She Is A SLUT!

"Wow, congratulations. What a lovely couple I see here. Couple that dwell in lies" Sadie's voice came crankily.

Some belly cramped, some suppressed a shiver and the bold ones stood tall, the hall went cold and could be said to be filled with dread.

"Who dares put asunder!" Raymond's voice roared, fist clenched thinking Pedro planned to send a mad woman to stop the wedding because right now, Sadie was completely dressed like a mad woman.

The priest at this moment was lost for words, but watching keenly at one end was Jefferson trying to remember where he had seen the face of that woman approaching.

Yes, he was certain he had seen that face somewhere, but all his efforts were futile now because he couldn't pinpoint where exactly he'd seen her, however, he wasn't after her right now. He was pleased with her behaviour and the outcome of the event because, based on current circumstances, this marriage would not be a complete success.