Rookie of the Year?!

{Training ground, Konoha Academy, Konohagakure}

{1st day of Class}

{3rd Person POV}


"...allowing another team to flank thus ending the successful defense..." Iruka looked around the class, Shikamaru and Naruto were sleeping he wanted to shout at them but then decided against it.

"The results of today's preliminary exam are posted on the notice board outside the class, the grades would be counted towards the final ranking-" Iruka couldn't finish his sentence as Naruto rushed out of the class, most of the students also stood up ready to leave so he just gave up on explaining the situation.

Ren stayed in his place, and as soon as Iruka spoke about the examination a new quest appeared in front of him.



[Rookie of the Year!]

[The "Rookie of the Year" refers to the ninja who showed exceptional skill and potential among their peers during their days in the academy. The title is mainly granted to the student with the highest marks in their final year of the Academy.]

[Main Quest: Get the Highest cumulative marks in the graduation exam.]

[Side Quest I: Get the Highest marks in the written portion of the graduation exam.]

[Side Quest II: Get the Highest marks in the accuracy portion of the graduation exam.]

[Side Quest III: Get the Highest marks in the Taijutsu portion of the graduation exam.]

[Side Quest IV: Get the Highest marks in the Ninjutsu portion of the graduation exam.]

[Hidden Quest: ???]


[Main Quest: [Rookie of the Year] Title, +10,000 EXP]

[Side Quest I: Gain Perk: [Enhanced Focus], Gain {Chakra Scalpel Jutsu}, +5000 EXP, +100 Reputation [Iruka], +100 Reputation [Rookie 9]]

[Side Quest II: Gain Perk: [Dead eye], Gain {Advanced Shurikenjutsu Skill Scroll}, +5000 EXP,+100 Reputation [Iruka], +100 Reputation [Rookie 9]]

[Side Quest III: Gain Perk: [Hard Worker], Gain {Advanced Academy Taijutsu Skill Scroll}, +5000 EXP, +100 Reputation [Iruka], +100 Reputation [Rookie 9]]

[Side Quest IV: Gain Perk: [Greater Chakra Control], Gain {Shunshin no Jutsu Skill Scroll}, +5000 EXP, +100 Reputation [Iruka], +100 Reputation [Rookie 9]]

[Hidden Quest: ???.]

[Failure: +1000 EXP]

{This is a unique quest and is Mandatory}


There was a lot of information contained in the block in front of him, at least he could rest assured with the knowledge that he could get the Rookie of the Year title. It was his obsession, the reason why he dared to challenge the undisputed genius.

'At least that helped me get the highest marks in the written exam, I need to check on the Mystical Palm Jutsu and the Fuinjutsu skill scroll later.'

The day has been a roller coaster for him, as the class emptied out slowly the blond sitting beside him started to stand out once again. After a brief moment, he turned to her and gave her the best stoic look that he could.

"Heh..." Ren didn't know what was going through Yamanaka's head but with one last smile she hopped off her seat and walked away, there were some sounds of exclamation coming from outside the class but Ren figured that must have something to do with the rankings.

'I'll look at the rankings later, I know what to do anyway,' Ren thought as he left the class and went straight for the exit. The training grounds that the academy students were allowed to use were a little closer to the village so it took him around 5 minutes to reach there.

There were just a couple of people practicing their throwing technique so Ren decided to work on his form and Taijutsu.

'At least bowl head isn't here anymore so that's a plus, though I heard he passed the test...' Ren stopped thinking about the weird eyebrows. He jumped a little bit, getting the blood flowing before he took the standard academy taijutsu stance again. There were some additional katas in the intermediate version of the taijutsu style so he went through the whole process to get himself familiar with the process.

'During my fight with Sasuke, I relied mostly on instincts and my speed advantage to get him by surprise, now I need to focus on making the small amount of muscle memory that I miraculously gained by whatever the hell the skill scroll was and turn grind it till the motion is instinctively familiar with me.'

Ren was being a bit harsh but he knew his counterattack was a bit jerky against Sasuke in the spar earlier, otherwise, he should have been able to get a few hits in during the perfectly timed counterattacks.


"Pant... Pant..."

Ren was lying on the grass as he watched the sunset, it was getting late into the night and he just finished running 50 laps around the whole training ground. Physical conditioning was a lot harder when he had leg weights on but he was slowly getting used to the 5 kg leg warmers.

'I better add another slab in before tomorrow, if everything goes according to last year's schedule, then the whole week we'll have lectures on the third World War and the Fourth Hokage along with throwing practice.'

Ren pulled himself up by using his abdominal muscles, something like a crunch, he looked at the setting sun once again as he stood up and walked back towards the village, along the way he snatched a few leaves from a tree and stuck them at various places on his hand.

'I need to get this exercise quick, if my control falls down more after another enhancement in CHA stat, I may not even be able to do the basic 3.'

Ren opened the block and looked at the leaf-sticking exercise once again, if this skill wasn't giving him a boost of 8% control then Ren's chakra control would be around 17%. He still remembered how much of a pain it was to grind the skill up when his chakra control was shot because he dumped 10 points into CHA stat.



[Skill learned {Leaf Sticking Exercise}]

[Leaf Sticking Exercise: Lvl 4 (43.73% to Next Lvl)]

[The most basic form of chakra control methods, this skill allows the user to better control their chakra.]

[Uses 10 CP per minute]

[+2% to chakra control per level.]


'I need to find ways to increase the INT stat, reading my academy books didn't work though I gave up halfway because I was bored...'


AN- I'm thinking only new knowledge regarding Chakra and Jutsus increases INT stat?