Eldtritch Horror

Uzi, Thad, N, and Y/N started making their way back to the colony. Suddenly, a worker drone named Ron appeared from behind a large metal door, peering out to see who had arrived.

"Welcome back, Thad!" Ron exclaimed. He then turned his attention to Uzi and hesitated for a moment. "Uh, wait, isn't she grounded or something?"

Uzi let out an exasperated sigh. "Ugh, banished! Has my dad been saying I'm grounded?" She grumbled, clearly annoyed.

As Ron's gaze shifted, he noticed the presence of N and Y/N. His metal eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Genocide Robot? Nuclear Warhead Robot?" he asked, his voice laced with apprehension.

N shyly touched his fingertips together, while Y/N continued to hum a tune and mutter the lyrics under their breath, clearly lost in their own world of music. Despite Ron's question, they didn't seem to be paying attention at all.

N approached Ron with a small, trembling hand holding a colorful crayon drawing. The picture depicted a smiling robot surrounded by flowers and hearts, with the words "I'm sorry" scrawled in bold letters at the bottom.

Moved by the sincerity and cuteness of the drawing, Ron smiled and nodded understandingly. "Oh, alright, just don't do it again. Get in here, ya goobs!" He said, ushering the group inside.

N's eyes lit up as he saw Ron carefully hang up the drawing on the door, proud of his artistic creation.

Meanwhile, in the area where J's Absolute Solver had disposed of Tim and Frank, the scene had been turned into a crime scene investigation. The once pristine surroundings were now littered with debris and signs of struggle.

One of the worker drones on the scene grimaced in disgust. "Yeah, where's Khan? Because this looks, ahaha, ugh, non-ideal."

Sarah, another worker drone, responded with a hint of annoyance. "Parent-Teacher Conference. Something about his daughter being more important than building a door in this hallway. Ugh, kind of cringe."

The first worker drone's face turned green with nausea. "Ew. Oh, give me a minute..." He paused to control his gag reflex. "Ah, yep, okay, almost threw up."

As Uzi, Y/N, Thad, and N eavesdropped on the conversation, N whispered to Uzi, "Are you good?"

"I'm good. Stop asking!" Uzi snapped, pushing N away and motioning for the group to follow her as they tried to sneak past the investigators.

Sarah turned to her partner, "Any forensic evidence over there? Do we have any fingerprints?"

As the investigators searched for clues, a sudden realization dawned on Sarah. She gasped in horror as the holographic projection around them flickered and dissipated, revealing the ominous form of J's Absolute Solver crawling menacingly towards them.

The screen faded to black before revealing a series of flashbacks that provided a stark contrast to Khan's earlier boasts about Uzi's supposed supernatural understanding of doors. The montage began with Mr. Riley, Uzi's teacher, attempting to get her to sit normally during class.

"Uzi, please sit normally,. Mr. Riley said, his voice calm but stern.

Uzi, who was squatting on her desk, glared at the teacher. "Bite me!" She spat.

The scene then shifted to another memory. Mr. Riley was addressing Uzi once again, this time with a more serious tone.

"Uzi, give Braden back his sentience." He said, his monotone voice echoing in the classroom.

Braden, who was being controlled by Uzi, replied, "Bite m-" before pointing to Uzi's unconscious body. "Her! I started it, and also I'm dumb!" He added, just before his head burst into flames.

In the final flashback, Mr. Riley was attempting to pair Uzi up with another student for a project. "Uzi, you have to partner up." He said, his voice exasperated.

"Several people wanted to, for the record." Uzi lied.

"No, we didn't. You freak us out." Lizzy interjected from the background.

"But mostly, bite me!" Uzi yelled from inside a trashcan, her voice muffled by the metal container.

Lizzy and Doll huddled in the back of the classroom, exchanging nervous glances as Khan ranted and raved. Finally, Lizzy turned to Doll and asked, "Where are your folks?"

Doll's eyes clouded over with memories as she slipped into Russian. "Мертвые. Я смотрела как они умирали." She replied softly, her voice heavy with grief, which translated to: "Dead. I watched them die."

Lizzy stared at her in confusion for a moment before realizing what had happened. "That was the joke, idiot?" She exclaimed, her tone laced with sarcasm.

As they spoke, they heard a knocking at the door. Both of them turned to see a hologram of Lizzy outside the window, her face etched with concern.

"That girl is..." Lizzy began, her voice trailing off as her expression shifted to one of admiration. "Gorgeous, right!? I'm gonna let her in." She declared, springing to her feet and moving to open the door.

But Doll stretched out a hand to stop her, a look of apprehension on her face. Something about the hologram didn't sit right with her, and she didn't want to take any chances.

The scene cut abruptly to Uzi, N, Y/N, and Thad stood in the center of a dimly lit room, surrounded by the wreckage of their recent battle with V and J.

Uzi's gaze lingered on the broken parts of J's robot body, turning toward N. "You guys... do that often?" She asked, pointing at the scattered debris.

N shook his head, a look of concern etched on his face. "Haha, no. I'm very concerned, but also pretty frightened a little bit." He admitted.

Thad interrupted the tense moment with a question. "Hey, Uzi! What's this thing?" He asked, pointing to a sign on the wall that read "Absolute Solver". Next to it was a strange symbol that caught their attention.

N's eyes widened as he recognized the symbol. "Hey, isn't that your special eye?" He asked Uzi.

Uzi grimaced at the mention of her eye, then turned to examine the sign more closely. "Don't call it that!" She protested. "'Absolute Solver'? 'Reboot'? Does this have something to do with how you grew your head back?" She asked N, referring to yesterday's incident with the railgun.

N looked embarrassed, averting his eyes from Uzi's gaze. "Eheehee... I actively avoid unpacking how that works." He admitted.

Uzi began to theorize, speaking quickly and urgently. "New material can't be pulled from thin air. If the wound is severe enough, this 'Solver' might be some sort of auto run program to collect more matte-" She was interrupted as N placed his hand over her mouth, signaling for her to be quiet.

Suddenly, the group heard a rustling noise, followed by a hand emerging from the darkness and grabbing onto Thad's leg. N immediately fired his missile cannon, illuminating the area and revealing a shadowy figure pulling Thad up. The situation had gone from tense to terrifying in seconds.

As Thad was dangling in the air, the tension in the room grew palpable. Suddenly, a glint of silver caught his eye as a shuriken N had thrown swooped in and sliced the cable apart, freeing him from the grasp of the entity's claw.

"I want a freaking ninja star!" Uzi exclaimed, her exhilaration causing her to momentarily forget the danger they were in.

However, their relief was short-lived as the entity's wrath turned towards Uzi and N, throwing them against the wall with incredible force.

As Thad struggled to free himself, Y/N suddenly emerged from their music-induced trance and sprang into action, firing a laser that sliced through the entity's claw, freeing him from its grasp. Thad couldn't help but feel grateful as he looked at Y/N, who had once again come to his aid.

"Life savers again! Thanks! Super invited to my shindig next weekend!" Thad said, his voice filled with gratitude. Uzi and N squealed with delight at the invitation, thrilled to be included in Thad's upcoming party.

With the danger momentarily averted, Uzi couldn't help but suggest a celebration "So...Chainsaw hand time to celebrate?" She asked, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Yeah, cool, cool." N said, his hands morphing into chainsaws.

Y/N, always eager to join in the fun, asked, "What weapon should I use?"

Thad grinned and said, "Ooh! Use that minigun from earlier!"

Nodding in agreement, Y/N's right hand morphed into the massive weapon, ready for whatever danger may come their way next.

As they fled down the dimly lit hallway, N, Uzi, Thad, and Y/N couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. They stopped in their tracks as they entered a room, only to find themselves confronted by a maze of cameras that behaved like eyes, all connected to a mess of wires.

Suddenly, a female-like voice spoke out from the maze of wires, addressing them mockingly. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the traitor, rebel, filler character, and atomic bomb." It sneered, referring to N, Uzi, Thad, and Y/N, respectively.

"What's with the voice, J?" Uzi asked, her tone laced with suspicion.

"Oh, J's not here. We are trying to repair that host as per our directive." The Absolute Solver replied.

"So, you ARE a program?" Uzi questioned, her fear rising.

"More like you are our cute puppets. It hurts our feelings you don't remember us." The Absolute Solver replied as it created a hologram of Nori, Uzi's mother.

"N...?" Uzi's voice trailed off as she frantically looked around, realizing that N had vanished. "What's with the mom hologram...?"

"Easier to assimilate than explain." The Absolute Solver replied, its voice dripping with malice.

"Not happening," Uzi replied, her voice rebellious. "Y/N, blast that thing!" But to her horror, Y/N and Thad had been nothing but holograms this whole time. Uzi was alone.

"Fair, but poor choice. Now we will have to do something shocking," the Absolute Solver said, as it pulled out a clone of Khan, Uzi's father.

"Woah! Hey!" Uzi panicked, reaching out her hand to try to save her dad.

"Goodbye, dad." The Absolute Solver mockingly said as it ripped Khan's robotic body in half, feeding on his remains and the oil he let out.

"What...?" Uzi whispered, her voice trembling with shock and disbelief.

The Solver had charged towards her, its deadly claws poised to strike, when suddenly a missile fired by N and a hail of bullets from Y/N rained down upon it, saving her life.

But Uzi had little time to process what had just happened, as N's urgent voice echoed in her ears, "UZI SHOOT! OR GIVE IT TO ME!" N yelled, as he and Y/N kept firing. "UZI! YOU GOOD?!"

"...No." Uzi answered, as the Absolute Solver came her way quickly. She handed the railgun to N, but came to realize both him and Y/N were just copies.

N's clone, with its nanite acid tail, stabbed the railgun, and as N and Y/N disappeared, Uzi realized with horror that they were just holograms, and the Solver was still very much alive and dangerous.

She tried to defend herself, but one of the Solver's claws sliced through her right arm, severing it from her body. The pain was unbearable, and Uzi screamed out in agony as she clutched her leaking, metal arm.

"AAAAAAGH!" Uzi screamed, clutching her oiling stump as the black liquid leaked from her arm.

The Absolute Solver chuckled cruelly, enjoying Uzi's pain and helplessness. "Pranked, idiot. You big stupid. Lucky for you, it's snack time. Time to go into my mouth now." It taunted, picking up Uzi and lowering her towards its gaping jaws.

Just as the Solver was about to consume Uzi, two figures suddenly burst onto the scene, causing chaos and confusion. It took Uzi a moment to realize that it was N and Y/N, the real ones this time, who had come to her rescue. N engaged in a fierce battle with the Solver, while Y/N quickly led Uzi to a safer spot.

As the fight intensified, the railgun began to glow red, its power surging and threatening to explode. Noticing this, N got out of the way. Suddenly, the railgun self-destructed, unleashing a massive blast that obliterated the Solver and everything in its path.

But just as they thought it was over, the Solver reappeared, trying to escape. "Sneaky sneaky. Sneaking away. Get snuck upon." The Solver taunted, only to be met with a vicious stab from N's tail.

"Ow." As N repeatedly stabbed the Solver, it began to shrink and deform, until it finally collapsed into a miniature black hole and floated away.

As the commotion died down, N tried to help Uzi to her feet, but she recoiled in fear and pain, barely able to speak. She was confused and disoriented, now having a newfound distrust in N.

"Don't touch me..." Uzi whispered, holding her remaining arm close to her chest. "What... are you things...?"

Feeling hurt by her mistrust, N fled the scene, leaving Y/N to find a way to help Uzi before it was too late.

With no other options, Y/N made a bold and selfless decision. Uzi watched as they created a chainsaw hand on their left arm and chopped off their own right arm, with little reaction to the pain of doing so. "Hope this works..."

Y/N quickly attached their severed arm to Uzi's stump. At first, the latter felt a strange tingling sensation all over her body, like tiny ants crawling all over her metal skin. But then, something incredible happened.

Y/N's nanobots began to multiply and build a new battery inside Uzi, and her oil began to turn a shade of green. In just a few seconds, her robotic arm had been fully restored, and her entire body was glowing with a new, powerful energy.

"What...the...?" Uzi asked, her eyes widened in amazement as she realized what had happened. Her oil had been transformed into uranium fuel, the same kind that Y/N used to power their own body.

She felt stronger and more energized than she ever had before, her hair turning a deep shade of green, and her eyes shifting to a neon green to match her newfound power.

As she stood up, feeling renewed and alive, Uzi couldn't help but wonder what other secrets and powers she might possess. For the first time in a long time, she felt like she could take on the world and come out victorious.

"Uzi, how do you feel?" Y/N asked, looking at her with wonder and anticipation. With their own arm now fully regenerated, Y/N was eager to hear the answer.

"I... I feel..." Uzi paused, trying to process what had happened to her. Her eyes widened in surprise as she tried to find the right words to describe the incredible sensation she was experiencing. "Freakin' AWESOME!" She exclaimed, her smile growing wider by the second.

Her excitement was palpable, and it filled the room with a sense of joy and wonder. But it didn't last long, as Khan, Uzi's father, along with a few other worker drones, had entered the room. Uzi regained a bit of her senses and staggered as she walked towards him.

"Uzi? What are you doing? What happened to you? Why do you look-?" Khan was cut short by Uzi suddenly hugging him tightly, as he silently returned the hug, gesturing for his men to scour the area.

Khan looked up and saw Y/N approaching. "Sir, your daughter has helped me escape from the confinement I was being kept in. I returned the favor by severing my arm and transferring it to your daughter."

"I've already regenerated it, so there's no need for concern. As for the reason behind Uzi's changed appearance, I believe the nanobots inside her have transformed her oil into uranium, which now makes her an Atomizer Drone, just like me." Y/N explained.

Khan's eyes widened in shock and amazement. He had never heard of anything like this before. "As far as it should concern you, there won't be any changes towards her personality or how she acts. Possibly. However, her body will begin changing in form and function by morning. The nanobots will modify her old body with a new one, and she'll gain the features I possess." Y/N finished.

"I see... Then, thank you, Y/N. I'm in your debt." Khan said, smiling at Y/N.

"No, your daughter was the one to set me free, and gave me purpose. For the time being, I can't tell you what that purpose is, but I promise, you'll know when the time comes. She gave me life, and I saved hers, that's one paid debt. Now, to repay the one where she gave me a goal to follow, I will do so by accomplishing that goal." Y/N humbly said, their loyalty for Uzi dhowing through

Khan nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude and respect towards Y/N. He knew that his daughter had a special connection with this strange new drone, and he trusted that she knew what she was doing.

The flashback takes us to a dimly lit hallway, where Lizzy walks slowly towards a door. As she gets closer, she sees a shadowy figure through the glass panel, and realizes it's a copy of herself.

Lizzy's heart races with curiosity and fear as she reaches out to open the door. Just as she's about to touch the handle, Doll used her powers to compress the door to prevent the former from opening it.

Lizzy jumped back in surprise. "Jesus, sorry, industrial strength ghost or whatever. Settle." She muttered, trying to shake off the shock.

The scene shifts back to the present, where Doll is alone in a dark classroom, staring at a photograph. The black and white image is old and faded, but the figure in the picture is unmistakable - it's V.

As a robotic roach crawls onto the photo, Doll's right eye transforms, and she concentrates her powers on it. With a wave of her hand, the insect explodes into a splash of oil, which Doll licks off her face.

Meanwhile, back at the Corpse House, V and N are having a tense conversation. V was still chained to her chair. "I hate your personality normally, but this is somehow worse. What am I being punished for?" She demands, frustration etched on her face.

N looks away, unable to meet V's gaze. He knows he's messed up, and the guilt was eating him alive. He can't even find the words to explain what happened earlier, and the silence between them is heavy with unspoken regret.

V's expression softens as she notices that her chain is broken. She quickly hides it from N's view, crosseing her arms and looking away, trying to find some inner calm.

The scene cuts again, this time to Uzi's room. She was lying on her bed, staring up at a complex web of theories and equations on the ceiling. She's been obsessing over the Absolute Solver program for weeks now, and her mind is filled with questions and doubts.

Y/N is sleeping on the floor beside her bed, listening to music on an old MP3 player. Thad had given it to them as a gift, and Y/N had been fascinated by the tiny device ever since. Soon enough, they both drifted to sleep, uncertain of what tomorrow would bring.