The Blue Block!

At night, the streets of Konoha, have a special atmosphere. It feels calm and mysterious. The lights are dim, and there's a soft glow from lanterns and streetlights. The village looks magical with shadows and the gentle breeze rustling the leaves. Sometimes, ninja patrol the streets quietly. Walking through the streets at night lets you see the village in a new way, with the moonlight making everything look peaceful and beautiful.

On the other hand was Ren, while normally calm and collected, he was anything but so at the moment, at first the boxes floating above everyone's head were annoying to him, he could see everyone's names...

And then it hit him, he could see everyone's names, every single person had a name floating above their head, so Ren lounged around listening to the conversation happening around him.





As he realized that every name he could hear was correct, the plan to go to the hospital was swiftly abandoned by Ren as he leaned against the wall. The testing continued deeper into the night, after walking back and forth a couple of times, Ren spent almost a couple of hours verifying all he could about the authenticity of names.

While it wasn't an A=B and B=C so A=C situation, that logic could be applied here as well. If the names that were floating above people were correct then that could mean that whatever the boxes were saying was correct too. Highly doubtful, but possibly correct.

As Ren closed the door to his apartment, he was greeted with the sight of a disorganized and cluttered living room, at the side there was a shoe rack with a bunch of sandals lying around it. The living area was littered with clothes strewn across the furniture and floor, with one clear designated seating area that wasn't covered with any wearables. Empty food containers and dirty dishes were scattered around his kitchen which was visible at the side of the living room.

Ren ignored the mess and he went through the living room into his bedroom, his bedroom was clear, or at least it appeared so, Ren wanted to take a bath but right now his focus was on something else. He flung himself onto the bed and focused on the message that has been in front of him for a while now. It was mildly irritating at first but then Ren got used to it.


[Quest Cleared]

[+20 EXP {Collect}]


With no other option, he clicked Collect and the block blinked out again, a little frustrated at not having enough context, he didn't have to wait long as a new 'Quest' replaced the previous one.


[Tutorial II]

[Follow along the instructions to know more about this new power of yours, is it more than just an ability to know things, or see people's names hovering over their heads, or perhaps learning more about yourself.]

[Think the words, 'Attributes']


[EXP +20]


This time Ren was prepared for the now continuously blinking light in front of him, a new block replaced the old one as Ren strapped in for a read, as this was a long one.



[Your attributes quantify your strengths and weaknesses. Currently, there are six attributes and one special attribute. The most common way for your stats or 'attributes' to increase is by leveling up, each level up gives you an increment of 1 stat point in every stat in addition to gaining 5 attribute points. You can manage these points by adding them manually at your own discretion. Another way to increase your attributes is by training or performing certain tasks. An example would be physical training, which depending on what is being done will increase your Vitality, Dexterity, or Strength.]

|Important Warning!|

[Be forewarned, if a single attribute exceeds the VIT attribute by more than two and a half times its amount, it will begin to have a negative effect on the body. This can usually be rectified or at least be managed by increasing your VIT attributes, not always though depending on circumstances.]


[Strength (STR):]

[The Strength attribute determines the person's overall physical power. This attribute affects the amount of damage a person can inflict on another with taijutsu, bladed, or blunt objects. It also affects a person's ability to reduce damage when blocking and affects the amount of weight they can lift, or throw. It's a very important stat when one's fighting style is focused on using heavy weapons or brute force.]

[Vitality (VIT):]

[The Vitality, also known as the Vigor attribute, determines a person's overall resistance. This attribute also affects a person's ability to regenerate from wounds in and outside of combat. This stat also determines your body's ability to resist special types of damage from things such as poison, bleeding, paralysis, burns, etc.]

[Endurance (END):]

[The Endurance attribute determines a person's overall stamina, which affects how long you can fight or perform some form of activity. Similar to Vitality and Strength this attribute also plays a role in your resistance to attacks by increasing your natural defense when not wearing any protection and when blocking an attack.

[20 END & 20 STR & 20 VIT = 1 Defense]

[Dexterity (DEX)]

[The Dexterity attribute determines the person's overall movement. This attribute affects a person's accuracy, evasion, speed, and ability to land critical strikes on an opponent in close, mid, and long-range combat. Dexterity also plays a major role in pickpocketing, stealth, use of weaponry, and the ability to dual-wield properly.]

[Intelligence (INT):]

[The Intelligence attribute determines the person's overall ability to think quickly, learn, memorize, and retain information. This attribute affects one's ability to properly control and mold their chakra. It also enables one to perform a technique with the smallest amount of chakra necessary while still achieving the desired results. Intelligence also affects one's ability to learn and develop certain skills such as Genjutsu and Medical Ninjutsu along with successfully enabling new variations of certain techniques to be created as well as defending from mental attacks. Warning! if CHA>INT then your chakra control would start dropping.]

[Chakra (CHA):]

[The chakra stat simply indicates the amount of chakra a character possesses and their capacity to use chakra-based abilities. A higher chakra stat typically means that the character has a larger pool of chakra to draw from and can perform more powerful techniques or sustain them for longer durations. A higher chakra stat also means that someone has a higher rate of chakra regeneration. Each individual has a different coefficient that when multiplied with the CHA stat gives their total chakra points and chakra pool.

|Important Warning!|

The CHA stat is the only stat that is dependent on your age and chakra control, for every 10% control you have, your CHA stat increases by 1 every month until age 18.]


Ren read everything carefully, the possibilities that he was reading both excited and terrified him, according to the blocks he could increase the amount of chakra he possessed by simply allocating his spare attribute points to the CHA stat.

'Status' Ren thought and a familiar block superimposed itself on the description block. He looked carefully at the attribute points and sure enough, he had 20 spare ones. He hesitated once before he simply dumped 10 points into the CHA stat. Ren felt a sudden flood of chakra entering his system, he felt a strange rush for a few seconds but it left him wide-eyed staring at his status block.


'...what the fuck just happened.'


AN- So how you doing!