
"What?! When?" Gu Yi blurted, her questions coming in a rapid stream. "How do you know the Qin family was behind it?"

"You think it's a coincidence that I suffered an accident that nearly killed me?" Ling Qingyu responded flatly. "I'd assume everyone already knows my accident has darker reasons. How is it that you don't?"

"It's not that I don't know," Gu Yi replied sharply. "Shouldn't the culprit be the Tiger Gang, the one your Spirit Fox eradicated? Don't think I'm unaware of why you focused on them so ruthlessly."

Gu Yi had her sources. She knew how Ling Qingyu had boldly attacked the Tiger Gang's enterprises, using Spirit Fox as a military tool to crush their power base. While the operation was conducted under the guise of justice, there were clearly vested interests at play.