The Commotion

While the group was running, Madeleine wasn't far behind, just arriving at the Back Alley."Espresso Cookie! Mochaccino Cookie! What on Earthbread have you both done? Why are your faces all over the Republic's bounty boards?! And Mochaccino Cookie's bounty is pretty high! I don't think I've come across an amount so high these recent years!" He questioned to himself.

"THIS WAY!" One of the soldiers shouted, running past Madeleine.

"Get them!" Another soldier demanded.

"Do not lose sight of them!" The third soldier growled.

"Huh?! But that armor...! Soldiers of House Custard?! All after Espresso Cookie?! He may be difficult at times, but he wouldn't harm anyone! At least, not on purpose! I must find out what happened!" Madeleine declared, starting to run again.


To Choco Mud Town everyone ran, trying their hardest to lose the soldiers. "This way, Black Raisin Cookie! Over here! Am I sure glad to see you! When did you get here?!" Gingerbrave asked, relieved.

"Pure Vanilla Cookie asked me to tail you from the shadows! To keep an eye on the Soul Jam! I've been keeping tabs on you since the Vanilla Kingdom!" Black Raisin replied, her voice being heard, but she was not present.

"And for the best, I might add. Are the crows keeping the Soul Jam safe?" Mochaccino asked, concerned.

"Don't worry about them. They're just as skilled in stealth and combat as I. They'll keep it safe!" Black Raisin assured.

"Keep running, you three! The guards are still on our tail!" Wildberry reminded, keeping an eye on the soldiers.

"Over there! It's Seaweed Cookie! Let us ask her for help!" Espresso shouted, seeing the seaweed-haired gravedigger.

"Espresso Cookie? You came to visit, just like you said! Wow, you've really changed, haven't you?" Seaweed Cookie chuckled, smiling a bit.

"Seaweed Cookie. We need to hide. Help us." Espresso requested, his tone serious. But, then it seemed to falter a bit. "But, it is good to see you as well."

"Still playing hide-n-seek after all these years? I spoke too soon. Maybe you haven't changed at all." Seaweed Cookie laughed, a little amused.

"Fan out! They're here somewhere!" A Custard soldier called out, getting their weapons at the ready.

"Search everywhere, even in the mud!" Another soldier demanded.

"Oh? Playing hide-n-seek with some very high stakes, I see..." Seaweed Cookie said, before noticing something. "Alright, get in the kelp tent! It should be large enough to keep ya hidden."

"Where are they?! They've gotta be around here somewhere!" The Custard soldiers questioned, looking around.

"Phew... What do we do now?" Gingerbrave whispered, worried.

"We must send word to the Pure Vanilla Cookie, who is currently at the Upper City. As well as the rest of the Ancient Heroes in the Vanilla Kingdom. They must be made aware of the situation and they alone may be able to provide a solution." Espresso whispered back, frowning.

"I've a few more crows at the ready. Should we write a letter and send it to the Vanilla Kingdom?" Black Raisin asked, a crow resting on her arm.

"The distance is too far for a crow... There must be another way..." Espresso pondered, thinking.

"Wait a minute, I can reach Pure Vanilla Cookie. Without the Soul Jam's power no longer at risk of being absorbed by me, I can fly over to him at full speed." Mochaccino whispered, a realization striking him.

"What are you waiting for, then?! Go!" Crunchy Chip urged, his voice barely a whisper.

"On it!" Mochaccino nodded, flying up and out of the tent, speeding away toward the Upper City without being seen, thanks to the foggy weather.

"What now? We need a plan." Wildberry whispered, his arms crossed.

"Hey, I hear voices! It's coming from that kelp tent!" A Custard soldier spoke, the other soldiers hearing him.

"Uh-oh! Looks like the game's up!" Seaweed gasped, now realizing how close the soldiers were.

"OH NO! We're doomed!" Gingerbrave quietly panicked, sweating a bit.

"Greetings, my fellow lawkeepers of truth and justice!" Madeleine approached the soldiers, interrupting the situation. "I, Madeleine Cookie, wish to ask of your current mission!"

"Ser Madeleine Cookie? A Paladin, here in the Lower City?" One of the soldiers asked, surprised.

"Ha ha! I see my reputation precedes me, as always! I am here for a stroll. I love to see and hear the ocean from this spot." Madeleine nodded, his tone cheery.

"I... see... But there are plenty of other places to observe the sea. Much more... civilized than here." The same soldier replied, raising a brow.

"Indeed, but this is the sea at its most honest! Dark and muddy, feet sinking below with every step. A perfect opportunity to adapt and overcome!" Madeleine insisted, his confidence slightly faltering a bit, though he tried to hide it.

"I... see... Very well, Ser Madeleine Cookie. Please excuse us. Our duties take us elsewhere." The soldier bowed, leaving.

"They aren't here! Let's look for them over there!" The other soldier called, pointing and leading others toward that reaction.

"Phew... They left! We got lucky Madeleine Cookie showed up!" Gingerbrave sighed, relieved.

"Did you see that? They didn't suspect Madeleine Cookie of anything!" Crunchy Chip said, impressed.

"HA HA HA! There's nothing my reputation, charm, and smile cannot solve! My charisma is... WAIT! This isn't the time for this!" Madeleine exclaimed, snapping out of his little moment and rushing toward the tent. "Espresso Cookie! What's going on? Why is there a bounty on your and Mochaccino Cookie's heads? What is this madness?!"

"Erm... That's erm... Mochaccino Cookie stole the Soul Jam! Well, kind of." Gingerbrave tried to explain.

"Please do not leave out crucial details... Elder Custard Cookie has made a move to monopolize the Soul Jam. He sent his soldiers to take the Soul Jam from Mochaccino Cookie while he was guarding it. Being the kind soul I have always known him to be, he took the Soul Jam and took off with it. That aside, we were discussing a method to send word to the Ancient Heroes." Espresso added, explaining the situation.

"I see. So then... what's the quickest way to send this message?" Madeleine asked, his brows furrowed.

"Mochaccino Cookie likely reached the Upper City already. He should be delivering the message to Pure Vanilla Cookie by now." Espresso replied, his arms crossed. "As for the other Ancient Heroes... Hmm... Ah? Madeleine Cookie. Didn't you mention, more than once I must say, something about your family owning an airship?"

"Our airship! YES! Our family owns our very own, private airship! Though not as grand as the airships of the Republic's fleet, it's quite formidable in its own right!" Madeleine nodded, grinning.

"Good. Can we send it to the Vanilla Kingdom?" Espresso questioned, ashamed that he had to ask Madeleine of all people, but he didn't really have any choice.

"I... Hmm... I don't know! Sending the family airship on an unsactions mission may brand House Madeleine as traitors... A blemish on my perfect reputation and renown..." Madeleine mumbled, worried and thinking.

"Madeleine Cookie. You are a Knight Commander of the Crème Republic. Your reputation as a just and righteous Paladin has earned you the highest of commendations." Espresso was internally not very happy to say this. "The Republic needs you to uphold justice once more."

"Hmm... Then let us depart for House Madeleine! On the double!" Madeleine decided, a smile on his face.


Meanwhile, with Mochaccino, he found Pure Vanilla easy enough, given the former's speed. "Pure Vanilla Cookie! I need to talk to you!" Mochaccino called, alerting the Vanillian king to his presence, landing nearby.

"Mochaccino Cookie? You look alarmed. What happened?" Pure Vanilla asked, a little surprised to see the scientist.

"Elder Custard Cookie has his soldiers hunting me and Espresso Cookie. He wants to monopolize and take control of the Soul Jam, for reasons I can tell are less than altruistic." Mochaccino replied, his eyes closed. "I had no other choice, and so I took the Soul Jam to protect them and everyone else. Black Raisin Cookie's crows have taken them somewhere safe. The others are hiding in Choco Mud Town."

"I see. Thank you for notifying me. And I'm relieved to know the Soul Jam is safe. You say it was Custard Cookie who was responsible for all of this?" Pure Vanilla asked, frowning now.

"Yes. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but if Espresso Cookie's warning he has given me not long ago is anything to go by, then I'm inclined to believe there is more to his actions than what he is letting on." Mochaccino answered, a hand under his chin.

"Then this is a serious matter. What do the others plan to do?" Pure Vanilla asked, his expression serious.

"They wanted to deliver a warning to the other Ancient Heroes. I was sent to alert you before I could hear how they planned to do so." Mochaccino replied, shaking his head. "But I have faith they must have some sort of a plan."

"And your faith was not misplaced, friend." Espresso, out of the blue, spoke, approaching the two. "We have managed to get out of Choco Mud Town thanks to... Ugh... Madeleine Cookie. I had no choice, I must admit, but he did manage to procure an airship from his family, and so we can deliver a letter to the rest of the Ancient Heroes."

"Has Madeleine Cookie actually obtained permission to use the airship?" Mochaccino asked, raising a brow.

"Not quite. Unfortunately, we will have to rely on his 'ability' to persuade others. Which will have to be enough, for now. We can worry about that later, however." Espresso frowned, crossing his arms.


Speaking of the Paladin, he had just arrived at Mansion Madeleine, announcing his presence to the guard. "Mother! Aunties! Is anyone here?" He called out, looking around.

"Madeleine Cookie, just in time! We're going on vacation to the Hollyberry Kingdom! Care to join us, nephew?" Madeleine's first auntie spoke, smiling as she walked over.

"I can't wait! All those tropical berries, the amazing desserts. Dancing in the Hollyberrian balls and festivals! And their spas are very famous too! The airship is all packed and ready! We have everything we'll need. All that's left is to board and set off!" Madeleine's second auntie beamed, her arms full of luggage.

"Aunties...! I have something important to tell you! The airship must go to the Vanilla Kingdom!" Madeleine pleaded, trying to convince his aunts.

"The Vanilla Kingdom? Our airship? Madeleine Cookie, is something going on?" Madeleine's third auntie asked, concerned.

"The Crème Republic is swept up in turmoil for the Soul Jam! The nefarious are trying to steal it and the power-hungry trying to monopolize it! And I've no idea where to start about what's happening in between!" Madeleine explained, trying his best to convince them. "But the Soul Jam does not belong to the Republic! They belong to the Ancient Heroes of the Ancient Kingdoms, no one else! Our family's airship must send a message to the Vanilla Kingdom and bring them here!"

"You speak bold words, my son. Words that many here will find controversial. What has brought you to such a conclusion?" Grand Madeleine asked, staring with a serious look.

"Mother... I have dedicated my life to our city, our home! My heart and soul have never doubted that the Crème Republic was the happiest and safest city on Earthbread! The weather was always fair. The Cookies of the Republic, smiling and content! Our city was blessed by the Divines themselves! But..." Madeleine's tone faltered a bit, before he shook his head, his brows furrowed. "I have seen the world and made friends, comrades from other kingdoms! Their culture and values differ from ours, which opened my eyes! Everything the Republic does in the name of peace and happiness cannot be the only solution! Nor was it always the correct solution. The Crème Republic remains my beloved and only home! Yet now I can see how flawed our ways may have been from an outsider's perspective! I cannot sit idly by and allow such turmoil to engulf our glorious city!"

"Madeleine Cookie. Your instinct is pure and you have every right to be your own Cookie." Grand Madeleine began, her expression prideful in her son. "You need not seek permission. If your conviction and determination are strong, then you must do what you think is right. Do not ever be ashamed of believing in yourself. That... is the path of a true Paladin of the Light."

"Welp! No complaints from me. Vacation may be canceled, but the airship's being used for a greater cause!" Madeleine's first auntie nodded, smiling a bit.

"Who said vacation was canceled? We can go by ship!" Madeleine's second auntie chirped, laughing a bit.

"Let us hurry and remove our baggage from the airship! We must make space quickly, no?" Madeleine's third auntie added.

"Mother... Aunties... My family! Where would I be without you...!" Madeleine thanked, a big grin on his face, his eyes a little wet from the tears forming.


As the day passed, Clotted Cream had returned to Mansion Custard, finishing up the last of his paperwork. As he was doing so, however, his door knocked, and in came Financier. "Consul, sir. May I have a moment of your time?" She asked, her tone polite as usual.

"Yes... The effort to create Pearl Candies preoccupies my mind. The researchers at the Institute have succeeded in creating many Pearl Candies within a short period of time. The soldiers of House Oyster will be ready to receive them soon." Clotted Cream replied, thinking out loud. "By this time tomorrow, we will have succeeded in creating a new army of the Crème Republic."

"I see." Financier replied, her tone implying that she had something important to say.

"Hmm...? Is there something on your mind, Ser Financier Cookie?" Clotted Cream questioned, finally noticing his guard's odd demeanor.

"There has been a... letter delivered for you, sir. The letter is from Light Cream Cookie." Financier explained, handing the letter to her superior.

"Ah. Just leave it there please. I will read it later when able." Clotted Cream dismissed, a sigh leaving his lips. Even though this was a letter from his mother, he was far too busy at the moment to deal with another matter.

"Consul. Permission to speak freely, sir?" Financier requested, receiving an approving nod from Clotted Cream. "...She cares for you deeply. Please do not dismiss someone who cares for your well-being the most. Especially if you share a doughline thicker than cream itself. Pure Vanilla Cookie has shared with me that he spoke with Light Cream Cookie. He recounted to me the sorrow and worry she holds for you. Apologies for speaking my mind for so long, sir. I take my leave."

"...Thicker than cream itself... Pure Vanilla Cookie spoke with my mother...? Hm..." Clotted Cream pondered, something in him wanting to read the letter. Financier had left, and it was just him.

Although he usually would put his work before his personal life, there was a nagging feeling that wouldn't leave him. Before he knew it, the letter was already open, and he was reading its contents.

"To my dear Clotted Cream,

My dearest, sweetest, and brightest. The greatest of joys and triumphs have been bestowed upon me in the form of you. Even though it has been time since we've met, the light of your smile never dims.

I have been talking with Pure Vanilla Cookie and Grand Madeleine Cookie. They had informed me that you have been working yourself to the core. I am worried that you have not been taking care of yourself. You have always been hardworking, and I am proud of you.

However, even the strongest Cookies need to rest. I have learned recently that just because we are far apart, and we seemingly cannot spend time with each other, doesn't mean that our bond will break.

I hope you are well. I pray for your safety. I cannot wait for the day we can finally reunite. May the Light of the Divine guide your way.

- Your mother, Light Cream Cookie."

"..." Clotted Cream sighed, folding the letter and placing it back into the envelope. He then placed the envelope inside his jacket's pocket. "I pray for that day, too... Mother."


Meanwhile, Gingerbrave, accompanied with others, arrived at the Convocation Chamber, ready to announce what had occurred with Custard's soldiers. "Financier Cookie! Hurry! Open up! Please let us in!" Gingerbrave pleaded, knocking on the door.

"What is the meaning of all this?!" Financier asked, a little confused at the sudden arrival.

"PHEW! We're on the run from House Custard's guards! We needed a place to hide... And we wanted to talk with Clotted Cream Cookie too!" Gingerbrave answered, panting.

"Gingerbrave? Crunchy Chip Cookie, Wildberry Cookie... And... Black Raisin Cookie? I am rather surprised to see you in the Crème Republic." Clotted Cream was just arriving, also a little surprised. "How may I aid you, my friends?"

"We are here as a delegation, not as friends." Wildberry replied, frowning a bit.

"I... pardon? What is it you wish to-" Clotted Cream tried to ask, before he was interrupted by Crunchy Chip.

"We got something to hash out with you! Right here, right now! Custard Cookie is trying to keep the Soul Jam all to himself! He even sicced his guards on us!" The Cream Wolf Captain declared, glaring.

"Ah. I was wondering what all the commotion was regarding." Clotted Cream spoke, nodding his head.

"Explain yourself." Wildberry demanded, his expression darkening, almost menacingly.

"It is true, my father is one who yearns for nothing but power. After seeing the Soul Jam, his greed may have reached new heights. With the power of Soul Jam, House Custard will be able to enter a new age of power and wealth... is what he is probably thinking." Clotted Cream sighed, a solemn expression on his face. "But his methods are much too crass. I apologize on his behalf."

"You must put an end to this mess." Black Raisin insisted, staring at the Consul with a serious look.

"Of course, at once. The Crème Republic has completed its research on the Soul Jam." Clotted Cream agreed, a determined expression on his face.

"Does that mean you've found a way to share the Soul Jam's power with other Cookies?" Gingerbrave questioned, amazed at the news.

"We were able to replicate the process to create Pearl Candies, mass-produced receptacles each containing a portion of Soul Jam's energy. With these, another grand result has been achieved. I will be announcing it at the Lyceum in just a few moments." Clotted Cream informed, gesturing to the building. "I am assuming Mochaccino Cookie is also aware of the situation?"

"Yeah, he's actually the one who took the Soul Jam away from the Custard soldiers. He went to warn Pure Vanilla Cookie about the entire thing." Gingerbrave replied, nodding.

"Good. If it is not a bother, notify them I wish to see them attend the assembly. As important factors of this event, they have a right to be there. Feel free to attend as well." Clotted Cream requested, dismissing them.

"You got it! Thanks, Clotted Cream Cookie!" Gingerbrave grinned, waving goodbye as he and the other left, leaving only Clotted Cream and Financier.

"I cannot believe father has mobilized soldiers to take the Soul Jam..." Clotted Cream sighed, frustrated a bit. "Has he lost his senses? Does he not realize that this could result in a diplomatic catastrophe? ...No. He is well aware of the potential problems that could arise. I suppose he simply gravely overestimated his power."

"Consul... I'm sorry you have to go through this." Financier apologized, feeling bad for the younger Cookie.

"Do not mention it. It is not a difficult problem. When it comes to matters concerning the Soul Jam or the Magic Candies here, in the Republic... I am the one in control. Not to mention that the preparations for the Pearl Legion are almost done." Clotted Cream spoke, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry, I'm not sure I follow." Financier confessed, tilting her head a bit.

"It means... that my dear father is no longer the Cookie in charge of House Custard. It's time for him to step back and obey my orders." Clotted Cream clarified, an intense sense of confidence and determination in his eyes.