone deserved a second chance. Exalibar reluctantly agreed to follow her lead, though he made it clear he wouldn't hesitate to act if things went south.

When they arrived at the bank, the scene was chaotic. Three police officers had their guns trained on a man holding a hostage, while two others lay injured. Five robbers were scattered throughout the room, their weapons drawn. One of them, a man with bloodstained gauntlets, stood out as the most dangerous.

Exalibar and Aisha slipped inside unnoticed, their black outfits blending into the shadows. Exalibar quickly assessed the situation, his eyes narrowing as he identified the threats. The man holding the hostage was armed with a handgun, while the others appeared to have abilities.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Exalibar announced, stepping into the light, "remain calm. We're here to save you."

The robbers turned, their expressions a mix of shock and anger. The man with the handgun fired at Exalibar, but he dodged effortlessly, closing the distance in an instant. He disarmed the man with a swift strike, knocking him unconscious with a clean clothesline.

"Alright," Exalibar said, turning to the remaining robbers, "who's next?"


**To Be Continued…**