
After some time, the woman began to tell her story and Ling Qingyu expressed silence throughout her speech. She didn't frown nor ostracize the woman's behavior after having chided enough, pointing at the child before.

Listening to the woman's account, Ling Qingyu's mind went back and muttered, as expected. The story was nothing new, a common one.

A scumbag seduced and cheated his wife's only wealth and belonging then left behind. Well, although the woman wasn't his wife in this scenario, the difference didn't matter.

Ling Qingyu removed the helmets and leaned against the steel rail and concrete blocks. Her shoulder touching the woman's, as she patted the thigh.

In the name of love, people dared to commit crimes. Ling Qingyu didn't blame the woman's for her carelessness and innocence, believing other's words.