Loan-shark problem

Chu Ying watched her husband leave for work and smiled. Even though her family didn't possess a plentiful amount of money to spend, they all met the ends, sufficient for an average ordinary family.

Humming a popular pop song she heard on the television, she washed the dishes and prepared lunch. Her daughter was helping some of her works and Chu Ying was very relieved to see this scene.

She heard a door knock and was perplexed about who could be visiting the house at the moment. She thought it might be her neighbor.

Since her husband and the man next door worked at the same company, the relationship between the wives became closer.

With a smile, she walked to the door and was about to open, when a harsher thud slammed the door.

"Who's it?" She asked—the visitors' intention must have no good and she refused to open the door. It should never be the wife's style next door.

Hurried knockings halted.