Oh no! Ling Qingyu panicked

Not minding Yang Qingyue's behavior, Ling Qingyu continued twirling her weapon. She wasn't too affected by the inability to breathe. Hard and harsh training in the past had perfected and enhanced Ling Qingyu's figure and physique. In addition, her strength had mysteriously increased these days five times the mortal's existence. 

Holding breath for 5 minutes seemed painless to her anyway. When Yang Qingyue finally twitched, Ling Qingyu had a chance to take in vital air from around. She hopped on top and continued kissing the disarrayed policewoman.

Afterward, Ling Qingyu proceeded to the main dish as soon as she discovered Yang Qingyue had regained consciousness. 

"Gosh! I never thought this weird sensation turned out to be so good," murmured Yang Qingyue as she noticed Ling Qingyu playing with her body. "What are you doing?"

"We still have yet to take the final step," said Ling Qingyu as she waved her two fingers.