Chapter 1 How Real is a 100% Real Game

"...How real is a fully immersive game that is 100% real?"

Earth, a university computer room.

Looking at the group chat messages, the first image that popped up in Ye Wei's mind was not a game, but white thighs and justice.

To put it in more detail, his girl scroll 5 with 200+ od and 100+ wives made by himself came back to life from the save file.

I can't say anything more detailed, or the number will be lost.

His nickname in the group is Girl Public Enemy Ye Shishi. Because it is too long and not elegant, the old buddies in the group call him Ye Shi for short.

"It's literally true."

"Vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste... are all the same as the real world, the time flow of the game world is 1:1 with the real world, the time difference is about 12 hours, and because the technical principle is the interference of dreams, so the game time is quite to sleep."

The elder brother who typed out these two lines is nicknamed "Guang".

This serious one-character nickname is incompatible with the group name "Ox and Horse Club", so the sand sculpture group friends in the group will occasionally call this old man "Ultraman", "Gaia", or even Brother Kai or Niubi.

Level 8 Gale (Administrator): "Is this a fantasy setting? (Laughs)"

Lairi Fangchang (Administrator): "And it sounds like it's been a few years. It feels like the setting of virtual reality games in early Internet articles."

Baiju Guocha (group leader): "Haha, you mean wearing a virtual helmet? I liked watching it when I was in school."

Girls Public Enemy Night Ten Times (Administrator): "To be reasonable, this setting is unreasonable. The operator is not just to make money, but to make the players happy? If it is 100% real, how can it reflect the dignity of RMB fighters? Everyone They're all for nothing!"

Ye Wei doesn't read these novels, but he feels that he has received nine years of compulsory education, so he is different from others, and should pursue rationality rather than coolness.

So he prefers to watch fantasy and supernatural.

Fang Chang in the future: "Brother, you are too serious. If you really talk about rationality, compared to making money for the fictional operators in the novel, it is really reasonable to make readers outside of the novel happy, right?"

Level 8 strong wind: "Dolls are prohibited."

The topic quickly drifted off.

Although the Cow Horse Club is a game group, it seldom discusses games in such a serious manner as today.

Especially a "game" that didn't exist at all and was completely imagined out of thin air.

However, even though the topic has completely gone away, the initiator of this topic—that is, the old man named "Guang" still stubbornly brought the topic back.

Guang: "I mean if."

Guang: "If there is such a game, would you be willing to play it?"

Looking at the group chat, Ye Wei smiled and shook his head.

Is there even a need to ask?

Girl Public Enemy Night Ten Times: "Yes! Why not? It's a 100% real game, why don't you try it, you know. (Funny)"

The eighth-level gale: "+1, but I still have some doubts about the setting you mentioned. If the game time is equal to the sleep time... Isn't it more reasonable to apply this technology to work?"

Bai Ju crossed the gap: "Damn it, are you a devil???"

The future is long: "Then I'd better go to bed honestly. (Wry smile)"

Quit smoking: "You guys don't sleep at night, you dream in the group."

"Killing me."

There are more and more people bubbling in the group.

There are still some people who haven't posted any messages, but are still watching the screen with great interest.

In a game group of 200 people, the number of active group members is usually around ten to twenty. Occasionally, there will be two faces of "he knows you, but you don't know him". up.

The old brother named Guang ignored it and continued to immerse himself in his own world.

"In fact, the company I joined recently is developing a fully immersive virtual reality online game."

The lively group chat was quiet for a while.

But soon, as if they had made an appointment, a series of messages popped up.

"What the hell?"

"real or fake?!"

"Cow, brother! I almost believed it. (Funny)"

Ye Wei felt that this guy had too much drama.

A fully immersive virtual reality online game?

100% true?

It's just kidding.

Just like Big Brother Kuangfeng said, if this thing really existed, would it be used as a game? ? ?

Of course, he doesn't agree with direct use in the office field. In his imagination, if there is such a powerful technology, it must be used in the military field first.

How awesome it is to train special forces!