Track 25 - A Girl and Her Stuffy

As you drove back to Displo's, Kapi was a little upset at the fallout. Once again he was rendered useless on the team, so he said. Huggy effectively cancelled out his whole 'mech' idea sending him back to square one. There was no way he was going to kill Huggy and even less of a chance you'd let him.

You tried to encourage Kapi stating that he will find his calling soon enough. You recall him mentioning driving during Blindside and push from that angle.

You weren't going to let him just fall by the wayside.

He was still disappointed but understood that nothing was concrete yet. He also understood that there was still a long way away until the final operation.

Glancing at Huggy in the backseat, it occurred to you that if present in the operation he would need a caretaker. Since he already liked Kapi you suggest that to the cat-boy. Kapi seemingly brushed it off, nothing more than a sullen "I'll think about it."

Huggy didn't understand what you meant but seemed to like the idea of Kapi being his partner for it. At least, you figure based on the sounds he made. He picked up on Kapi's sadness, thinking hugging him would help.

As you the conversation ran dry you focused more on driving. Better to leave Kapi with his thoughts for now.

Huggy was silent for most of the ride back, content to stare out the window. You still weren't sure exactly what he was and whether he was a robot, some animated being or an eldritch horror like S. You'd tried to place one more call to S but no response. He was busy doing other things.

There was also the matter of where Huggy would stay. You decided that he'd be best at your place, figuring that the others would automatically decline. Kapi wasn't interested in hosting him, noting that his apartment wasn't large enough.

Adding another 'abomination' to your household didn't seem like much more. At least, he would if Displo didn't have a place for him.

The ride back at first was full of worry Huggy would be spotted. However, he figured out how to open the window and had stuck it head out long before you noticed. Most people didn't even know who he was. The city was already full of weird things, what was one another? The only part that concerned you now was him hitting a sign.

He stuck his tongue out like a dog as he enjoyed the wind on his face, lap. After the rain started to pick up harder he stuck it back in, preferring to stay dry as he ogled everything.

There was no telling how long he was in there, or if he could really remember anything back then. He was shrouded in mystery, even more than Tabi when you first met him.

And as you even pulled into Displo's it became abundantly clear nobody really cared about Huggy. You, Kapi and Huggy went through the back door, just in case.

It was raining hard outside and it took a bit of coaxing to get Huggy out of the car. You also made it a point to tell Huggy not to attack anyone after he nearly spooked a cook on break.

"Hands off." You had said.

Despite uttering the rules he completely abandoned them upon seeing Displo. You weren't sure why the toy-monster was so enamoured by Displo. But, regardless he automatically formed some kind of connection with the android. You guess it was because Displo wasn't human or anthro. It also led you to speculate that Huggy may be robotic of sort. Or it was because Displo's head looked a bit like the TVs you'd seen back in the factory. Whatever the reason, Huggy was content staying around Displo and relaxed around him.

Displo was more interested in the fact such a being existed. You got Huggy to show off his incredible flexibility, Displo immediately noting it would be a perfect asset for the heist. He came to the same conclusion as you, he would need a caretaker. Let Kapi think on it first.

You and Kapi explain the story of the factory and that there were probably others like Huggy. He nodded and said that he would get IRIS to send the GREP team (Grab and Research Everything Possible) to go investigate later.

Kapi's response was different. Though he was terrified of the factory he wished that no harm come to them. Huggy had warmed his heart.

It would have been an emotional confrontation if Displo weren't anticipating it. Though faceless you could hear the smirk in his voice. He responded, "I assure you, whatever they find there will be cared for appropriately. It is rather fortunate you found them first and not TGG. My people will treat them with kindness. They are professionals. No harm will come to them."

Displo ordered a physician to come to the restaurant for a physical on Huggy. He added in the bonus of a free lunch as well. It didn't take long for someone to show up. They came in, lab coat on, stethoscope still around their neck.

Huggy, upon seeing them freaked out, panicking, flipping furniture and cowering behind you, Displo and Kapi.

It was Displo who figured out the cause, ordering the physician to leave and come back in civilian clothing. When they did, Huggy was better behaved.

It gave some insight into Huggy's stay at the factory. Clearly, the toy-monster had some intense trauma. You stood by his side as the physician examined him. He wrapped an arm around your entire arm, squeezing tightly as he was examined.

At the end, she gave him a lollipop and he ate the entire thing, stick, plastic and all in one bit. The physician claimed that her tests were not the most conclusive, noting if she had better equipment she could have done better. She concluded that Huggy was an organic being with a simple mind. Whether or not he had bones, she could not tell.

He wasn't human, anthro or robotic but he was a living creature. A monster.

As for his cognitive ability he understood Basic English, the physician noting that he should be examined by a child psychologist instead. Huggy needed more testing.

As the physician left it was a matter of cleaning up Huggy's mess. He was more than enthused to help, though not understanding that the table wasn't the right way up.

It had been a total blackout from Tabi's expedition. No word from him, S or Agoti. You were starting to get worried but relented upon seeing Tabi call you.

He was annoyed and perplexed at the situation he had gotten himself into. First he gave a short summary of what happened. 'Applejack1' was actually a 14 year-old girl name Pomona Carrot. She had tried to set up some elaborate plot to pretend to kill Tabi and Agoti but save them at the last second. It should have shown her magical talent and been 'perfect'. Tabi and Agoti had completely ruined it and now they were dealing with an angry high-schooler who wanted to join. And her mother was apparently on board with her joining a heist team.

The fact that she had the foresight to plan something like that and anticipate the group rejecting her cause of her age was a checkmark in your book. He mentioned something about a 'memory-erasing' spell which sounded useful.

You put him on hold for a second and ask Displo and Kapi. Neither one had objections. Kapi didn't really care. Displo merely noted that IRIS had various elementary and secondary volunteer positions for those teenagers willing to go into a STEM career. That if needed, Pomona could be filtered through it.

It sounded like he was reading off a script but his final answer was yes, so long as the parents were okay with it. In the end you agreed and spoke to the mother, telling her to come by later with Pomona.

The mother also mentioned that she could easily teleport and set up a hub for her and Pomona to easily traverse between the farm and Displo's. You asked her a hypothetical if she or her daughter could come up with a spell to just teleport into the vault but she declined, stating she'd at least needed to have traveled there once.

Not to mention that the mother was familiar with the Family and stated they had some form of anti-magic defences. It ruled out one possibility but with their other magic it wouldn't matter.

She said she'd come by with the rest of the group when the storm cleared.

Things were looking good. With time before Tabi's arrival you go and shop. If Huggy was going to live with you he needed stuff. Kapi skipped, noting that he wanted to get some errands done before the meeting tonight.

Displo agreed to take care of Huggy till you got back, stating that business had slowed down because of the storm. He determined that he would try to run some more tests on the monster.

Assuming that Huggy was carnivorous you bought a few cuts of raw meat. There was also a quick trip to the thrift store to buy a bunch of stuffies and building blocks for Huggy.

Hours later you find yourself back at Displo's with half the crew present. Tabi's entourage was still in traffic, the storm having slowed them down significantly.

Kapi had come back earlier and was screwing around with TURINGS. He was curious if there were any games on it, Huggy behind him watching curiously.

Displo had concluded his investigation stating that indeed Huggy was an organic creature. He gave you the preliminary report. Huggy likely was made in a lab of some sort. Origins completely unknown. Omnivorous but didn't seem to need to eat much to survive. He had a very low metabolism, unknown if cause of his physiology or if because he had grown that way. Age somewhere between 35 to 50 years old. Extremely flexible but you knew that already.

You take a seat at the table.

"I still think he would be a good addition to the team." Displo said, taking a seat near you.


Watching Huggy and Kapi figure out the computer made them appear as a perfect duo. You wanted again to suggest it but decide against it for now.

A few minutes earlier Tabi had said he was close. You figured they would show up any second now.

"And I think that he would be a perfect caretaker for the beast." Displo said, again coming to the same conclusion as you.

"Perhaps. I suggested it to him back in the car. He said he'd think on it."

The door opened, one of the chefs stepping in.

"Sir? There's a few people outside, saying they want to see you. I recognize the two of them but not the others. Should I-?"

"Of course. Let them in. Thanks for checking." Displo waved at the chef.

In came Tabi, Agoti, Pomona and her mother. While her mother was clearly human, Pomona was not. She looked like an anthro, though it was hard to tell what kind. Tabi had given you a rough summary earlier but it was still perplexing.

She looked around in amazement at the setup.

You weren't sure what Huggy and Kapi were up to but they were having a good time over there, Kapi giggling with Huggy.

You and Displo stand up, introducing yourselves to the newcomers. You both pass Tabi and Agoti and welcome Pompom and her mother, Amelia.

"What the hell is that?" Tabi asked, surprised.

In the introductions, Huggy had become aware of the new people in the room. He turned around, smile as wide as when you first met him. Though he didn't speak he emitted some screech. His first thought was "more friends"!

Tabi took a step back, clearly shocked by Huggy's wayward appearance. Agoti, next to him was surprised as well. Not to mention Huggy practically turned his head 360 degrees, not having any issue doing so.

Fear only grew as Huggy stood upright, reaching the ceiling of the room. His posture was slanted, showing only to make him ganglier.

Tabi took another step back, ready to reach for his knife. Whatever this being was, scared him. Agoti could feel his hair stand on end. It looked as if he were about to run.

You and Displo were pre-occupied talking to Amelia and Pomona to really take note of the impending scene.

"Hey, you look like one of the kids in my grade!" Pompom noted.

"I do?"

"Yep! His name was...." Pomona thought for a second. "Static!"

"Static?" Displo put his hand on his chin, thinking. "Interesting. Android, about yay high?"

"You know him?"

"He's an acquaintance of mine. Sometimes visits. What a nice coincidence."

Displo said aside to you. "Another IRIS field agent, like me."

"He's the youngest of the ones like me." Displo remarked aloud.

It was only when you notice that Huggy step over the table. He wanted to get a closer look at the two individuals.

Amelia looked around Displo, seeing Huggy. She could tell he was harmless. After so many years of dealing with strange creatures she could easily tell just by looking. She paid him no mind.

"Oh, right. Guys, this is Huggy Wuggy. We picked him up earlier." You motion to the blue beast, now leaning in.

Pomona looked back at Huggy who, while a little over the table took note of who you and Displo were speaking to. His eyes met Pompom's.

However, unlike Tabi and Agoti her first thought was...

"Wow! He's so cute!" Pompom said aloud. She ran up to him, looking deep into his face.

"K-Kapi's controlling him right?" Tabi asked. It was only then you notice him shaking slightly, clearly unnerved by Huggy's presence. Agoti too.

"No. He's alive. He's friendly, don't worry."

"Pick me up! Pick me up!" Pompom gleefully shouted. She put her hands up, jumping up and down. Huggy understood and knelt down helping to put her on his back. Making himself slightly smaller he held her legs and paraded Pomona around the room on his shoulders, generally having a good time.

"She's quite active, I know." Amelia commented.

"I'm sure she'll get along with everyone." You respond.

After letting Huggy meet the others, or rather, just meet Amelia and Pompom you got the meeting on the way. Tabi and Agoti were less than interested in meeting Huggy. Huggy too, he could tell they weren't interested in playing anyways.

Tabi's expression was hard to make out, Agoti likewise. Whether or not he just didn't like Huggy or was still scared of the dangly creature was unknown. Agoti tried to play it off, even teasing Tabi about it. An action that you shut down instantly by having Huggy stay near Agoti.

S was completely absent. Agoti remarked that S apparently had some major things to do and had to leave cause of it. "Sonic is apparently back or something. I don't know." Agoti shrugged.

In a corner of the room Pompom looked over the monster. Those years spent in the factory were not kind to his fur. In places it was matted and other places cut. He was not always an expert at crawling through ducts. It came from years of pursuit, scraping himself on the ancient metal. Not to mention the brief jaunt through the rain had done little to clean him.

You noticed it earlier but there was little that could be done at the time. At least he didn't smell.

Huggy just let her inspect him, unsure what she was doing. "Your fur is cut in places. Here, lemme patch you up."

As Pompom observed him she knew what to do. Huggy seemed to understand what she meant but was still anxious. He nuzzled against her shoulder as he put trust in her.

From her backpack she pulled out a small sewing kit. She brought it everywhere she went, and had become known in school as the girl with the thread. Kids flocked to her to get help sewing patches onto their pants or backpacks. Started a whole trend in her school.

With some blue thread and extreme precision she got to patching Huggy back up. He still needed a wash, Pompom thought. But there would be time for that later.

Amelia told Pompom to take a seat and pay attention. She did so, Huggy close by. She kept sewing him up as the meeting began.

You gave them a semi-condensed version of the events so far. Amelia agreed with you on the Family. She didn't wish to get deeper into their past encounters, noting it wasn't something she wanted Pompom to hear. Regardless she was in full support of the operation.

She believed everything you had said, apologizing to Tabi and Agoti for what they had been through. Sitting next to her Tabi asked if her magic could fix him but she declined. Without knowing more about what the Father did she could have made it worse.

You learned that while Pompom was young, she was an exceptional magic user for her age. Her mother had complete confidence in her. The thought entered your mind to ask why Pompom was the way she was but you don't.

After hearing what Tabi and Co. had gone through in the maze it gave Displo an idea. "Amelia, if it's not too much trouble, and I apologize for being so cumbersome..." Displo said casually.

"Spit it out." Amelia said. She had heard all the compliments before.

"Would it be possible to use the maze? Based on what my compatriot said I think it would be good practice to run through."

Amelia didn't think it for long. Pompom backed Displo saying that Zardy would love the challenge. In the end she accepted. Displo thanked but noted he would not be participating in the actual traversal of the maze.

"Rural environments are not my strongest suit. I will be control for that session." Based on what Tabi had told you it would have been a good idea to run through the maze. Good practice.

With regards to Kapi you took charge and put him in charge of Huggy for the operation. Pompom immediately protested but you and Amelia both shot back that her entire focus was needed on magic, not animal keeping.

Kapi agreed having through it over, stating that while he'd watch him in this operation, "there's no way he's staying with me." Before you could bring up that he would stay with you, Pompom interrupted.

"So he doesn't have anywhere to stay? Can he stay with me? Mom can we keep him?"

Amelia looked at you expectantly. Huggy was your responsibility. Tabi remarked he was out as "you're the one who dragged that beast into here."

"He'll stay with me." You say.

"Aw, well can we keep him on the weekend?" Pompom asked.

While you hadn't thought much about Huggy's living arrangements, dwelling on it now appeared that he would be better on a farm. There was a lot more space to run around.

"Sure. Maybe half a week there, half a week here, or something."

It was your turn to look at Amelia. This was her call now.

"What about Mackie? You already have a pet." She said.

"Y-yeah, but Mackie's lonely. Yea! He could use a playmate."

"I don't know...."

"Okay, what if he helped Dad with the chores? He can reach high, help pick from the vineyard! Right?"

Huggy nodded, standing up, proving he was taller than he looked.

Amelia sighed. "Well, fine, if (Y/N) is okay with it."

"Sure. It might be good for him."

"It's settled then. We'll have him half the week and you the other half."

You wondered if it would affect Huggy but he didn't seem to care. If it becomes an issue we'll pick a permanent place for him. You think. For now Huggy would stay with Pompom, at least until after the maze.

It didn't take long thereafter to conclude the meeting. With a bit of planning and prep it was determined that Pompom and Huggy would join the team.

You look around. Everything was slowly falling into place.

The next chapter will be called Mazes, Daycares & Allergies.