Track 01 - Liner Notes


These past few days had been spent practicing, planning, rehearsing and preparing. And last night was the final rehearsal. It was this or the highway. No more preparation. It had come sooner than you thought.

Everything was in place and operational. It was now time to begin. The sun shone brightly above, a thankful change from the rain of the past few days. Though cold from the mid-vestiges of spring it was looking to warm up quickly.

At least it wasn't winter anymore. Looking back, this spring had been a steadfast one, with new friends, allies and enemies all appearing constantly.

Just like the last 'show' a small flag was given to each of the participants. This time it was purple, the logo of the company emblazoned in gold. The guards were aware a 'concert' was planned a week ago. Most of them had forgotten by now, giving the element of surprise. All they knew was that it was coming.

The venue had sold out, 'fans' walking the building and 'opening acts' having completed their surveillance.

Before the 'performance' could begin there, one last roll call was needed. Was everyone ready and willing?

"████, █████? How are you two doing?"


"All set here. Pretty excited too! This is gonna kickass!"

"██████ and ██████?"

"We should be arriving real soon." ██████ said motherly.

"Wow, I've never been to this part of the city. So many high buildings!" ██████ said happily. You could hear other children chatting in the background. ██████ wasn't the only one excited.

"██████ and ████. What's your status? And how is █████ █████ doing?"

"Quite alright, thank you." ██████ said.

"Yeah, █████'s a bit antsy but ready. Still think I should drive but ehn."

"There will be plenty of time for you to drive, I am sure." ██████ cleared his circuits.

"This is going to be quite interesting. If ███ does betray us then there will be hell to pay." ███████ said sternly.

"We'll get 'em dad." █████ said encouragingly.


"I'm here aren't I? What exactly am I supposed to do anyways?" She asked, still using ████' voice.

"Replicate voices, my dear. We shall give you instruction." ██████ chimed in.


There was a short silence as you checked through the list, making sure everything was in place.

"Forgetting someone?" █ asked, annoyed. He warped to your phone, tapping his feet.

"Yes, yes. █. How are you feeling today?"

"Well I feel like I'm can blow this whole building up. Can we get started already? I can't wait to start wreaking havoc!"

"Looks like we're all ready. Good luck everyone."

"Just a reminder everyone." ██████ added. "The stakes are much higher here than ████. We cannot lose █████." The words echoed in your head.

This was going to be tough...


Some notes before we begin.

This story is dedicated to my brother who is a huge fan of FNF and helped immensely when I had questions about lore and who should appear. Any character with a FNF mod is game to appear.

Because I don't like using my real name when writing, the character's canonical name is Geist. The character is supposed to be your name. You do not have to be an FNF expert to understand wtf is going on.

Happy reading and thanks for making it this far!