Track 21 - Abandoned and Forgotten

Huggy Wuggy.

He was as described in the advertisement, albeit not as large as you had thought. He towered over you, at least 2 metres tall, maybe even three. You weren't in the mind to measure his height.

You weren't sure what kind of animal he was supposed to be if any. He had two really long arms and two long legs, almost like a monkey, though he stood completely upright. His head was triangular with and lacked any features beside eyes and a mouth. His eyes were just the pupil with a large black iris covering almost the whole eye. They glistened under the fluorescent light and if you weren't currently terrified your reflection would have been seen in them. He had large red cartoony lips which were wide in an open smile. Just from the brief glimpse you got there were rows and rows of teeth leading in him. He appeared more as a killing machine than a children's toy.

Though his mouth was open he was silent, the only sound he made was of his footsteps. And even then, that was muffled. He walked slowly, not once breaking eye contact with you.

He was covered in a navy-blue fur which had been matted and was clearly unwashed for some time. Like most plushies his hands and feet were featureless, lines in the hands and toes shone but it was just one piece of fabric.

He was a living toy. Or a demon of some sort. You weren't in the mind to play anthropologist either. Just where his chest was, a small red bow was tied there. Despite his ragged appearance it looked to be the only thing in order.

You back up slowly, just looking up, bewildered at the creature in front.

Now Playing...

Artist: Sea of Åland

Song: We Are Not Blood


You back up too much and hit the Make-A-Friend console, sending the machines back to life. Not only does it catch your attention, but it catches Huggy's as well and for a moment he looks ahead at the process.

The voice begins talking about Playtime Co. With Huggy distracted you make a break for it. Glancing behind Huggy the door outside was closed, most likely for the demonstration.

"Curse you, Kapi I swear." You mutter.

With that route out of the way you make for the for stairs to the walkway, ducking beside Huggy.

Your head start doesn't last long however as Huggy snaps back into it and starts lumbering after you. He doesn't bother climbing the stairs but instead starts scaling them, easily hoisting himself up.

You get a text on your phone but hardly even process it. Managing to make it across the walkway, Huggy reaches your level. There was still some distance and more than enough time to open fire. You hesitate. No more attention. That wasn't an option, less you attract more of those creatures.

That left the baton. Pulling out of your leg pocket you swing it, fully extending it. "Stay back!" You blink. Had it gotten smaller? It didn't appear to tower over as much.

Huggy merely cocked his head in curiosity at your baton and emitted some sort of low guttural sound.

A blink again just as he darts to you, practically lunging at yourself. You only barely process as you swing upright, directly hitting Huggy just above the throat.

image: The Monster Strikes -

It stumbles back, groans and slumps over. It nearly falls off the walkway as Huggy stumbles back. It sounded like it choked, the strike sending it reeling.

However, just as fast as it went down it started to get up and spat something on the ground.

You waste no time and jump off the walkway, carefully landing onto the roof of the assembly machines. You were in full fight mode now, thoughts of how to dispatch Huggy circling.

Time to put the combat training to the test. You think.

One option you consider was to beat it to death, though there was no telling how intelligent it was, if it could start anticipating your strikes. At this point opening fire was the main path you see. But it was still close. And would bullets even damage it? I need it in closer quarters. You jump off the assembly machine just as Huggy lands on it. He appeared mad now, eyes contorting in anger. Its smile had turned into a frown.

With the door to the hallway still closed you spot only one other escape route. There was a vent to the right that led deeper into the facility. It was where the finished toys would go, a red alarm flashing above it. Atop it stood a 'DO NOT ENTER' signs and it was open. You let out a deep sigh, again cursing Kapi for dragging you into this and jump in. The door closes behind you, sealing Huggy in the workshop.

You hear something crash from behind the door then the sound of Huggy scampering away. Had he given up? No. He must be on his way.

You figure you had a few minutes, no, seconds before he appeared in here. No doubt he knew this place better than you.

Praying the floor was still intact you proceed forward and slide down. At least the floor lights were still somewhat working. There were only two ways to go, forward and back.

You were at least grateful the ceiling was just high enough you didn't need to crouch.

Pulling your gun out you determine the close quarters could help take him out. The only victim then would be your hearing from the gunshot blast. At least the sound wouldn't escape the vent.

Well, unless there's other 'things' in the vent. You shudder, not wanting to think about the possibility.

As you hit the ground you look forward seeing another tunnel running perpendicular to yours, a metal grate and shielding blocking it. And, at the end of the vent Huggy charged toward you.

Had it not been for prior training and that grate you would have had a heart attack then and there. He crawled through the vent with ease, using both arms and legs to grip all the sides of the vent. Downright terrifying.

It wasn't just his appearance either. The way he moved sounded like he was stomping, banging on the metal as each appendage gripped a piece of the tunnel.

With the speed he was going at he would have gotten to you soon. Had to keep moving. You fire off a warning shot at the gates. The bullet gets lodged in the wall and the sound crashes all around. It's apparently enough for Huggy who flinches, slowing his speed. You gulp as he runs off. The way he moved, it was feral, and he not once broke eye contact as he continued. It sent shivers.

You keep running, now climbing up a slide, using indents in the wall as grips. As you make it up your see a fork in the path.

The choice was made for you as Huggy appeared in on, still smiling maniacally, crawling towards you. Just as you continue you running you fire off another shot and for a moment you hear his crawling stop. It narrowly misses him.

If only S or Tabi were around. They could have dealt with this, you lament. Not focusing on the tunnel you trip over something on the belt and fall feet first down some tunnel. For a brief moment you lose the gun, but it finds you at the bottom.

You were really lost now. This part of the tunnel was in disarray. The conveyer belts had become misaligned, shocks holding in place gone. It made the terrain harder to move on as you ran.

No time to relax as you hear the stomping come close.

You get up and keep running forward. It flashes by but you notice words painted on the wall. As you duck to the right path you notice a path almost closed off by a door. It was just large enough to crawl through it, off the path.

You duck into it and quietly move forward a bit then turn and aim at the main conveyer. You watch as Huggy darts past it, still in hot pursuit. The metal slamming gets quieter as the it gets replaced by the sound of your breathing and heartbeat.

You take a seat. He lost you.

You don't waste time and get up and keep walking through this off path. How was he even moving so fast? And did he get smaller? How was he even fitting? In the second you looked back before he did appear smaller. Maybe he's just extremely flexible.

Using your phone you light the map. You struggle to find where you even ended up, attempting to recall all the specific turns and ducks you made during the chase.

"Make a left here, er, forward. Hmm." You mumble, trying to make sense of it all.

You were starting to calm your nerves when the unthinkable happened.

Your phone started ringing. Kapi displayed on the screen. You hit decline as fast as you can but it's too late.

Almost instantly the stomping starts to get louder. "Kapi, if I survive this, I swear I will kill you myself." You shout as you start running again. You drop the map, gripping your phone and gun in both hands.

You briefly hear Huggy hiss behind you as his stomping stops. He tripped on the map.

You make a wrong move turning down the hallway as it the conveyer belt turned to steel rollers. Between your uneven footing and the smooth rollers they propel you forward.

Then, as if the machine was working against you a door slams in front. You nearly make out another 'DO NOT ENTER' sign before you slam right into it.

"Arrrgh!" You groan. You scoot around aiming the gun straight forward. "DON'T MOVE." You shout at Huggy. It slowed him down but he was still creeping towards you. "I'LL SHOOT!" It's not heard as the machine roars to life, drowning your shout out. Suddenly the door behind you opens and steel rollers propel you forward. It shot you out into a wide open area before closing shut on Huggy.

You slam into some railing and boxes, groaning again in pain. Thankfully the armor prevented injury, but you figure there were still bruises. It was quiet in here.

Using your free hand you pull yourself up, leaning on the guard rails and look around.

The room was gigantic and shaped like a silo. There were bridges going in all sorts of directions both above and below you. There was little light here with the only sources being a few lights suspended above the paths and lights surrounding the path exits on the walls.

You couldn't see where the 'silo' started below and ended above. It was just blackness, different bridges as far as you could see.

You put the gun away. If it weren't for the pile of boxes blocking the way you could have gone forward. You hear something creak beneath and then a rope snap.

You turn around as your heart stops. The door opens and Huggy lunges out dashing to you. The remaining lines snap and the whole bridge you and Huggy were one collapses.

You land on some other metal walkway, landing on your butt. Huggy was not so lucky as he misses and lands stomach-first on the railing. Failing to grab onto it he starts to slide off, emitting something that almost sounded like screaming.

You weren't sure why, maybe it was a police instinct, maybe it was just kindness but ignoring your pain you jump forward and grab Huggy's arm just before he could slide off. Putting your feet on the railing for support you use your other hand to grab his arm too and pull.

You make out yourself shouting to help pull up.

He wasn't as heavy as you'd imagined, but you still couldn't pull him up. You notice his arm was starting to tear. Your eyes meet Huggy's as you pull. His smiles fades, replaced by one of shock.

"G-grab ahold!" You shout. Huggy seems to understand that and using his other arm somehow extends it and wraps it around the railing, beginning to pull himself up.

Your mind comes flooding back. Let him drop. He's gonna kill you. You curse, his eyes were too sad looking.

Once he was up enough to stammer back and go to the gun. You were breathing heavy, and the pain your shoulder had taken was starting to come to forefront. You hadn't even realized the pain in your backside yet either.

As Huggy gets up and stands upright he doesn't bare his teeth. He was just smiling, mouth closed, looking at you.

You nearly fall over, getting down on one knee then landing on your bum. You reach for the gun, but it was just out of reach.

Then Huggy lunges at you, screaming.

But instead of death he just nuzzles you, head on your chest. He wrapped his arms around you as a snake would. He was...cuddling?

Huggy emitted some kind of low growl, you guess to be purring. He continues to rub his head on you, getting soot and grime onto your chest.

Unsure, you pat it's back. "A-are we cool now?" You spit out.

It emits some kind of murmur.

"Oh, thank God." You relax, letting your head rest on the grate.

As he cuddled you noticed his fur was matted in parts if not blackened from the dirt. Parts of him were cut as well. And he smelled strangely of motor oil. Whatever this 'Huggy Wuggy' was, it/he was in rough shape.

You lay there for a few minutes. Just catching your breath, mainly letting Huggy get it out. When you were recovered you slowly push him off. It does occur to you Kapi's plan was not going to work. There was no way Huggy, nay, no way you'd let Kapi do anything to this...toy-thing-monster.

As you get up, Huggy does as well, still close. "Well, I should be going." You say.

Huggy's smile turns to a frown as he grabs you, arm wrapping around yours. He clearly wanted you to stay. As you looked into his eyes an idea sprang up. Between his speed, flexibility and animalistic ability he was a strong creature. He didn't seem so stupid either, clearly understanding some manner of speech.

He'd make a great addition to the team, you think. He was wrapped all around you, unsure where his arms started, and legs ended. He really was an affectionate 'creature'. It was like he had no bones at all.

You could hardly believe the train of thought but figure he's also better off with you than lurking in this factory alone. There was the matter of where he'd stay but decide it'll be dealt with later.

"How about you just come with me? We can get you fixed up, your arm, get you cleaned." You extend a hand out. He looks at you then looks at your hand before completely grabbing you into a hug. He pulls tightly for a minute before you pat him to stop.

"It's a deal then. Welcome aboard, Huggy."

Huggy let out a squeal happy he'd been adopted.

Once he let go you spoke. "Now, first things first. We gotta get out of here. And my friend's upstairs somewhere. You know the way back to the top?"

Huggy nodded, pointing towards one of the doorways.

"You lead the way then. I'm right behind you."

With a purr, Huggy grabbed your hand and started walking. Just by the way he moved it seemed as if he could control his height.

You wonder how Kapi was doing.

Boredom was slowly consuming Kapi. He'd already looked through the workshop a second time, power room again, security cameras to find Huggy and some of the other rooms now open. He even texted you earlier but got no response. He'd seen you briefly on the cameras but disappeared out of sight, going up to some walkway above.

Deciding you had run off on your own adventure he left the power room. There were still two more rooms he needed to check. 'Testing' and the 'Theatre'. Testing was in remarkably bad shape. Either it had been looted already or destroyed upon closure. Scraps of metal were all over the place, glass tubes smashed in, walls scratched up and covered in indiscriminate stains.

Just searching around Kapi found some patches of blue fabric and what he guessed was Huggy's hand. "Darn." He remarked. Looking at the fabric gave him an idea. "Maybe I could just build a new one. I already have reference photos."

With no luck here Kapi decided to call you only for the call to be go unanswered. "Ah, I'm sure (Y/N)'s fine." Kapi shrugged off. As he spoke he heard something move fast behind him and leave the testing area.

"Hello? (Y/N)?" Kapi asked, turning back. There was nobody there. Figuring it could have been you screwing with him he left. He tightened his grip on the GrabPack, ready to smack whatever was hiding.

"Guess I'll go back to security, keep looking." He muttered as he stepped out. But when he looked back in the lobby, he saw the theatre door ajar. Now curious he walked towards it. He wasn't sure if the door was open before but entered anyways.

The theatre as far larger than he thought. It had several rows of seats surrounding a large stage. It looked as if there might have been a second floor but the lights upon the ceiling weren't working. Nothing but darkness up in the air.

It didn't look like Huggy was in here, but he did swear he felt someone watching him. Figuring it to be some other thief or something he reached out to the presence.

"Hello?" Kapi asked, stepping forward into the theatre.

"I don't mean any harm. I'm just trying to find an original Huggy doll." He said out loud.

"Now, now. Why would you want that?" A feminine voice spoke. She sounded to be above Kapi, though her voice reverberated throughout.

"Well, I need him for a project. I wanna turn him into a mech."

"A mech? Can't say I'm familiar with that."

Kapi looked up. There wasn't anything visible above, just black.

"Well I'm gonna hollow it out, put machinery in it and-" Kapi said as he started to walk forward. His words stopped as he heard something crash behind him. He turned back, nearly tripping over.

Standing there, far taller then him was some kind of creature. She looked to be like a pink doll but with extremely long appendages, like a spider. Her face was like a doll's, large eyes and a mouth but moved and spoke as if it were alive.

Kapi didn't know the true size of Huggy but if did, would have seen this spider-woman-thing was much larger than Huggy.

She was pink all over, her stomach, a sphere that connected to a heart-shaped torso. Whatever she was Kapi was frightened by her appearance.

With a flick of her cartoon-ish hair she spoke. "At least you are honest. I like that."

She stepped forward leaning down. She barely needed to move forward, just bending down to Kapi was close.

"I won't let you harm a single one of them." She said, leaning towards Kapi. "They. Are. Mine."

"Oh.I-I-Ii" Kapi started stammering. The doll leaned back, away from Kapi. "No need to speak. I know your kind. Think you can just waltz in here and kill, take and test whatever you want."


A film started playing on the theater, a projector sprung to life.

The doll clapper her gloved, rubber hands together. "Perfect! Let's play a game! If you can hide from me until the films over, I will let you go." She smiled as she spoke. "Otherwise...I'll EAT YOUR INSIDES! HahahahA!"

"Now then, you better start hiding.~" She covered her eyes and started counting. Kapi had no choice in the matter.

He had no response either but instead darted down the aisles trying to find a seat row to hide behind. Seeing the first one he ducked into the aisle and crawled under one of the seats.

"10! Now. Where did you go~" She moved silently, breaking the rule to wait after the film. Kapi was listening closely but could only hear his heartbeat. It was uncanny how she moved without sound. The film was still playing, explaining the history of the factory.

"Hmmm?" She murmured. Kapi slowly turned around and faced up. Not even a full minute after she'd started looking, he'd been spotted.

"Hehe. Found you. You're lousy at this game!"

He was lying on the GrabPack. Thinking fast he shoot a hand at her. It would've been a direct hit had she not dodged fast and grabbed the wire.

"Nice try. Now come here." She yanked the wire forward propelling Kapi into the air. She grabbed him with her other hand, bringing him close to her face, holding him by the pack.

His instincts kicked in as he quickly undid the pack and kicked forward hitting her face.

"You little-" After being kicked she let go of the wire and the GrabPack hand hit the back of her head.

He didn't wait to see how she'd react, instead bolting to the exit. He was hyperventilating now, getting out the only thing on his mind.

He started running as fast as he could, even breaking into running on his hands and feet. No looking back, he knew she was definitely in pursuit.

In the chaos he made it out and ran into the first door he saw. The Make-A-Friend workshop.

The door closed behind him with a loud thud. He collapsed, his back against the door. She must have sensed him still close as he heard her practically whisper through the door.

"That's right." She said sensually. "Keep running deeper into my web. I'll catch you soon enough~"

Those words didn't help Kapi who was currently struggling to keep his breathing in check. There was a sharp pain in his spine. He was having a panic attack. In-between his hands shaking and mental anguish he pulled out his phone and dialled your number.

"Pickuppickupickupleasepleaspickup." He stammered as the number dialled.

Your phone started ringing, neither you nor Kapi realizing you were in the same room. Kapi heard the ringing and ran towards the vent. Out of it came Huggy first. The sight near traumatized the catboy who ran, screaming towards the walkway above. He was practically tripping upward as he ran up the stairs.

Behind you followed, Huggy helping you maneuver the darkness. Whether it was some attachment issue or not Huggy had insisted he hold your hand at all times.

You heard the screaming, vaguely realizing it was Kapi. Huggy gave you a confused look. He didn't know who this catboy was, Huggy thinking he was a child. He gave a friendly wave to Kapi.

"Kapi? That you?" You shout out loud. From a railing above you see him terrified, trembling as he looked down. "(Y-y-yy--nnn-n) is that y-you?"

"Yeah, I, uh found Huggy. You okay?"

Controlling his breathing better he managed to spit out. "No I'm not. We need to get out of here asap. There's this crazy spider thing and she's chasing me. She's gonna kill us!" He shouted.

Apparently Huggy understood as his grip on you tightened. You turned to him, a worried look on his face too.

"You know what he's talking about?"

Huggy nodded.

"You don't like her do you?"

Huggy shook his head.

"Well, let's just get out of here then. You know a route to avoid her?" You weren't sure what Kapi and Huggy were referring to but if it scared them both there was cause to be concern.

"I-is he safe?" Kapi asked from above.

"Yeah, he's alright. He's not dangerous, don't worry."

"A-a-alright." Kapi said, still trying to get his nerves under control. He took deep breaths as he came down, nerves shot from the worry. You waited until Kapi came down to where you were.

He looked Huggy up and down, still terrified of his presence. His hands were closed together as he was unsure what to do. Huggy had a completely different approach to it, instead seeing a small child scared in front of him. He knelt down and opened his arms wide for a hug. Instead of allowing Kapi to move forward he practically grabbed Huggy and wrapped him up in a cradle.

"W-w-wwhat's he's doing?" Kapi asked.

"I don't know. He likes cuddling. Let's go. Huggy. Lead the way."

Huggy nodded, still carrying Kapi.

Kapi didn't like being babied but was also terrified, thinking Huggy could kill him if he did anything.

Huggy looked around, determining where she'd show up from. He walked up to the main door and noticed the toy ajar from it. Huggy motioned for you to fix it. For encouragement you tell Huggy, "You're coming with us alright? We're not leaving you behind."

Huggy nodded in excitement. You place the toy back and the door opened. You heard it now, someone or something was stomping in vents.

"We gotta go." You say. Huggy starts running like a parent carrying a baby. You followed closely behind. You turn back to see some pink monstrosity behind you. You draw your gun and fire, aiming at the stuffy on the pedestal. It hits and the door closes, the doll-girl-thing banging on the door.

The banging stops, no doubt her slinking back to attack again.

You, Huggy and Kapi make it back to the lobby. You waste no time and continue to the main entrance, running past the hall, jumping the turnstile and getting back to the lobby. You get ahead of Huggy and just as you reach the doors you notice Huggy slow down. He had a worried look on his face and dropped Kapi. He got up and ran, jumping the turnstile too. He was ready to leave.

"C'mon!" You shout. Huggy shook his head. He had a sad look on his face. "What are you doing? Let's go!" Huggy blinked at you a few times, unsure.

"We came here to get you! If you think we're just gonna leave you behind, you got another thing coming!" You shout at him. That was enough motivation and he follows, again wrapping his arm around yours, tighter. It was the anxiety of leaving.

Huggy wasn't sure if he could do it. One thing was for sure. You didn't care. He was coming and that was final. You yanked him along, not giving him choice in the matter.

The three of you three burst out the doors into light rain. It was starting to spit; the clouds growing shades darker. You ignored it, instead running to the car. It took a bit of coaxing to get Huggy inside, but Kapi took charge there, practically forcing Huggy inside. Just as you put the keys in and start it you glance over at the entrance. You see the monstrosity's head peer out of the doors, look disapprovingly at you then vanish inside.

The chase was over.

You take a deep sigh of relief.

"Everyone buckled in?" You ask.

"Yeah, let's go." Kapi said quickly. You glance back. Kapi had taken the initiative to try and buckle Huggy in. He had to use two different belts.

With that done you drive off.

You weren't exactly sure what to do with Huggy but hope Displo would have an idea. Seeing him move like that in the vents proved he was capable. And he demonstrated some sort of intelligence. Either way, he was a member now.

"Alright. Let's head home." You say and you peel out of the parking lot.

The next chapter will be called Corn Mazes.

Huggy Wuggy has joined the party!