
The Starbane Odesious IV. It was the name given to the large city that floated in the outer space, revolving and monitoring the home planet of one of the tier 3 warring civilizations that inhabited this universe, the Asceptus.

Starbane Odesious IV was also one of the eleven fortresses that acted as the command centres for the multiple wars that Asceptus had were fighting, this one dedicated to the war against humans. Humans were a race that had shown rapid growth over the last few millennia, almost reaching the mid-levels of a tier three universal civilization. During this growth, humans had also gotten their hands on something that they should have stayed away from until they had the power to truly defend themselves on the universal scale.

The twenty years of time period provided by the Assembly of Universal Civilizations had costed dearly to the Asceptus, but they still took this venture and now, the time limit was approaching an end. They had just started accelerating their preparations when suddenly, they discovered that humans had made a base in the dusk zone, the inhabitable part of the galaxy.

With multiple of their preparations and projects running in the human domain, this new step could not be overlooked, so they focussed a lot of resources on finding out what exactly was going on. They even sent an army led by two Rulers, more than enough to defeat the camp led by one major. But now, they had lost all contact with their army in a matter of a few minutes.

"What exactly is going on there. There were two Rulers on that planet, they can't be defeated so soon even assuming that they are somehow defeated." A giant snarled as it looked towards the screen before itself.

"My Ruler sir! What should we do in this unforeseen situation? The disappearance of Ruler Omphi and Ruler Chankef along with the troops is something that we could not have predicted, but it confirms that the Lower race are doing something unaccounted for in the dusk zone."

"Hmm. Let those do whatever they want. It's not like they can threaten the great Asceptus with their puny attempts. But we can't allow them to face no repercussions for their act of defying us and harming two Rulers. Draft a request to increase the workforce and arrange a raid and send it to the upper floors." The giant spoke while he looked at the blank screen which had been active just a few hours ago.

"What about monitoring? Did the devices used to monitor the dusk zone record anything?" The giant asked.

"No Ruler sir. The lowers have used something to block monitoring during the period in which the disappearance took place. The recording of the monitoring satellites shows the planet disappearing for nearly ten hours before it became visible once again." Another creature with a humanoid body and two elbow joints responded to its superior.

"Interesting! So, these lowers are doing something that they want to keep hidden from us or the Alliance in the dusk zone. This matter is getting more interesting as I look into it. Add the permission to assemble five more rulers in the draft. Also, increase the contact with the spies on the planet and have them find out what is going on at all costs."

The two subordinates kowtowed before their superior as they walked out of the room.


Camp Cerberus

After yet another failed attempt at the Ageris den, Regis was lying on the floor, when he felt his holowatch vibrating in a completely different pattern than it used to when he received calls and messages. When he tapped on it with the intent to know what exactly the reason was, something that he had never expected happened.

The holographic image of an eagle like creature popped out of the screen.


The holographic eagle with a small bump on its head pointed its beak towards a virtual letter that had been tied to its leg and the word 'Message' popped up on Regis' screen. Regis was amused and surprised by the projection and moved his finger to tap the virtual letter.

The eagle flew out of the screen and landed on Regis' shoulder, though its size was more comparable to that of a sparrow. The letter expanded to cover his holographic screen.

'Make a report about what happened during the recent war against the Asceptus on Camp Cerberus to the family database. – Pamsher Kleeve, Patriarch in training.

Regis knew the sender of this mail from his memories. Pamsher Kleeve was the new patriarch in training of the Kleeve Senatorial family and the person who had won the post by outshining more than twelve other candidates, one of them being Isenak Kleeve, the elder brother from the memories.

Faced with the situation, Regis wanted to ignore it at first. But it would be even more suspicious if he did not reply. If the information was useful to the Kleeve Senatorial family, they would go to greater lengths to find out more about it.

The Kleeve Senatorial family was also the group that knew the original Regis Kleeve more than anyone else, so if Regis somehow attracted their attention, he felt that he won't be able to hide the fact that he was a stranger from them.

So, he sent all the information that he knew about the war that he had overheard from other Cadets and soldiers over the last week. He also added the note that all the Cadets were in the enclosed space of the War simulation and that they experienced nothing out of the ordinary during that period of time.

In fact, the cadets were more shocked than anyone else to find out that a war had taken place without them having the slightest hint.

'Try to find more information and report everything no matter how insignificant.' Was the reply that Regis received.

That aside, Regis was more curious about the eagle and tried to touch its small head. It allowed him to and all the information about the eagle slowly got displayed on the holographic screen.

This specific type of Eagle was the trademark symbol of the Kleeve Senatorial family and no one else could use it for any purposes without their consent. The eagle perched on his shoulder was the personal AI network of Regis Kleeve that acted as a private internet for him. This little eagle contained not only all the information that was available on the general internet, it also kept records and information that Regis had the privileged access to.

Regis was shocked at this revelation. Only a small percentage of the population had the access to their own private AI network as in this era. For a civilization already in the third phase of universe settlement, money had nearly lost its value for the upper strata of the society. What truly set them apart and further divided this two percent of human population was the amount of confidential information and privilege that they had an access to.

Regis touched the Eagle and a long list of names ending with the surname Kleeve appeared on his screen. This was the private data of the Kleeve Senatorial family that was absent from the internet. Regis felt elated. He immediately scrolled through the information on the real Regis Kleeve and the people he had interacted with.

It did contain most of the basic information about most surnamed Kleeve, but the details of only a few people, his grandparents, parents as well as his brother who was said to have mysteriously vanished seven months ago. Regis' AI was also responsible for managing most of his private information like his 'Status and Stats' and detailed information on the mystical element that the Kleeve senatorial family had specially reserved from the government and military to fuse with him.

Regis was more curious about the AI network than the other members and opened the data on it.

The AI network was under the absolute control of Regis. Its virtual existence was completely dependent on Regis. There was a dormant microbot in his body which would activate as soon as he died physically and send a message to the parent AI of all the AI's of Kleeve Senatorial family, which would then send a self-destruction command to Regis' AI.

This AI network also grew stronger whenever it was fed with some information that was absent from its database. Even the parent AI could not access the data present in an AI network as long as the owner allowed it.

'Is it programmed to behave like a pet?' Regis looked at the tiny eagle sitting on his shoulder and thought.

At this moment, he had skipped an important piece of information or rather he thought that it did not matter much.

The entire general network was kept under strict surveillance by the four Human empires